Obama Administration: It’s Ok for “Green Energy” Wind Turbines to Kill or Injure Bald or Golden Eagles without Penalty Because We’re Trying to Save the Environment


Obama says OK to KILL Eagles for “Green Energy” … What say you Audubon Society PETA, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, NRDC, Earth First, and “Spotted Owl” Gore?

So not only does Obama pick winners and losers with regard to energy companies, he also picks who can kill and who can’t. The shameful new rule  enacted by Obama’s Interior Department makes it possible for green energy companies to slaughter Bald and Golden eagles without penalty for 30 years. UNREAL. Big Oil harms some water fowl and these people lose their minds and talk about the evils of oil. However, Big Green Wind kills eagles and other birds and that is perfectly acceptable. What a fraud these liberal groups are that claim to protect the Earth and the Eco-system. As long as so-called “green” energy kills the symbol of the United States, that bis perfectly ok, but of coal, oil, gas injures a worm … then that is a national tragedy. This president will do anything to pander to his liberal base and make it all political. I would ask Mr. President, how is this fair to the Eagles?

Wind_killer turbines

The Obama administration said Friday it will allow some companies to kill or injure bald and golden eagles for up to 30 years without penalty, an effort to spur development and investment in green energy.

The change, requested by the wind energy industry, will provide legal protection for the lifespan of wind farms and other projects for which companies obtain a permit and make efforts to avoid killing the birds.

An investigation by The Associated Press earlier this year documented the illegal killing of eagles around wind farms, the Obama administration’s reluctance to prosecute such cases and its willingness to help keep the scope of the eagle deaths secret. The White House has championed wind power, a pollution-free energy intended to ease global warming, as a cornerstone of President Barack Obama’s energy plan.

According to the Washington Times, wind energy facilities have killed at least 67 golden and bald eagles in the last five years, but the figure could be much higher, according to a new scientific study by government biologists. Hmm, so why doesn’t Obama and his liberal environmentalists put the same type of restrictions of “killer” wind turbines that they do to the coal, gas and oil industry? How come wind farm companies do not have to build protective cages around the turbines like a common fan has to protect birds from flying into the blades? This administration certainly has no issue with costly expenses when it comes to regulating other forms of energy.


Just curious, why aren’t wind farm companies regulated to put protective covers over their blades like a common fan?

More from Breitbart.com, It’s okay to kill Eagles because Obama said so.

Wildlife conservationists are livid at the Obama administration’s approval of a new rule that extends wind farms leases up to 30 years. On Friday, wildlife protection groups decried the new regulation as a “stunningly bad move” that gives wind power companies the ability to kill eagles and other birds for the next 30 years.

The Wildlife Society Bulletin approximates that 573,000 birds and 888,000 bats are killed by flying into wind turbines every year. National Audubon Society President David Yarnold expressed his anger over the Obama administration’s new rule: “It’s outrageous that the government is sanctioning the killing of America’s symbol, the bald eagle.”

UPDATE I: The only one who has stepped to the plate is the Audubon Society. Interior Dept. Rule Greenlights Eagle Slaughter at Wind Farms, Says Audubon CEO … New Rule Will Authorize 30-Year Permits for Killing America’s National Bird.

Instead of balancing the need for conservation and renewable energy, Interior wrote the wind industry a blank check. It’s outrageous that the government is sanctioning the killing of America’s symbol, the Bald Eagle. Audubon will continue to look for reasonable, thoughtful partners to wean America off fossil fuels because that should be everyone’s highest priority. We have no choice but to challenge this decision, and all options are on the table.” (Statement from Audubon President and CEO David Yarnold)

UPDATE II: From Right Wing News … All this carnage just to provide a pittance, a miniscule amount of energy. But because it is deemed “green” it is okay to make Eagles blood red.

All to provide miniscule power while putting a blight on the landscape. Average delivered power is roughly 30-40% with very low power density (megawatts per square mile), since you need huge tracks of land/sea for the farm. Compare that to natural gas, which has an average delivered power in the upper 80?s, with an extremely high power density.


