Almost 1 in 5 Households Will Celebrate Thanksgiving 2014 on Food Stamps
Welcome to Obama’s 2014 Thanksgiving for America. As reported at CNS News, nearly one in five U.S. households will celebrate Thanksgiving on food stamps this year, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on participation in the Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program. Don’t worry though, the Obama’s wont go without, let them eat cake pie.
They don’t call him the Food Stamp president for nothing. But then again, he likes a government dependent class of people.
As of this August, according to the most recent data released by USDA, there were 22,729,389 households on food stamps. That equaled 19.75 percent of 115,048,000 households in the country at that time.
In each of the two previous fiscal years, the percentage of American households on food stamps in the average was near 20 percent, hitting 19.4 percent in 2012, 20.4 percent in 2013.
As of August, according to the Department of Agriculture, there were 46,484,828 individuals in the food stamp program.
One in Four Americans Between the Ages of 25 – 54 Not Working
From The Weekly Standard comes the following … 1 in 4 Americans betwwen the ages of 25 and 54 are not working. Add this to the record number of Americans on food stamps and claiming disabilities. And then there is black unemployment that is soaring. Of course this is how you create a dependent government class of people, make the welfare state their only source of income. It is disgusting how this government gets in the way of business. If it is not a business they approve of, they will squash it.
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.
Here’s a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million) and those who aren’t (28.9 million):
“There are 124.5 million Americans in their prime working years (ages 25–54). Nearly one-quarter of this group—28.9 million people, or 23.2 percent of the total—is not currently employed. They either became so discouraged that they left the labor force entirely, or they are in the labor force but unemployed. This group of non-employed individuals is more than 3.5 million larger than before the recession began in 2007,” writes the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee.
Posted September 26, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Disability, Economy, Food Stamps, Jobs, Nanny State - Big Government, Tyranny, Unemployment, Welfare State | 2 comments |
Michelle Obama and the Cupcake Police Put an End to School Fundraiser Bake Sales
Could Liberals just stay the hell out of our lives?
Now bake sales for school fundraiser are public enemy number one for liberals. Thanks to the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by first lady Michelle Obama, school kids will no longer be able to have cupcake bake sales to raise money. Thanks Michelle, because apples, celery and carrot sticks are not quite the money makers as brownies, cookies and cupcakes. So what does Michelle Obama have against school children raising money for school trips or band and athletic equipment?
Good grief, what ever happened to the America I grew up in where kids could have a bake sale to raise money for their class trip right after playing a game of dodge-ball?
Maybe Michelle should start with you own husband first?
But the sales won’t be so sweet starting this fall. Campus bake sales—a mainstay of school fundraisers—are going on a diet. A federal law that aims to curb childhood obesity means that, in dozens of states, bake sales must adhere to nutrition requirements that could replace cupcakes and brownies with fruit cups and granola bars.
Jeff Ellsworth, principal of the kindergarten through eighth-grade school in Chapman, Neb., isn’t quite sure how to break the news to the kids. “The chocolate bars are a big seller,” said Mr. Ellsworth.
The restrictions that took effect in July stem from the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by first lady Michelle Obama and her “Let’s Move!” campaign. The law overhauled nutrition standards affecting more than 30 million children. Among the changes: fatty french fries were out, while baked sweet potato fries were deemed to be fine.
The law also required the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set standards for all food and beverages sold during the school day, which includes vending machines, snack carts and daytime fundraisers. It allowed for “infrequent” fundraisers, and states were allowed to decide how many bake sales they would have that didn’t meet nutrition standards.
Protest Against Illegal Immigration in the Liberal State of Massachusetts … SEND THEM HOME!!!
If you think that protests against illegals being allowed into the United States is just a Red state, Republican issue, think again. Rallies across America are happening, including in states like Massachusetts. It would appear that people in the Bay State have awoke and are protesting. Enough is enough, Americans must stand up and stop this lawless president.
Join Jeff at the Stop the Invasion Rally!
Join Jeff Kuhner for a major rally to protest Governor Deval Patrick’s plan to house illegal aliens from Central America in Massachusetts. The rally takes place Saturday, July 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the steps of the State House on Beacon Hill across from the Boston Common.
VIDEO – Boston Herald
Interestingly enough, The Right Scoop has more video (see below) of a portion of the speech where radio host Jeff Kuhner welcomed Hispanics and legal immigrants, and the audience applauded. Much of the media, Barack Obama and Democrat politicians want to depict anyone who would protest illegals as racists. However, that is not the case, We the People, that includes men, women and children of all nationalities who are LEGAL American citizens are protesting.
Nancy Peosi (D-CA) Says After Tour of Humanitarian Crisis on US-Mexico Southern Border …”We are all Americans” … “Not a Crisis But an Opportunity”
UM, who was it that caused this humanitarian crisis on the US-Mexican border by not enforcing US immigration policy?
House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held a press conference after her tour of the humanitarian crisis of thousands unaccompanied minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border and called it a “humanitarian opportunity”. HUH? Of course that was after she commented that “We are all Americans”. Which sadly is the real reason why San Fran Nan cares at all about this situation on the border … turning a crisis into an opportunity and making thousands of “unaccompanied children” US citizens and government dependent Democrat voters.
We have to ask ourselves, why did this happen under the Obama administration at this time? What else would folks think from South American countries when you do not enforce United States immigration policy?
Let’s make this an opportunity to crate future government dependent Democrat voters
Pelosi explained, “We are all Americans — north and south in this hemisphere,” and urged America to see this as not a crisis but an opportunity “to be helpful.” She also said she wished she could simply “take home” the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities.
According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, in the past fiscal year more than 47,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the border into the United States through Mexico with the majority coming from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
VIDEO - KGBT Action 4 News
Put your money where your mouth is Nancy. Powerline points out that we could put many of these young people that you claim to care so much out in and on the many homes and property you own. Take them home with you, if you really mean it.
Pelosi said repeatedly that she wants to take all the kids she has seen in Texas home. Actually, she could: not all, but quite a few of them. The Obama administration certainly wouldn’t stop her from breaking the law. And Pelosi’s various mansions could house quite a few Central Americans. Her husband Paul, the brains of the family, is a very rich man, which frees Nancy to fool around with politics. This is the Pelosi mansion in San Francisco.
Nancy could house 20 or 30 Central Americans there. But that’s nothing. The Pelosi vineyard in Napa Valley could be home to several hundred. Look at the low population density!