Barack Obama … Pandering and the Paying for Votes, From Obamacare to Welfare to Taxes … the Redistribution of Wealth for Votes
The Panderer in Chief, Obama’s War of Dependence …
President Barack Obama stated that if his $787 billion stimulus was passed unemployment would be kept below 8%. We all know that did not happen as the United States has experienced 41+ months of unemployment over 8%. What of the tax payers hard earned money that was allocated to failed “green” energy companies that were Obama backers? What about Obamacare that as it turns out will increase the cost of healthcare and not insure the very people that Obama intended it to. Instead, many companies will most likely take the $2000 penalty and push the employees off on the government plan and in turn creating a further dependent America. What about the fact that more people applied for disability rather than jobs created in the last couple of months? Obama has even gone so far to gut welfare reform, a bi-partisan law passed during the Clinton Administration. Why, to pander to the lazy for votes and make Americans even more generationallly dependent.
Courtesy: Vanderbilt ’12
The way that ole Obama is throwin’ around We the People’s
hard earned money to chum up votes and add great numbers
to the dependency dole, we should at least sit up and take note.
If he is rehired for another four years, we may not be able to
borrow enough from China and our great grandchildren in order
to pay for his extensive Regime, let alone take care
of America’s actual pressing issues.
So why is Barack Obama doing nothing for the economy? Why are his policies directly going against the tenants of American capitalism? Why did he block the XL Keystone pipeline that would have created 1000′s of jobs and now Democrats backpedal as China readies $15.1 billion Canadian oil deal. Thanks Barack. Instead we have a President who would rather fund raise and golf, rather than attend his own Jobs panel. Is it any wonder that Americans now blame Obama for the bad economy and not GWB.
Instead of a President who emboldened Americans to remain “exceptional”, we are presented with a President who is all about class warfare. Barack Obama, the welfare and food stamp President would rather make Americans dependent upon the government than themselves. In the end, this is what his grand master scheme is. Create a class of people that because slaves to the State and in turn buy their votes forever.
AMERICA, WAKE UP … the United States fought a War of Independence, not dependence. Whether that King is across the Atlantic or in Washington, DC … this country was founded on hard work, risk taking and determination, not dependence on government.
Posted July 30, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Capitaism, Crony Capitalism, Economy, Jobs, Keystone XL Pipeline, Presidential Election, Recession, The Lying King, Unemployment | 9 comments |
Mitt Romney Releases First Official Ad, What Would A Romney Presidency Look Like …“Day One”
Mitt Romney has released his first Presidential campaign video ad that very much separates himself from Barack Obama. In the campaign ad there is no class warfare, no blame Bush, no continued, failed Obama policies … On Day One Romney states he would approve the XL-Keystone pipeline creating 1000′s of jobs that Obama has blocked, introduce pro-growth tax reforms that would reward job creators not punish them, and repeal Obamacare and replace it with common sense health care reform.
Sounds like a much better plan of action than we are presently on. Barack Obama will never be able to defend his last four years, Romney offers a welcome and much necessary change.
Posted May 19, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Economy, Healthcare, Jobs, Keystone XL Pipeline, Mitt Romney, Obamanation, Presidential Election, You Tube - VIDEO | 4 comments |
The MSM Double Standard on High Gas Prices for Obama … Remember When it was a Negative for Bush?
When Barack Obama became President of the United States gas prices were at a national average of $1.84 a gallon. Flash forward to present day and the national gas average is $3.89. However, what was a negative news story for George W. Bush and the increasing gas prices is not even close to the same story spewed by the liberal MSM. Go figure.
Hot Air points out the continues and obvious bias media coverage of high gas prices under President Obama and former President GWB. Isn’t amazing that under GWB the media stated that the high gas prices were going to affect him and the GOP in the 2006 midterms. Guess what, they did. However, gas prices are at all time highs for this time of the year and that same bias MSM states that Obama cannot affect the gas prices and its not his fault. It gets worse, the MSM is actually portraying high gas prices as a positive. The truth of the matter is high gas prices will affect the 2012 elections for Obama and all Democrats.
Tim Graham outlined the differences between media coverage of high gas prices under George W. Bush and gas prices under Barack Obama. Bet you can guess which president received more leniency!
This really isn’t a hard or complicated issue to understand. A wide variety of factors contribute to the price of gas. The president doesn’t have control over all of them — but he does have significant control over energy policy in the United States and energy policy is one of the factors that contributes to the price of gas …
NewsBusters has the full transcript:
TIM GRAHAM: Certainly in 2006, George W. Bush got a much harsher press. It was really kind of funny because they were saying that things were going to go really badly for Bush in the midterm elections, which of course they did. But when gas prices went down in the fall of 2006, then Katie Couric did story where she basically said, “Is this an oil industry plot to drop the gas prices before the elections?” They just assume whatever spin that they can find. Yeah. The front page of New York Times this morning? “U.S. Inches Towards Goal of Energy Independence.”
