Two Thirds of Millionaires Go Missing in England to Avoid the 50% Tax Rate Hike

One might think that the United States would learn from what happened across the Pond. 

So President Barack Obama and the Left think that raising taxes n the so-called rich is the answer, eh? Take a good look what happened when the British PM raised taxes on millionaires. Two-thirds of millionaires either left the UK or reduced their taxable income in order to avoid the 50% take rate. The British naively thought they were going to increase revenues by merely increasing the tax rate on millionaires and doing simple math. However, instead of raising funds, it actually cost the UK £7 billion in lost tax revenue.

Almost two-thirds of the country’s million-pound earners disappeared from Britain after the introduction of the 50p top rate of tax, figures have disclosed.

In the 2009-10 tax year, more than 16,000 people declared an annual income of more than £1 million to HM Revenue and Customs.

This number fell to just 6,000 after Gordon Brown introduced the new 50p top rate of income tax shortly before the last general election.

The figures have been seized upon by the Conservatives to claim that increasing the highest rate of tax actually led to a loss in revenues for the Government.

It is believed that rich Britons moved abroad or took steps to avoid paying the new levy by reducing their taxable incomes.

Think Barack Obama and Democrats could learn from this? Hell no, Obama and Democrats can’t even learn from the government overspending and entitlement program fiasco going on in Greece. Instead Obama continues his class warfare and puts forward the myth that taxing the so-called rich is the answer to all of America’s fiscal ills.

Media Bias: CBS 60 Minutes Does Not Air on TV Barack Obama Admitting Mistakes in Campaign Ads … AKA Lying and Presenting Falsehoods against Romney

More Media Bias … Obama admits false ads against Romney and CBS decides not to air the comment on TV …

Could there be any greater example of MSM liberal bias than CBS’s 60 Minutes not airing during tehir TV broadcast that President Barack Obama admitted to mistakes in his campaign ads. UNREAL. CBS in their infinite wisdom and keeping up with being in the tank for Obama never allowed this to air during the TV broadcast, only posting it in line. During the interview Obama admits to … ” “Do we see sometimes us going overboard in our campaign, are there mistakes that are made … “. Mistakes made, or purposeful smear campaign Mr. President? But Obama justifies his campaigns deceitful lies because there is a lot at stake. Welcome to Chicago thug style politics. The GOP and Romney best not bring a knife to a political gun fight.

Barack Obama admits false political advertizing, but that’s ok, because you know, there’s a lot at stake in this election.

From the Weekly Standard:

Look, the fact-checkers have had problems with the ads on both sides,” Kroft says to Obama in the unaired clip, “and say they’ve been misleading and in some cases just not true. Does that disturb you? I mean, some of them are your ads.”

Obama responds: “Do we see sometimes us going overboard in our campaign, are there mistakes that are made, areas where there is no doubt somebody could dispute how we are presenting things? You know, that happens in politics.”

Kroft responds: “Aren’t the American entitled to the truth? Or a better version of it?”

“The truth of the matter is, most of the time we’re having a vigorous debate about a vision for the country,” Obama says. “And, you know, there’s a lot at stake in this election. So is it going to be sharp sometimes? Absolutely. But will the American people ultimately have a good sense of where I want to take the country and where Gov. Romney takes the country? I think they will.”

What, you mean that Obama and his minions knew that Romney did not help murder a cancer patient, did pay taxes and that the GOP is not out to kill old people and children, harm the air and water and kick granny off the cliff?

Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Says Medicare will help Donkeys win 2012 Majority in House, Because She was So Correct in her 2010 Prediction

Because San Fran Nan has such a great track record of predictions …

Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi claimed on CNN that Democrats would take back the House in 2012. Pelosi indicated that Medicare will be the issue that gives her back the Speaker’s gavel. Or should we say Mediscare? Democrats will do everything humanly possible to demonize the Romney/Ryan position on Medicare and the false claims that they want to destroy it.

Even though it was Barack Obama who took $750 billion from Medicare and gave it to Obamacare. However, Pelosi’s claims fall rather flat when you think back and she predicted that Democrats would retain the US House of Representatives after 2010 Midterm elections. How did that work out for ya Nancy?

