Mavericky McRino John McCain Says “Don’t Count Obama Out”
Why “Establishment, RINO” Republicans need to go … Who knew lying was considered a talent to be proud of?
The Hill is reporting that Senator John McCain (AZ-R), says that we should not underestimate Barack Obama and to count a man out of that talent would be a mistake. Just curious Sen. McRino, exactly what talents are you actually referring to? Would it be Obama’s ability to not follow the Constitution, to pass executive orders rather than have the Congress pass laws, to have the talents to force such a disastrous law like Obamacare down the throats of Americans, his masterful skills of backing the Muslim Brotherhood in foreign policy that have the Middle East on fire or would it be his keen ability to put a record number of Americans on food stamps? Would it be Obama’s talent to divide a country, destroy the very foundation that America was built on or the record spending and $17 trillion debt and counting? Maybe it is Obama’s ability to have so many scandals going on in one presidency, that must be his talent. So McRino, which is it?
Obama is not a man of talent, he is a man who is destroying America bit by bit …
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says people shouldn’t underestimate President Obama as he heads into his sixth year in the White House.
He discounted Obama’s low approval ratings and said a sitting president always has influence.
“We all wear thin with the American people after a while,” McCain told the Associated Press.
“To count a man of that talent out at this point in time in his administration would be a huge mistake,” he added.
So let’s understand this, we are witness to a sitting president who’s cornerstone for his election in 2008 and reelection in 2012 has been a lie that Obamacare is going to provide free healthcare to millions of uninsureds, but it would also allow you to keep your healthcare if you liked it, would allow you to keep your doctors if you liked them and reduce healthcare costs. ALL LIES!!! Now we have a RINO like McCain coming out and defending Obama that he is some formidable individual, are you kidding me? This is exactly what is wrong with the gutless establishment GOP. RINO’s think Obama is a “man of talent” rather than a bold face liar!
For the love of God and all things Holy, please, oh please have the GOP 2016 candidate not be a moderate, squishy candidate like McRino and Romney … PLEASE!!!
Gallup Poll: Barack Obama’s Greatest Failure … OBAMACARE, His Greatest Achievement … NOTHING!!!
President Barack Obama’s presidency in a nutshell … his greatest failure is his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare.
According to a recent Gallup poll, Barack Obama greatest failure of his presidency to date by an overwhelming number of 36% has been Obamacare, followed by not getting along with Congress and working with Republicans (9%), lack of communication (5%), lack of leadership (4%) and so on. When it comes to Obama’s failures, there is so many to chose from. You could have answered the questions of Obama’s failures, the jobless job recovery, the economy, real unemployment, record number of Americans on food stamps, record $17 trillion debt, wasteful spending, investments in green energy, the scandals (IRS-gate, Fast & Furious, Benghazi-gate, AP-gate, Fox/Rosen-gate, NSA spy-gate), Middle East Arab Spring, Libya, Egypt, etc.
On the other hand, Republicans (50%) and Democrats (25%) alike are most likely to mention Obamacare as the president’s biggest failure, although Republicans are twice as likely to do so. This suggests that even Democrats recognize the negative issues associated with the new healthcare law and its implementation. Republicans also cite Obama’s lack of communication and lack of leadership as a failure, while Democrats mention his inability to get along with Congress and Republicans, his lack of communication, lack of immigration reform, lack of leadership, and his inability to bring all troops home.
Hey America, did I tell you that you can keep your healthcare if you like it?
I am not quite sure what some of these media outlets like CNN and … are reporting that Obamacare in Barack Obama’s greatest achievement and failure. Take a look at the poll below, “Nothing/None” at 23% is #1 as Obama’s greatest achievement to date, the ACA/Obamacare is second. Honestly, one would have to be hard pressed to name anything that this president has accomplished that would be considered an achievement and benfit for the United States of America.
Michelle Obama Takes Food Out of the Mouths of Poor, Hungry Children Funneling $’s from Food Stamps To Pay for her Pet Project, ‘Let’s Move’
Why does Michelle Obama want to starve poor, needy, hungry children?
As reported by the NY Post, some 76 million meals a year will vanish from NYC children as President Barack Obama diverted money from SNAP to first lady Michelle Obama’s signature program, Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. According to the report, the food grab began in 2010, when President Obama, with Michelle and the US Department of Agriculture chief at his side, signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. At the time, he admitted taking cash from one pocket to feed the other.
As you dig into your Butterball with all the trimmings this Thanksgiving, remember that millions of famished schoolkids around America may be forced to forgo classic turkey — and chow down instead on vegan black-bean patties and organic locavore quinoa salad.
On Nov. 1, sizable cuts were gouged into the federal food-stamp program (or, as it’s now called, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which feeds 47.6 million people, or nearly one in six Americans. In the city, 1.9 million folks get the bulk of their Jell-O and Campbell’s Soup from stamps.
But news has spread among the poor, like leafy green vegetables, that it wasn’t heartless Republicans who triggered the cuts.
Rather, some of the food-stamp cash was snatched to pay for Michelle Obama’s pet project, Let’s Move. What?
It’s come to this. Some 76 million meals a year will vanish from this city — poof! — partly because the president diverted money from SNAP to the first lady’s signature program, part of her Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative — the bean-sprout-heavy, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.
The rest of the $5 billion annual food-stamp cuts was taken when 2009 stimulus funds dried up. But with ObamaCare woes stealing the oxygen in Washington, there’s little urgency to replace dandelion greens served on recyclable trays with family-friendly buttered mashed potatoes.
Hey, why not … the MSM uses headlines like this all the time to describe Conservatives. Wonder how many MSM types will cover this story?
