Gallup Poll: Smaller Majority “Extremely Proud” to Be an American

On the eve of the 4th of July, America’s Independence Day … The LEFT is ruining this country.

According to a recent Gallup poll, only 54% of people say that they are “extremely proud” to be an American. This is down sharply following the 911 terror attacks in 2001 and the 70% who stated that they were extremely proud to be an American in 2003. The poll also showed that 27% say they are “very proud,” 14% say they are “moderately proud,” 4% are “only a little proud” and 1% state that they are “not at all proud.” The South is the most proud at 61%, then comes the Midwest, East and West at 55%, 50% and 46%, respectively.

Remember what Michelle Obama said in 2008, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country …”

So what is the reason why so many Americans are no longer extremely proud to be Americans? One would think that it could be a result of Barack Obama being President and his efforts to change America. But in looking at what parties say they are extremely proud to be an American. it is the Republicans at 68%, Independents at 53% and the Democrats bringing up the rear at 47%. So why are Democrats not proud? Is it because the Democrat party now resembles more socialism that the Democrat party of JFK?

Gallup_2015 Proud to be an American

As Independence Day approaches, most in the U.S. say they are proud to be an American, including a slight majority, 54%, who are “extremely proud.” The percentage saying they are “extremely proud” is slightly lower than in recent years and down from peaks at and around 70% between 2002 and 2004, after 9/11.

In addition to the 54% who are extremely proud to be an American, 27% say they are “very proud,” 14% say they are “moderately proud,” 4% are “only a little proud” and 1% state that they are “not at all proud.”

Gallup_proud to be an American2

What is most telling of this Gallup poll is the age breakdown of those who say they are most proud to be an American. The younger the age demographic of this poll, the lower the level of being proud to be an American. With those who are 65 years of age and older, they are 64% “extremely proud” to be American, while the 18-29 crowd is at 43%. What else should we expect when they have been continually told be the LEFT, the liberal MSM, politicians, race-baitors and liberal politicians and educators that America is bad?

Once again we should send a shout out and a sarcastic thank you to the public schools and the liberal indoctrination that has passed for the education of children over the years. The liberals have successfully made the young not be proud of the country that provided them liberty and freedoms that they could never comprehend.

4 People Threatened With Jail Time for Cheering Too Loudly at Highschool Graduation in Senatobia, Mississippi


Four people have been charged with disturbing the peace for cheering to loudly at a high school graduation ceremony in Senatobia, Mississippi. UNREAL. What has this country come to when you have to sit on your hands and be quiet as your child, sister, brother, etc. graduates at long last from high school? Are you telling me that a school system cannot extend the length of a graduation ceremony so that loved ones can clap, cheer and shout out to the graduates? But what would you expect from the public school education system of today that tries to control heart, mind and thought. Schools have become buildings of indoctrination. The parents have had no issue with the liberal agendas forced on their children, what is one more over-reaching rule? Henry Walker, one of the individuals cited with disturbing the peace said, “It’s crazy. The fact that I might have to bond out of jail, pay court costs, or a $500 fine for expressing my love, it’s ridiculous man. It’s ridiculous.” YES IT IS.  The four individuals charged are expected to appear in court on June 9.

It would be hard to believe that a judge would not throw this case out or the charges are dropped prior to going to court due to bad PR. But then again, many current rules, regulations and laws make it hard to believe that we still live in the United States of America.


Four people were charged with disturbing the peace after cheering too loudly at a high school graduation ceremony in Senatobia, Miss., Memphis television station WREG reported on Tuesday.

Police at Northwest Mississippi Community College, where the ceremony was held, told WREG that Senatobia Municipal School District Superintendent Jay Foster, told attendees at the ceremony to refrain from cheering and applause until the end of the ceremony.

Four people, including Ursula Miller and Henry Walker (pictured above), both of whom are black, were asked to leave the ceremony after cheering on the graduates.

When Lanarcia Walker graduated, Miller yelled out her niece’s name.

“When she went across the stage I just called her name out. ‘Lakaydra’. Just like that,” Miller told WREG.

Gee, why didn’t they just handcuff these criminals for cheering or taser them? (sarcasm intended)

A note to the the folks at TMP, stop making this a racial thing. This has nothing to do with race, it has to do with typical liberal stupidity in our educational system. The libs have no problem with the liberal indoctrination of students from K thru high school. Suddenly they find fault with the system when it goes against their freedom of speech.

Take a look at the school district superintendents message below from the districts webpage. Hey dude, part of placing a strong emphasis on the success of all students in all aspects of the school experience…academically, socially, emotionally, and physically is to celebrate their graduation with squelching the speech and joy of their loved ones in celebrating their success.