House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi laughed off the chances of a Mitt Romney presidency, while trumpeting the possibility that Democrats will retake the House of Representatives, during an interview aired Sunday on CNN.

Pelosi, speaking with host Candy Crowley on “State of the Union,” pointed to one issue in particular that she thinks will deliver the House to Democrats: Medicare.

“We have been saying there are three important issues in this campaign. And in alphabetical order, they are Medicare, Medicare, Medicare,” she said.

How sad that Democrats would pit the elderly against the young and frighten seniors with lies. Make no mistake about it America, Medicare/Medicaid needs to be reformed, they are going bankrupt. The Romney/Ryan plan does not affect anyone presently on Medicare or over the age of 55. That being said, Medicare needs major reforms so that it is around for present senior’s children, grand children and great grand children.

Barack Obama’s State of the Union Speech Registers an 8th Grade Reading Level on the Flesch-Kincaid Test … 3rd Lowest SOTU Score Since 1934

Barack Obama, are you smarter than a 8th grader …

Barack Obama has been touted as the smartest President ever. So then why was his 2012 State of the Union speech register an 8th grade reading level on the  Flesch-Kincaid readability test? Obama’s 2012 SOTU was the third lowest score since 1934. Obama’s SOTU average grade score of his three speeches is at an amazing 8.4, as compared to the 10.7 average if the previous 67 State of the Union addresses by twelve Presidents.  Coincidence, I think not.

The University of Minnesota’s Smart Politics conducted an analysis on the last 70 State of the Union addresses and found that President Obama’s three addresses have the lowest grade average of any modern president. “Obama’s average grade-level score of 8.4 is more than two grades lower than the 10.7 grade average for the other 67 addresses written by his 12 predecessors,” they conclude.

“The Flesch-Kincaid test is designed to assess the readability level of written text, with a formula that translates the score to a U.S. grade level. Longer sentences and sentences utilizing words with more syllables produce higher scores. Shorter sentences and sentences incorporating more monosyllabic words yield lower scores,” the University of Minnesota’s Eric Ostermeier explains.

Obama’s use of simple language  is in part a reflection of his audience: the American voter in an election year.

Is this the continued dumbing down of America? Kinda. However, it is telling to who Barack Obama is targeting his speech to. It has to be intentional to make a speech that much more simple than previous Presidents. 2.3 grade levels!!!

Is it any wonder why then that a President that would lower the reading level of a SOTU by so much would also play class warfare? Does anyone think that the targeted Obama speech listener actually takes the time to read and fact check what Obama says, or are they just blindly believing what The One says. I think we know the answer.

Just a note to Conservatives, the Tea Party and Republicans, don’t let any Liberal or Dem tell you that you are stupid. Not when Obama is having speeches targeted to an 8th grade reading level. Those who support Barack Obama should be insulted that the Obamamessiah feels the need to talk down to them. However, instead they will follow him blindly even though though “Hope & Change”  was a monumental hoax.

Michael Moore Says … “Wall Street Has Their Man And His Name Is Barack Obama”

Barack “Wall Street” Obama … Even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day, Michael Moore calls Obama, Wall Street’s man … “Wall Street Has Their Man And His Name Is Barack Obama”

How bad is it for President Barack Obama? Even far Left lib Michael Moore is stating that Obama is in the pocket of Wall Street. So what to the Occupy Wall Street crowd think when the very individual they should be protesting is their candidate in the White House. How do the so-called 99%’ers justify the fact that Obama is part of the 1% and takes money from the 1%?


MICHAEL MOORE, ON CNN: Well, “The Washington post” three weeks ago had this investigation and they said that President Obama has now raised more money from Wall Street and the banks for this election cycle than all — than all eight Republicans combined. I don’t want to say that, because if that’s the truth, that Wall Street already has their man and his name is Barack Obama, then we’ve got a much bigger problem.

But I think President Obama, if he were here in the room, the question I would ask him is why are they your number one contributors? Why are you taking this money?

Interesting, even Moore is having an issue trying to justify support for Obama and The One’s actions.


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