Posted November 12, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Child Welfare, Democrats, Food Stamps, Government, Michelle Obama, Nanny State - Big Government, Welfare State, WTF | 3 comments |
Hmm, Hillary Clinton’s Ratings Slip in Recent WSJ/NBC Poll … Its a Long Way to 2016
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is widely considered the front-runner for the Democrat nomination for President in 2016 and many believe the next President of the United States. However, the same could be said to be true in 2008 when from out of no where an unqualified, novice Senator from Illinois defeated her in the primaries. A new WSJ/NBC poll shows that Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers have slipped a bit as 46% view her positively and 33% view her in a negative light. Her positive rating is down 10% from April. As Obama’s poll numbers plummet, Hillary’s appear to be sliding as well.
What difference does it make that I failed on the International stage in Benghazi and four Americans died?
Hillary Clinton’s public image has slumped in recent months, with younger voters, Democrats and independents taking a less enthusiastic view of her, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows.
Overall, 46% registered a positive view of the ex-secretary of state, compared to 33% who expressed a negative opinion. As recently as April, 56% saw Mrs. Clinton in a positive light.
Mrs. Clinton has not yet declared her intentions in the 2016 presidential race, but if she runs she would be the solid front-runner in the Democratic field, public polling has shown.
From The Politico, Hillary Clinton is losing ground with young voters.
The poll also highlights that Clinton is losing support among younger voters, independents and even within her own party. She dropped 15 percentage points since April among 18- to 34-year-olds who said they had a positive view of Clinton to 38 percent. Additionally, her approval rating among independents fell from 46 percent to 35 percent. Clinton’s approval among Democrats also fell by 12 points, from 88 percent in April to 76 percent in the most recent poll.
Obviously Hillary Clinton is the front-runner for 2016 as she has the greatest name recognition; however, she does face several obstacles that could be her undoing.
- Because Hillary Clinton has such name recognition and is a known commodity, very few are going to have no opinion or not know they name so she has very little upside in undecided individuals.
- Hillary Clinton is considered part of the “Washington establishment” and by the time 2016 rolls around the American people may be beyond completely fed up with Washington “insiders”.
- After 8 years of Barack Obama and an exasperated America, the voters may just be exhausted of having a Democrat in the White House.
- If Obamacare continues to be the disaster that it is and implodes as the model is pretty much unsustainable the Americans are going to be in no mood for Hillary Healthcare either.
- Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi … when the truth comes out and it will come out, it will be damning for Hillary Clinton. She is going to rue the day she made the comment, “What difference does it make … “ She is going to be savaged in the debates and going to have to answer for Benghazi and why she turned a deaf ear to warnings and requests for more security.
- Obama Fatigue and he may be so unpopular and toxic at that point that it taints her run.
- The outcome of the 2014 elections.
- If the economy continues to stink, pathetic job growth, low employment participation rate, record federal debt and record food stamp participants, America is going to want a change of parties at the top.
- Did we say Benghazi?
- Hillary Clinton will be 69 years old in 2016 and is there that young Democrat candidate that we have not even heard of yet that will steal her thunder as Obama did in 2008?
Posted October 31, 2013 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Barack Obama, Community Agitator, Debates, Democrats, Economy, Epic Fail, Food Stamp President, Food Stamps, Government, Healthcare, Hillary Clinton, Jobs, Misleader, Single Payer Health Care, Socialized Medicine, Unemployment | one comment |
Barack Obama Approval Rating Sinks to New low in NBC/WSJ Poll … 42% Approve – 51% Disapprove
How low can he go … after having lied to America regarding Obamacare, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. period!” My bet is that it will go even lower …
According to the most recent NBC/WSJ poll, Obama’s job approval rating is down 5% this month to a new low of 42%. The Gateway Pundit reports via NBC’s Chuck Todd’s tweet, Obama’s persona; approval rating upside down for first time ever with 41% viewing him in a favorable light and 45% viewing him negatively. We have said for years that Obama’s approval rating would be in the 30′s if the liberal MSM just did their job and reported the truth and the news about Barack Obama, rather than be is propaganda shills. The MSM is just starting to fairly report on Obamacare and Obama’s lies.
Imagine, just imagine what Obama’s approval ratings would be like if the MSM decided to truthfully report on Benghazi, IRS-gate, the economy, the $17 trillion debt, Food Stamp America, Fast & Furious, the NSA, Energy policy, EPA, Obamacare and Obama’s disastrous foreign policy in Egypt, Libya, Syria and the entire Middle East. This man has been a catastrophe for the United States.
President Barack Obama’s approval rating has declined to an all-time low as public frustration with Washington and pessimism about the nation’s direction continue to grow, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
Just 42 percent approve of the president’s job performance, which is down five points from earlier this month. By comparison, 51 percent disapprove of his job in office — tied for his all-time high.
The NBC/WSJ pollsters argue that no single reason explains Obama’s lower poll standing. Rather, they attribute it to the accumulation of setbacks since the summer — allegations of spying by the National Security Agency, the debate over Syria’s chemical weapons, the government shutdown and now intense scrutiny over the problems associated with the health care law’s federal website and its overall implementation.
As for other results from the NBC/WSJ poll, from the looks of how individuals feel about Congress, incumbent and establishment politicians should be a bit nervous heading into 2014 and 2016. The people may have finally reached the tipping point and will throw the bums out.
Read Full poll results HERE.
Real Clear Politics has every poll with Obama’s job approval rating underwater and an average of 43.9% approve, 51.6% disapprove and -7.7% spread.