Congressional Black Caucus Concerned that Barack Obama Has Yet to Appointed African-Americans to his Second-term Cabinet.

Congressional Black Caucus to Obama … It’s time to pay up for the 2012 black vote.

As reported at The Hill, the Congressional Black Caucus is voicing some concern that President Barack Obama has yet to appoint any African-Americans to his second term Cabinet. In other words, hey Barack, after getting 95% of the black vote, its time to pay up, where are all the black people? Where is the diversity? Where is the equal opportunity? Where is the NAACP, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton chanting “no justice, no peace?” Where are the cries of racism? Don’t you love the double standard?

The chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus said she is concerned that President Obama has not yet appointed African-Americans to his second-term Cabinet.

Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) said Obama’s appointees do not reflect the nation’s diverse population — at least, so far.

“I am concerned that you have moved forward with new cabinet appointments and yet, to date, none of them have been African American,” her letter to Obama states. “You have publicly expressed your commitment to retaining diversity within your cabinet. However, the people you have chosen to appoint in this new term have hardly been reflective of this country’s diversity.”

Quid Pro Quo … Detroit City Council Woman JoAnn Watson Tells Obama, We Voted for you, Now Bail us Out with Government Bacon

Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You“. Ask what you can do for your country.

Ask not what you can do for your country, but what you can  take from your country. Welcome to the Obama “Quid pro quo” BACON BAILOUT.

The Left demands government pork for votes …  Detroit Council woman Joann Watson wants some “bacon” from Barack Obama after blacks voted for him. Elections do have consequences and now it appears time for Obama to payback for all of his class warfare political rhetoric. Watson literally said its time for some “quid pro quo”. Since blacks in Detroit, Michigan overwhelmingly voted for Obama, they deserve a bailout. Thus, as stated at Michelle Malkin, a city that has been consistently mismanaged and run into the ground now expects and demands a bailout. It is the same old story as usual. Provide no fiscal responsibility and expect that some one else will bail you out. All that is accomplished is the same vicious, idiotic cycle continues. Look for Illinois and California to be asking Obama to bail out their failed states as well. It is obvious that people voted for Obama for what he could take from others to give to them.

Our people voted for Obama and now we expect pork from him. How morally bankrupt has this country become?

Fox 2 News Headlines

The city of Detroit faces a major financial crisis and one member of city council thinks President Barack Obama should step in and help.

City Council member JoAnn Watson said Tuesday the citizens support of Obama in last month’s election was enough reason for the president to bailout the struggling the city. (Click the video player to listen)

“Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and you ought to exercise leadership on that,” said Watson. “Of course, not just that, but why not?”

As Weasel Zippers opines, Bacon is defined as Obamaphones, EBT cards, food stamps, “stimulus” money.

Andrew Sullivan Makes Another Ignorant Race Card Reference … If Romney Wins Florida And VA, It’s The ‘Confederacy’

LIBS continue to play the race card because they have nothing else …

Once again we have a liberal playing the race card when it come to the election of Barack Obama. This time it’s the Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan who made the ignorant and racially charged comment, “If Virginia and Florida go back to the Republicans, it’s the Confederacy. Entirely. You put a map of the Civil War over this electoral map, you’ve got the Civil War.” It is truly pathetic that such attempts to play the race card has become a platform of the Democrat party.  There is real racism in America and folks like Sullivan and his ilk are trivializing it.

PBS reporter Gwen Ifill said that “we can’t ignore” the possible factor racial animus may play in deciding the election, noting that the poll indicates that, on some level, people are still willing to admit “racial bias.”

Sullivan then added: “If Virginia and Florida go back to the Republicans, it’s the Confederacy. Entirely. You put a map of the Civil War over this electoral map, you’ve got the Civil War.”

Conservative panelist George Will rolled his eyes. “I don’t know,” said a skeptical Ifill.

Really, so if you vote for Romney you’re a racist? America, who is sick and tired of being called a racist because you do not agree with Obama’s socialist and failed agenda? How desperate are Democrats when this is all they got? Smearing anyone who votes for Romney, really? This is simply disgraceful, but typical of what the Democrat party has become. American Power provides a map of 2004 of GWB’s win which would be the same as Romney’s attempted electoral vote 2012 victory. Also, I would bet that Reagan’s 1980 and 1984 victories would look similar as well. Were they all racists too? This map is not the look of the Confederacy, its the look of a Romney victory.

Sullivan’s comments are perfectly representative of the left’s hopelessly desperate and utterly despicable politics of racial fear-mongering. Progressives have been attacking conservative presidential politics as racist since at least 1968, when Republicans deployed the so-called “Southern strategy” in the election of Richard Nixon to the White House. The South has been in the GOP column for decades. It’s just the way it is, not shocking and not a racist conspiracy. That’s the 2004 map above, where George W. Bush was reelected with 286 votes …

A quick history lesson for Andrew Sullivan and Libs, the Confederate South was made up of Democrats.

EXIT OBSERVATION: Barack Obama and Democrats continually playing the race card have probably done irreparable damage to a black Democrat ever being nominated or elected president in the future. Who wants to put up with this garbage of constantly being called a racist just because one disagrees with a person of color’s policies and agenda? Especially since it was white America who voted Obama into office.

EXIT QUESTION: Andrew, what is more racist, whites voting in Obama at a 50-50 percentage or blacks voting for Obama at 96%? Hmm?

Some one is Panicking … Barack Obama Holds Conference Call With Black Preachers Including Jeremiah Wright About Getting Out The Black Vote

Define desperation … President Barack Obama feeling he still needs to make an effort to get out the black vote. Hmm, a Reverend  Jeremiah Wright sighting.

In 2008 Barack Obama received 95% of the black vote and 13% of the total vote who turned out in droves to vote for the first black president. However, with just 15 days to go before the 2012 Presidential election we learn that Obama is still trying to woo the black vote. Last weekend Barack Obama held a conference call with a collection of black preachers that included his old pastor, Jeremiah Wright to get out the black vote. How desperate must Team Obama be if at this late date they feel they cannot count on what is considered the base of their base?

Has Obama’s Chickens come home to Roost?

As we roll into the final presidential debate, the polls show a very tight race. One thing they don’t show, however, is how race is a factor in the election.

By my estimate, you have to build in a three- to five-point slip from the poll numbers for any black candidate on election day. To overcome the slip, you need to pump up the black vote by equal measure.

And that’s not easy, because brothers and sisters aren’t among the top turnout groups.

In 2008, Barack Obama was able to compensate for the slip and then some. You would have thought it was Nelson Mandela coming out of jail. This time it’s not going to be that easy.

If Obama looks as if he’s going black, he could turn off white people. So he’s largely been lying low on the race issues – visibly pushing for the Latino vote, the gay vote, the women’s vote, but not the black vote.

But last weekend, he held a conference call with a collection of black preachers that included his old pastor, Jeremiah Wright. He wanted to talk to them about getting out the vote.

Has Obama and his reelection team taken the black vote for granted? Obviously Democrats have as with a 95% sure thing vote, what has black America received in return? According to the Daily Caller, Obama campaign denies the call ever took place. I guess they can blame this to on a video tape.

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