Posted March 25, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Democrats, Energy, Gas Prices, George W. Bush, Green Energy, Hope and Change, Hypocrisy, Keystone XL Pipeline, Media Bias, Obamanation, Oil, Politics, Presidential Election, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Another White House Document Dump Shows the Obama White House Was “All Hands on Deck” in Reaction to Solyndra’s Imminent Collapse
How come President Barack Obama does not take the same credit for his involvement in Solyndra as he falsely tries to now do for the Keystone XL Pipeline?
The Barack Obama Administration gave millions to Solyndra in wasted tax payer stimulus money and touted it as their “shining green energy company on the hill”. Now Obama and his minions cannot run fast enough away from the bankrupt solar energy panel. Just a couple of days ago, Obama said that Solyndra “was not our program per se.” Obama actually blamed Congress for its failure. Dear Mr. President, you can run but you cannot hide. This scandal is going to follow you to election day. Barack Obama can not run from the truth even if they attempt to continue Friday night document dumps when they think no one is looking.
Obama & WH minions, all hands on deck, per se …
The latest document dump as reported by The Hill shows that the Obama White House was all-hands-on-deck as the Solyndra collapse neared. Obama and his minions knew how deep they were in the Solyndra mess and also knew this was a political mess for Obama.
Several key White House offices were involved with the Obama administration’s messaging plans and other preparations as the collapse of the taxpayer-backed solar company Solyndra was imminent, newly released documents show.
The latest White House documents delivered to House Republicans on Friday again highlight the extent to which senior administration officials braced for the fallout as Solyndra – a company President Obama had personally visited – was about to go under.
A White House memo that noted the danger of “imminent bankruptcy” at the end of August 2011 says, “OMB, DPC and NEC have been working with press and OLA to be prepared for this news to break.”
Just curious, why would the Obama White House be so concerned and be in panic mode about Solyndra going belly up if as Doug Powers opines at Michelle, “the bad news from a program that wasn’t theirs… per se.” Touché!!! The PJ Tatler asks the same question that has become obvious to all, “Why Was His Administration in Fire Drill Mode as it Collapsed? Instead, Obama shamefully blamed Congress for Solyndra’s failure and tried to distance himself from his hand picked green company. Listen HERE to Obama’s unbelievable comments that where The “Lying” King told Marketplace that “this was not our program.”
It is obvious that Solyndra was nothing about job creation, it was politics that dominated Obama’s green energy program, not job creation. The voters might want to remember in November.
Posted March 24, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Corruption, cronyism, Energy, Green Energy, Green Jobs, Jobs, Keystone XL Pipeline, Obamanation, Presidential Election, Scandal, Solyndra | one comment |
Gallup Poll Shows Once Again Obama on Wrong Side of the Issue With Americans … 57% in Favor of Keystone XL Pipeline … Obama Suddenly for Pipeline Construction
The “Lying” King … Obama was for the Keystone XL pipeline, before he was against it.
The Green President is suddenly for the building of an oil pipeline as high gas prices become a major concern for Obama in 2012. Just curious, how can Obama state that he is expediting a project by rejecting it? As stated at the Heritage Foundation, “If the president were concerned with the country’s oil supply, his State Department shouldn’t have rejected the larger pipeline project?”
It is the story of the Barack Obama Presidency … Obama once again finds himself on the wrong side of the issue with a majority of Americans. As President Barack Obama heads out on his faux energy tour trying to show Americans that he is the “Energy” President in the face of escalating gas prices … 57% of Americans are in favor of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Obama finds himself in a heap of trouble as Republicans and Independents are strongly in favor of the building of the pipeline. Even Democrats by a 44% for 38 against, are in favor of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
A solid majority of Americans think the U.S. government should approve of building the Keystone XL pipeline, while 29% think it should not. Republicans are almost twice as likely as Democrats to want the government to approve the oil pipeline. About half of independents also approve
This can explain why Obama felt the need to flat out lie to the American public and portray himself as being in favor of the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline.Obama actually had the audacity to do a photo-op appearing before a backdrop of oil pipelines in Cushing, OK where the Obamamessiah stated that he was making the construction of the southern portion of the pipeline a priority through an executive order.
Posted March 22, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Energy, Gas Prices, Hypocrisy, Keystone XL Pipeline, Media Bias, Obamanation, Oil, Presidential Election, WTF | 3 comments |