IG Horowitz Confirms Comey Under Investigation For Mishandling of Classified Memos


Inspector General Horowitz confirmed Monday during a Congressional hearing that former FBI Director James Comey is under investigation for his handling of classified information. James Comey is in a world of trouble.  Former FBI Director Comey penned 7 memos stemming from 9 conversations with President Trump of which at least 4 of 7 of the memos contained classified information. A fired Comey then gave contents of his memos to his friend Daniel Richman to leak to the New York Times. The purpose of this was to prompt a Special Counsel, which is what occurred. It would appear those leaked memos are now being investigated by the IG.


Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed publicly Monday that his office is investigating James Comey for his handling of classified information as part of memos he shared documenting discussions with President Trump.

The inspector general’s comments confirmed reports dating back to April that the ex-FBI director was facing scrutiny, amid revelations that at least two of the memos he shared with his friend, Columbia University Professor Daniel Richman, contained information now deemed classified.

The confirmation came during Monday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, where Horowitz and FBI Director Christopher Wray testified on the findings in the IG’s report on the handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

‘Viva Le Resistance’: Mueller Team Attorney Sent Anti-Trump Texts


Yesterday we learned from the IG report that a Special Counsel Mueller attorney was a part of the Democrat resistance against President Donald Trump. When this lawyer was asked he was rethinking his commitment to the Trump administration, the attorney replied, “Hell no. Viva le resistance.” But of course this is not political bias. This attorney was later quietly let go from the Mueller investigation.

Let’s get real folks. These people had such vile, vicious contempt for candidate and now President Trump that they would have done everything and anything to prevent him from becoming president and being president. How could anyone say with a straight face that their politics did not bias their investigation, they hate Trump.

An FBI attorney who worked on the special counsel’s Russia investigation until earlier this year sent anti-Trump text messages to a colleague, including one exclaiming: “Viva le Resistance.”

The attorney’s comments are revealed in a Justice Department inspector general’s report released on Thursday.

The lawyer is not identified, but he worked on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and was the FBI’s lead attorney on the investigation into Russian election interference. He was assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation soon after it began in May 2017 and left in late February of this year after some of his private messages were shared with the special counsel.

The inspector general’s report focuses on instant messages that the attorney exchanged with a colleague about the Clinton and Russia probes.

“I am numb,” the attorney wrote on Nov. 9, 2016, the day after President Trump’s election.

“I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” the lawyer continued, apparently referring to the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe.

The attorney’s messages show that he was distressed at the FBI’s decision in October 2016 to re-open the investigation into Clinton’s emails. Democrats have claimed that decision hurt Clinton at the polls.

The FBI lawyer also suggested that he would work to resist the Trump administration.

“Is it making you rethink your commitment to the Trump administration?” one FBI lawyer wrote on Nov. 22, 2016.

“Hell no. Viva le resistance,” the future Mueller attorney responded.

‘Daily Mail: Viva le Resistance’: IG report reveals more Justice Department bias as FBI lawyer working on Mueller’s Russia probe texted colleague that he was ‘numb’ after Trump’s election.

  • The IG’s new report on the FBI quotes an FBI I lawyer claiming to be ‘numb’ after the election
  • The lawyer wondered after the election ‘what I could have done differently’
  • But the lawyer then eschwed second-thoughts: ‘Hell no. Viva le resistance’
  • The lawyer worked on the Mueller probe until this year
  • Report blasted the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe but said there was no ‘bias’


IG Report Refers 5 FBI Employees for Investigation


For those in the MSM that tell you the IG reports that came out yesterday was much-a-do about nothing, they are lying and acting like fake news. Among the constant ripping of the FBI, their tactics and actions, the IG report also referred 5 new FBI employees for further investigation. But of course there was no bias as to why these employees are being referred for further investigation.

The Justice Department inspector general has referred five FBI employees for investigation in connection with politically charged texts, revealing in its report on the Hillary Clinton email case that more bureau officials than previously thought were exchanging anti-Trump messages.

The long-awaited report largely dealt with the Justice Department and FBI’s handling of the Clinton case but uncovered numerous messages that “appeared to mix political opinion with discussions about the MYE investigation.”

MYE, or “Midyear Exam,” was the code used in the FBI to refer to the investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

“Some of these text messages and instant messages mixed political commentary with discussions about the Midyear investigation, and raised concerns that political bias may have impacted investigative decisions,” the report read.

Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, “five employees” have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

“The FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBI’s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,” the report read.

It is unclear which five FBI employees have been referred for investigation.

IG Report: Former FBI Director Comey Used Gmail for FBI Business when Director Despite Warning Employees Against It & Going After Hillary Clinton for the Same


I guess we now know why Comey went soft on Hillary Clinton when it came to Hillary Clinton using her personal email and server when she was Secretary of State. As it turns out, from the IG Report and according to CNBC, James Comey used his personal Gmail account to do FBI business.


IG report Comey Gmail

Page 425 – IG report

James Comey used a personal Gmail account to conduct FBI business on numerous occasions when he was director of the bureau — even though he had bluntly warned FBI workers they would be in “huge trouble” for doing the same thing, the Justice Department’s internal watchdog revealed Thursday.

His frequent use of a personal email account for unclassified FBI business was “inconsistent with” Justice Department policy, according to a report issued by the Office of the Inspector General.

Comey was criticized in that report for usurping the power of the attorney general in his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for State Department business.

Comey had publicly said in the summer of 2016 that he was not recommending any criminal charges in connection with Clinton’s use of that email server.


Comey told FBI agents that if they used their personal email they would be in big trouble. But of course that same standard does not apply to crooked Comey.

But Comey added, “I have gotten emails from some employees about this, who said, ‘If I did what Hillary Clinton did I’d be in huge trouble.’”

“My response is you bet your ass you’d be in huge trouble,” Comey said in that speech.

“If you used a personal email, Gmail or if you [had] the capabilities to set up your own email domain, if you used an unclassified personal email system to do our business in the course of doing our business even though you were communicating with people with clearances and doing work you discussed classified matters in that, in those communications, TS/SCI, special access programs, you would be in huge trouble in the FBI,” Comey said.

IG Michael Horowitz Report: Strzok Texted Page Referring to Trump Becoming President … “No. No He’s Not. We’ll Stop It”


According to the Inspector General Michael Horowitz report (pg. 149), the IG revealed an incredibly damning message between FBI agent lovebirds Peter Strzok to Lisa Page. However, the majorly concerning aspect of this revelation was that the text message had been previously hidden from Congress.


A bombshell report released Thursday by the Justice Department’s inspector general includes new evidence that an FBI agent and an agency lawyer who were having an affair in 2016 were also plotting to keep President Donald Trump from winning the election.

In an email on August 8, 2016, Special Agent Peter Strzok reassured Page that she needn’t worry about Trump winning the White House.

Trump is ‘not ever going to become president, right? Right?!’ Page texted Strzok. 

‘No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it,’ he responded.

WE’LL STOP IT?!? HOW IN THE HELL IS NOT NOT POLITICAL BIAS? Also, who is the “We’ll” that Strzok is referring to? Hmm, could that be a conspiracy among the Deep State? The Gateway Pundit asks, “Who deleted this second part of the message?” A very good question, but of course there is no political bias at the FBI.

IG Report Strzok_Page1

IG Report Strzok_Page2

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