8th Grader Adelina Silva at Capshaw Middle School in Sante Fe, NM Suspended for Informing Parents They had the Option to “Opt Out” of State’s New Online Standardized Test, PARCC


MORE IDIOTIC AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL BEHAVIOR FROM OUR SCHOOLS …  Adelina Silva, an 8th-grader at Capshaw Middle School in Sante Fe, New Mexico was disciplined and suspended by school officials for taking a stand and handing out opt-out forms Thursday informing parents that they had the option to ‘opt out” of the new on-line standardization test known as PARCC. According to Adelina Silva, she said “My goal here was to just let the parents know that they have the option.” However, that is when the Storm troopers at the Middle School started pulling the fliers out of the kids hands. Adelina Silva was then sent to the principals office? WHAT!!!

So what rule did the 8th grader break that landed her in the principal’s office, the opt-out form is even available on the school district’s website? But this is what goes on in today’s Gestapo schools where only protests against conservative issues are allowed or children are given extra credit. Silva had been suspended for one day as of Thursday afternoon.  WHAT PART ABOUT VIOLATING ONES CIVIL RIGHTS DOESN’T THIS SCHOOL UNDERSTAND? So the student broke no rules, yet she was suspended from school and missed time from classes. What brilliance on the part of school officials.


More students, parents and teachers standing up against PARCC, the state’s new online standardized test. It caused a disturbance at one school Thursday morning where a student at Capshaw Middle School in Santa Fe said she was disciplined for taking a stand.

“It’s setting us up for failure,” Adelina Silva said. “My goal here was to just let the parents know that they have the option.”

Adelina Silva, an 8th-grader at Capshaw, said she was handing out the opt-out forms Thursday when suddenly staff stepped in.

“They started pulling the fliers out from the kids’ hands,” she said.

That’s when Silva said he was pulled in to the principal’s office.

“And I was waiting there for over an hour and 20 minutes wasting my class time.”

The form she was handing out is available on the Santa Fe Public School’s website.

“I was very upset when I heard this,” her mother, Jacqueline Ellvinger said. “Parents need to know that this form is online and they are able to opt their children out of it.”

Ellvinger also chose to opt-out her son.

“It’s ridiculous,” she said of PARCC “Our children’s education is being based off a test.”

6 Year Old 1st Grader Hunter Punished with the Cardboard Wall of Shame at Lincoln Elementary in Grants Pass, OR Because His Mother Got Him To School Late


Why is it that it seems that those in control of educating today’s children in schools have the least amount of judgement? Sadly, we are presented with yet another example of school officials who should be flogged for their actions. A first grade boy at the  Lincoln Elementary in Grants Pass, Oregon was punished by having to sit behind the cardboard wall of shame while eating lunch in the cafeteria with his classmates. WHAT? This was his punishment for not something he did, but for something his mom did. It appears that little Hunter was late to school because his mom’s car has trouble starting in the morning sometimes. So let’s understand this, the 6 year old has to suffer this embarrassment as a punishment for something he did not do, nor could control? Seriously? I am all for holding children accountable in school, teaching them manners, how to interact with others with respect and teaching them there are rules, but this is insane and over the line.

An Oregon school district is reviewing its tardiness punishments after a picture posted on Facebook of a 6-year-old sitting behind a cardboard screen in the lunchroom generated widespread outrage.

The Grants Pass School District issued a statement saying it “is taking the concerns raised very seriously,” and the punishment “was never intended to isolate or stigmatize students.”

Nicole Garloff says her son, Hunter, was upset when she dropped him off late at Lincoln Elementary School, so she checked on him at lunchtime. She found him sitting behind a cardboard screen. She took him home, and posted a photo on Facebook. So did the boy’s grandmother.

Cardbaord Wall of Shame

Pic – Facebook: Laura Hoover

Just how ignorant are those who are educating our children? District school officials wrote  that their practice of separating students behind a cardboard shield during lunch “was never intended to isolate or stigmatize students.” WHAT!!! What else could it possible do but ISOLATE OR STIGMATIZE a student. ARE YOU FRIGGING STUPID!!! What else could putting some one behind a barrier do but isolate them. We are told by our liberal edumacators that dodge-ball is stigmatizing to children. That keeping score in stigmatizing to children. We need to give everyone an award and prize so not to make some children feel … “uncomfortable”. BUT THIS IS OK.

UPDATE I: Backlash from parents over the Cardboard wall of Shame …

The boy’s parents got an apology from principal Missy Fitzsimmons on Thursday and were confident no more kids would be `placed on display” like that again. Exactly, how long was this going on?

Officials at Lincoln Elementary in Grants Pass say they plan to change the consequences for students who are tardy after a grandmother’s photo of her first-grade grandson stuck behind a cardboard wall in the school lunchroom prompted widespread outrage on Facebook and in phone calls to the district.

In a posting on the school’s web page, district officials wrote Thursday that their practice of separating students behind a cardboard shield during lunch “was never intended to isolate or stigmatize students.”

UPDATE II: Grant’s Pass, OR School District 7.

Over the past few days, there has been considerable general and social media attention regarding the Lincoln Elementary School Attendance/Tardy Catch-up Protocol.  Yesterday afternoon, Principal Fitzsimmons was able to meet with both parents to discuss their concerns.  The meeting was productive.  The parents’ concerns were politely discussed and, ultimately, the issues were resolved to the satisfaction of both the parents and the school.  All parties involved believe that an appropriate resolution has been reached and are anxious to move forward with their normal daily routines.