Superintendent Jay Foster’s Message:

PH: 662-562-4897    Email:

Our goal is to set a standard for excellence in all academic areas as well as the co-curricular activities. Senatobia teachers focus on success for each student by creating opportunities where students are actively engaged in acquiring not only knowledge, but also skills necessary for lifelong learners.

All students are important in Senatobia schools, and we place strong emphasis on the success of all students in all aspects of the school experience…academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

University of Michigan Cancels ‘American Sniper’ Screening … ‘Made Students Feel Unsafe’ (Update U-M football coach Jim Harbaugh To the Rescue, Movie Back On)

REALLY … Maybe the University of Michigan should change their name from the Wolverines to the “Weenies”.

AMERICA, DO YOU REALIZE YOU ARE BEING DESTROYED FROM WITHIN RIGHT?  University of Michigan spokesman Rick Fitzgerald confirmed to The College Fix on Tuesday the movie, American Sniper” was cancelled because it made students feel unsafe. GOOD GRIEF!!! Instead, the University was going to show Paddington the Bear.  What kind of gutless cowards exist on college campuses today that continually play the victim card? You people are going to do well in life, but then again, these are the same folks that live in your parents home until your 30. Hey Michigan, you might want to change your fight song to …  Hail! to the victors “victims” valiant. Hail! to the conqu’ring heroes “cowards”.

However,  University of Michigan sophomore Jason Weaver still has the right to call himself a Wolverine as he said, “It would be nice to see the university … take a stand against outrageous claims of ‘student exclusion. The film American Sniper in no way creates student exclusion any more than Saving Private Ryan”. You would be 100% correct. But we can’t have anything on a college campus that would properly depict radical Muslims Islamists as Nazi’s.

American Sniper_Paddington

What a sad state of affairs at our American Universities

University: ‘While our intent was to show a film, the impact of the content was harmful, and made students feel unsafe and unwelcome at our program’

A scheduled movie screening of “American Sniper” at the University of Michigan was abruptly cancelled Tuesday after nearly 300 students and others complained the film perpetuates “negative and misleading stereotypes” against Muslims.

“The movie American Sniper not only tolerates but promotes anti-Muslim … rhetoric and sympathizes with a mass killer,” according to an online letter circulated among the campus community via Google Docs that garnered the signatures.

The signers were mostly students, but also some staff, as well as the Muslim Students’ Association and the president of Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, a Palestinian solidarity group at UMich.

The online memo, titled a “collective letter from Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) and Muslim students on campus,” accused the public university of “tolerating dangerous anti-Muslim and anti-MENA propaganda” by showing the movie, the highest grossing film of 2014.

follows U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, who served four combat tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom and was awarded two Silver Stars, five Bronze Stars with Valor, two Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medals, and one Navy and Marine Corps commendation, according to his official Facebook page. But the protestors see him differently.

As reported at the Washington Free Beacon, more than 300 students protested the decision to screen the film because it advanced “negative and misleading stereotypes” against Muslims. The online petition was started by a “Palestinian solidarity group” called the Students Allied for Freedom and Equality and the Muslim Students’ Association. And the university folded like a cheap suit. Um, “negative and misleading stereotypes” … the actions depicted in American Sniper are the truth. I am so sorry if Muslim students can’t handle the truth … what do you think that radical Muslim Islamists act like? So is it a misleading stereotype to depict radical Muslim as savage, beheading murders?

UPDATE I: Jim Harbaugh endorses ‘American Sniper’ after U-M cancels showing



Twitter – Jim Harbaugh

For four months, Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh’s Twitter feed has been a combination of entertainment, opponent tweaks and comments on his team.

Tonight, he walked into a university controversy.

On Tuesday, the university canceled a scheduled Friday night showing of the movie “American Sniper” due to pressure from Muslim and Arab students after a student-led petition drive challenged its depiction of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiments.

After 9:30 p.m., Harbaugh weighed in, with a message to his 215,000 followers.

UPDATE II : U-M reverses course, will show ‘American Sniper’ … Gutless Weenie UM administration tries to save face. 

After a day filled with intense controversy, the University of Michigan reversed course late Wednesday night and decided to show the movie “American Sniper” at its originally scheduled time and place.

“It was a mistake to cancel the showing of the movie ‘American Sniper’ on campus as part of a social event for students,” the statement from E. Royster Harper, the vice president of student life, said. It was sent just after 10:45 p.m. to the media.

“The initial decision to cancel the movie was not consistent with the high value the University of Michigan places on freedom of expression and our respect for the right of students to make their own choices in such matters.


SICK … Convicted Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal Gives Graduation Speech via VIDEO at Goddard College in Vermont

What the hell ever happened to the Green mountain state of Vermont, Ethan Allen would be disgusted.