From page 193 of The Mad, Mad, Mad World Of Climatism via Right Wing News

What a Message from Portland, Oregan … City Shuts Down 11 Year Old Madison Root Selling Mistletoe to Fund Braces, But OK to Beg for Money


All 11 yer old Madison Root wanted to do was help her dad pay for her braces that were going to cost $4800 by selling  mistletoe. It’s Christmas time, what better gift to sell than freshly picked mistletoe in a cute package with a red bow? Well, one would think. That was until she decided to see her mistletoe next to the Skidmore Fountain in Downtown Portland, Oregon and a private security guard asked Madison to stop selling because city ordinance bans commerce like that without proper approval. UNREALpapers, where are your papers!!!

I am sure this was the intent of the ordinance and it was meant for 11 year old’s. More so, I am sure this is what Our Founding Fathers had intended when forming this great nation. But in this day and age government interference and regulation have increased so much that they would squash a little girl’s efforts and entrepreneurial spirit to help her dad pay for her braces. Especially, in this day and age when we hear stories of so many young kids that just expect things, Madison wanted to help. Oh yea, did we tell you that Madison Root was not allowed to sell her mistletoe without approval, but it would have been OK for her to beg. There is a message to teach the young.

From KATU:

She’s hoping to raise money to chip in for her braces. The dentist says they’ll cost $4,800.

“I felt like I could help my dad with the money,” she said.

Madison and her dad bagged up the mistletoe and started selling them next to the Skidmore Fountain in Downtown Portland on Saturday morning.

That’s also where the Portland Saturday Market holds its weekly venue.

A private security guard asked Madison to stop selling because city ordinance bans commerce like that without proper approval.

“I wouldn’t think I’d have any problems because people are asking for money, people are selling stuff, this is a public place,” said Madison.

And she’s right — to a point.

In fact, we saw people protesting, hold signs, playing music, and begging all over the area on Sunday morning as well.

The Saturday Market is incredibly diverse.

You can buy whistles, order crepes and sign a marijuana petition all without walking more than ten steps.

But you can’t open a business without going through the market’s formal application process. The market sets rules for vendors which Madison agrees make sense.

Begging is different.

OH MY CANADA … Toronto’s Crack Smoking Mayor Rob Ford Says the Following During Live Media Presser … “He Gets Enough Pu$$y to Eat at Home” VIDEO (Update: Wants to Run for Prime Minister Of Canada)


So you thought that you had heard it all from Toronto’s crack smoking mayor Rob Ford? Not even close. At a presser answering some media questions and allegations against him, Ford did the unthinkable. Ford stunned everyone in attendance with his lewd, inappropriate and foul mouthed comments about allegations in court documents released that he had claimed to have been intimate with former policy adviser Olivia Gondek. Are you kidding me, who says this? Does this man have any self-restraint? Your wife must be so proud.

“It says I wanted to eat her pu**y and I have never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. I’m happily married and I’ve got more than enough to eat at home.”

Warning, and we do mean warning: Graphic piggish language from an admitted crack user

Really Mayor Ford? When a individual finally admits to smoking crack, admits to one of his many drunken stupors and goes off on a foul mouthed tirade wanting to kill someone and thinks nothing of it to use the “P” word in public … I would dare say that you are pretty much capable of saying anything. Just saying.

This man does not care about politics, he is a self-centered narcissist who has no self-control and the world and media attention needs to center around him.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford could see council restrict his office budget today.

Last week they stripped him of most of his powers, now they look to take away all of his powers and make him mayor in name only.

A new challenge to Mayor Rob Ford awaits him at Toronto City Hall today, as councillors are set to consider yet another motion to limit his powers.

The motion calls for paring back the mayor’s office budget so that it is equivalent to that of a regular member of city council, and for the balance of his budget to be administered by his deputy.

The councillors will also consider delegating additional powers Ford holds to Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly.

Council has already taken steps to restrict Ford’s powers in recent days, amid a high-profile scandal that has seen the mayor admit to having smoked crack cocaine, to buying illegal drugs and to other behaviours he has deemed embarrassing to have revealed.

UPDATE I: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Says He Wants To Run For Prime Minister Of Canada.

Could he just go to his reality TV show and stopping making a mockery of things. More from CNN of Toronto’s biggest embarrassment. The idea that Ford even contemplates being Prime Minister after all of the stuff he has been through lately tells us more than we need to know of Rob Ford.