As a result of the concerns raised, the District ended the learning catch up location at Lincoln Elementary School.  Going forward, a separate, supervised classroom has been designated for necessary catch-up work.  The District and Lincoln Elementary will continue to work with families on an individual basis to encourage and promote student attendance.

Fourth Grade Girls Planned to Kill Teacher with Hand Sanitizer at Elba Elementary School in Elba, NY

MEAN GIRLS: Unbelievable, plot to kill school teacher results in no charges against juveniles …

According to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, three 4th grade girls plotted to kill their teacher at the Elba Elementary school in Elba, NY. The three evil punks planned to put hand sanitizer, some thing that the teacher was highly allergic to, on different items the teacher would touch. Their intent was to get the teacher extremely sick. However, because the plot was caught before it could be implemented the 3 students will not face any charges and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office has closed their case after finding no crime had been committed. UNREAL. So in order to arrest a juvenile and charge them, they needed to kill the teacher. WHAT LOGIC.  The police said the  their of the three was that the girls said the teacher is “mean.” What are the odds these three juvenile delinquents will be in trouble in the future? The school district is taking over the investigation.


Deputies with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office say a group of fourth graders planned to kill their teacher at Elba Elementary School.

According to the incident report, the Elba Elementary School principal called authorities after discovering a plot to harm the teacher.

Three students, all girls, are accused of planning to put hand sanitizer on different items the teacher would touch. That teacher is highly allergic to hand sanitizer, and police say the students knew this would hurt the teacher.

Sheriff’s deputies and other officials met with the children accused of the plot and their parents. At least one parent said the children knew the teacher could become very sick from contact with hand sanitizer, according to the incident report.

One of the mothers said after learning about the plan, she contacted the school. Another set of parents said they knew about it as well, but did not tell anyone.

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office has closed their case after finding no crime had been committed. Because the plot was never carried out, police say the students are not facing charges.


UPDATE I: Two of the student have been suspended. WOW, suspended. What a future these three girls have, there will be plenty of mean people they meet along the way in life, are they going to plot to kill them too? What are the odds that these kids have never been smacked upside their heads for bad behavior?

Paterson, NJ Principal Demoted After School Sign Misspell Mishap for “Dicember” Events


Welcome to Common Core. Seriously folks, if this is what this school was projecting publicly, could you only imagine the quality of education behind the walls in the classrooms? Principal Antoinette Young of PS20 in Paterson, New Jersey  is being reassigned to an as-yet undetermined position just days after the embarrassing sign below informed students that the progress “reepor” were to be held on “Dicember” 18. Got to like the backwards “1″ in 31 as well.

The School 20′s Motto isProper Planning Promotes Success; Failure Is Not An Option! However, it would appear that spelling is option :-)


PIC – Facebook

North Jersey.com:

City education officials have demoted an elementary school principal days after a school board member circulated a photo showing misspellings in a large announcement sign outside one of the building’s entrances.

The sign at School 20’s side entrance listed events for “Dicember 2014.” It alerted people to the date for “progress reepor” and had the numeral one placed backwards in another instance.

Officials said the sign apparently contained those errors for more than a week, but apparently no one noticed until city school board member Corey Teague distributed copies of a photo of the errors.

“If this is how the administration takes care of signage how can we expect the students to do better? We must be held to a higher standard,” wrote Teague in an email accompanying the photo.

Posted December 17, 2014 by
Education, Elementary School, WTF | no comments

10 Year Old Nickolas Taylor Suspended from School for Using his Finger as an Imaginary Gun

What ever happened to common sense in this country … note to educators, ITS A FINGER!!!

10 year Nickolas Taylor was suspended from Milford’s Stacy Middle School for pointing his finger and using it as an imaginary ray gun in the school’s cafeteria. HUH? It gets even more ridiculous. According to school administrators, two students reported to the assistant principal that they believed the gesture Nickolas made was threatening. THREATENING? The fifth grader was written a conduct slip by Assistant Principal Noah Collins, who listed the offense as a threat. Thus, the brain surgeons at the school state that the discipline consistent with “other incidents of a threatening nature.”

If a school is going to punish every individual for what some child in this day makes them feel uncomfortable, there is going to be a very full detention class. Of course back in the day what Nickolas did would have been common place and no one would have thought anything of it. We’ve come a long way.

Finger Gun

Yup, looks really threatening to me, sarcasm intended.

A child was suspended for two days after reportedly pointing an imaginary gun at school.

Nickolas Taylor, 10, was suspended last Friday from Milford’s Stacy Middle School after pointing his finger and using it as an imaginary ray gun in the school’s cafeteria.

“It’s totally ridiculous, it’s not right at all,” Rory O’Brien, Nickolas’ grandfather, told FOX 25 News.

According to school administrators, two students reported to the assistant principal that they believed the gesture Nickolas made was threatening. The fifth grader was reportedly written a conduct slip by Assistant Principal Noah Collins, who listed the offense as a threat.

Nickolas was suspended, discipline consistent with “other incidents of a threatening nature,” a statement from the school said on Wednesday.

Nickolas has no history of discipline outside detentions for incomplete school work, said Brian Taylor.

Nickolas has been diagnosed with ADHD and sometimes is disciplined because he is hyperactive and fails to focus, Brian Taylor said.

Just curious, has anyone in authority at this school ever heard of the word discretion? How about you explain to the child not to do this in the future and explain what was wrong. Not suspending him from school.

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