On Sunday, convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal gave a graduation speech to students at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont by video.  Unbelievable. Mumia Abu-Jamal is currently serving a life sentence for the 1981 shooting death and murder of Philedapphia police officer  Daniel Faulkner. It is actually the second time Abu-Jamal has spoken at graduation, but what would you expect from a liberal arts college in the People’s Republic of Vermont where this cop killer received a degree.

Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Daniel Faulkner, called choosing Abu-Jamal “despicable” and “not appropriate.” The police in Philadelphia held a silent vigil for 25 minutes Sunday to protest Mumia’s speech. As stated by Chief Inspector Anthony Boyle, “We need to demonstrate how ludicrous this is.” Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) urged the Vermont college on Thursday to revoke its invitation to have Mumia Abu-Jamal as a commencement speaker. Michael O’Neil, the president of the Vermont Troopers’ Association also asked Goodard College to rescind Abu-Jamal invitation.

Cop Killer_mumia

VIDEO – Fox News

On Sunday, Mumia Abu-Jamal spoke by video to 20 students receiving bachelor degrees Sunday from Goddard College in Plainfield.

He told the graduates to “think about the myriad of problems that beset this land and strive to make it better.”

Abu-Jamal said Goddard reawakened his love of learning and — in his mind — allowed him to leave death row and travel the world.

The decision to allow Abu-Jamal to speak angered police and others in Vermont and Pennsylvania. Abu-Jamal was initially sentenced to death in the killing of Officer Daniel Faulkner but re-sentenced to life in 2012.

VIDEO – Oct. 5, 2014 Goddard College Commencement Speech by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Get ready for the LIBERAL double standard to allow a cop killer to speak at a commencement ceremony and call it freedom of speech. In a statement posted on the school’s website, Interim President Bob Kenny said that by selecting Abu-Jamal the students are showing “their freedom to engage and think radically and critically in a world that often sets up barriers to do just that.” REALLY? So this liberal college president celebrates the First Amendment of Freedom of Speech when it serves his radical liberal views, but has an issue with that same First Amendment when it comes to freedom of the Press as the college closed the graduation to the media after claiming it was open. Goddard College also claimed they wanted to protect the student’s privacy. Wat a bunch of gutless cowards, so brave in saying they want a cop killer as their commencement speaker, but don’t want the public to know who they are. And you wonder where gutless, double standard liberals are spawn from.

The ceremony was originally planned for 4 p.m. and media was told it was open to the public.

However, two days ago, college leaders changed the time to 1 p.m. without notifying the media.

They cited security reasons, saying they received threats this past week.

They also wanted to protect the student’s privacy.

Dyer County, TN High School Student Kendra Turner Suspended For Saying ‘Bless You’ After Classmate Sneezed

To the IDIOT teacher that would be so offended by a student saying bless you … Bless your heart.

So much for the Bible belt … Kendra Turner, a  Dyer County High School senior was suspended for saying “bless you” after a fellow classmate sneezed. HUH? Mind you the high school student did not even say God bless you, just bless you. But for this she was told to go to the school administrator and then served the rest of the class period with in-school suspension. According to reports, bless you is on a list of words that this teacher does not allow in her class that include: stupid, dumb, boring, stuff, i don’t know, other peer expressions, bless you, hang out and my bad. I am guess they don’t teach the US Constitution at Dyer County high School and namely the First Amendment. In this day and age where we yearn for our youth to be responsible and kind to one another and battle school bullying, this is the crime that gets a student suspension? Really, why stop there … had she said God bless you would that have meant being expelled?

KUDOS to Kendra Turner for standing up for her rights.

Action News 5 – Memphis, Tennessee

A young girl, who claims she was standing up for her religious beliefs in the classroom, was suspended after breaking a class rule of saying “bless you” after a classmate sneezed.

When Dyer County High School senior Kendra Turner said bless you to her classmate, she says her teacher told her that was for church.

“She said that we’re not going to have godly speaking in her class and that’s when I said we have a Constitutional right,” said Turner.

Turner said when she defended her actions, she was told to see an administrator. She said she finished the class period in in-school suspension.

Students sent WMC a photo of the teacher’s white board that lists ‘bless you’ and other expressions that are banned as part of class rules.

God Bless You

Pretty amazing how this high school senior is a bigger individual than her teacher. I guess God will do that.  Kendra Turner said she doesn’t want trouble for her teacher but says she’ll stand up for her faith … “It’s alright to defend God and it’s our constitutional right because we have a freedom of religion and freedom of speech.”

Here is my note to the teacher that would some how think that bless you and stupid would ever be included in the same list. As I was hanging out I came across a teacher that was outraged that a student said bless you.  This educator might be the most stupid and closed minded individual ever that would some how be so dumb that words like boring and stuff would be used in the same sentence as bless you. I guess if I said this in class it would get me suspended or expelled, sorry, my bad!

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