Sounding confident about his re-election chances, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said this weekend that he has aspirations for higher office.

“Yes, one day I do want to run for prime minister,” Ford said during an interview with Fox News Channel’s John Roberts.

Without delving into specifics, Ford said that he is receiving treatment while insisting that he does not suffer from addiction.

Even Liberal Democrat Howard Dean Asks, “I Wonder If Obama Has the ‘Legal Authority to Do This’ Regarding Obama’s Fix (VIDEO)

Folks, even Howard Dean can see this is tyranny …

Following Barack Obama’s speech where he proposed a “keep your plan” fix for Obamacare, former Vermont Governor, DNC Chair and Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean pondered while on MSNBC whether Emperor Obama had the legal authority to even propose such a “FIX”  as the law had been passed by Congress. Hmm, many Conservatives are asking the same question regarding Obama’s actions. Wow, does that make Dean a racist?

“I wonder if he has the legal authority to do this, since this was a congressional bill that set this up?”

VIDEO Hat Tip – The Weekly Standard

So what is it with Barack Obama? Does he think because it is called Obamacare that he has the legal authority to change any part of the law he feels by executive fiat? Imagine if a Republican did that with abortion? When Republicans confront Obamacare, they are constantly told that it is the law of the land. Really? If it is, then how come Barack Obama thinks he can just change it himself? Maybe the real probalem with Obama is that he was too busy reading the Communist Manifesto as a youth instead of watching School House Rock and “I’m Just a Bill”.

No You Can’t Keep Your Insurance or Your Doctor If You Like Them … Another Obamacare Loser, Stage-4 Gallbladder Cancer Victim Edie Littlefield Sunby (WH Turns to Twitter Smear Campaign)

Add  Edie Littlefield Sunby to the list of losers of Obamacare … Barack Obama knowingly lied and people will die.

Over and over and over, Barack Obama made the following  promise to the American people to get Obamacare passed: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period! If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. period!  No one will take it away, no matter what.”

Really, you might want to read the tragic and heart-breaking story of Edie Littlefield Sunby, a state-4 gallbladder cancer patient who has become a victim of Obamacare and the lies that were spewed to pass the failed law. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, thanks to Obamacare Edie Littlefield Sunby will lose her healthcare insurance and her doctors. Lies have consequences, especially when Obama and Democrats knew that millions would lose their insurance because of Obamacare. Thanks Democrats as you own this one 100% as the not-so affordable care act was passed with not one GOP vote.


Everyone now is clamoring about Affordable Care Act winners and losers. I am one of the losers.

My grievance is not political; all my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive, and I have no time for politics. For almost seven years I have fought and survived stage-4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2% after diagnosis. I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec. 31.

My choice is to get coverage through the government health exchange and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside the exchange (the quotes average 40% to 50% more) for the privilege of starting over with an unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits.

Countless hours searching for non-exchange plans have uncovered nothing that compares well with my existing coverage. But the greatest source of frustration is Covered California, the state’s Affordable Care Act health-insurance exchange and, by some reports, one of the best such exchanges in the country. After four weeks of researching plans on the website, talking directly to government exchange counselors, insurance companies and medical providers, my insurance broker and I are as confused as ever. Time is running out and we still don’t have a clue how to best proceed.


What happened to the president’s promise, “You can keep your health plan”? Or to the promise that “You can keep your doctor”? Thanks to the law, I have been forced to give up a world-class health plan. The exchange would force me to give up a world-class physician.

For a cancer patient, medical coverage is a matter of life and death. Take away people’s ability to control their medical-coverage choices and they may die. I guess that’s a highly effective way to control medical costs. Perhaps that’s the point.

Yup, no death panels here, eh? WAKE UP AMERICA … Obamacare has never been about healthcare, it is about controlling your lives from birth to death.

Hmm, I guess Obama was correct when he told his peeps that he was “really good at killing people.”

UPDATE I … TWITCHY: Despicable, White House smears stage 4 cancer survivor who lost her insurance plan due to Obamacare.

This White House has no conscience. A smear campaign against a cancer patient in order to protect the diasaster that is Obamacare where Obama and Democrats knowingly lied to the American people that they could keep their healthcare insurance if they liked it, PERIOD! Sick, just frigging sick!

Tweet_WHsmears cancer pt


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