Some one is Panicking … Barack Obama Holds Conference Call With Black Preachers Including Jeremiah Wright About Getting Out The Black Vote


Define desperation … President Barack Obama feeling he still needs to make an effort to get out the black vote. Hmm, a Reverend  Jeremiah Wright sighting.

In 2008 Barack Obama received 95% of the black vote and 13% of the total vote who turned out in droves to vote for the first black president. However, with just 15 days to go before the 2012 Presidential election we learn that Obama is still trying to woo the black vote. Last weekend Barack Obama held a conference call with a collection of black preachers that included his old pastor, Jeremiah Wright to get out the black vote. How desperate must Team Obama be if at this late date they feel they cannot count on what is considered the base of their base?

Has Obama’s Chickens come home to Roost?

As we roll into the final presidential debate, the polls show a very tight race. One thing they don’t show, however, is how race is a factor in the election.

By my estimate, you have to build in a three- to five-point slip from the poll numbers for any black candidate on election day. To overcome the slip, you need to pump up the black vote by equal measure.

And that’s not easy, because brothers and sisters aren’t among the top turnout groups.

In 2008, Barack Obama was able to compensate for the slip and then some. You would have thought it was Nelson Mandela coming out of jail. This time it’s not going to be that easy.

If Obama looks as if he’s going black, he could turn off white people. So he’s largely been lying low on the race issues – visibly pushing for the Latino vote, the gay vote, the women’s vote, but not the black vote.

But last weekend, he held a conference call with a collection of black preachers that included his old pastor, Jeremiah Wright. He wanted to talk to them about getting out the vote.

Has Obama and his reelection team taken the black vote for granted? Obviously Democrats have as with a 95% sure thing vote, what has black America received in return? According to the Daily Caller, Obama campaign denies the call ever took place. I guess they can blame this to on a video tape.

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  • Comments

    4 Responses to “Some one is Panicking … Barack Obama Holds Conference Call With Black Preachers Including Jeremiah Wright About Getting Out The Black Vote”

    1. Miklo on October 22nd, 2012 11:06 am

      Churches aren’t supposed to be advising their congregants whom to vote for in an election.

      They should only be encouraging them to vote their conscience.

    2. Tamikosmom on October 22nd, 2012 3:35 pm

      It is unclear if the Lis Smith’s denial was referencing only Jeremiah Wright or other Black Preachers. In other words … did Obama or did not Obama have a conference call with other Black Preachers?

      Obama campaign denies Willie Brown’s claim of Obama-Wright outreach conference call
      1:29 AM 10/22/2012

      Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, reported Saturday that President Barack Obama held a semi-secret conference call with the racist preacher Jeremiah Wright and other ministers last weekend to boost African-American turnout. But Obama for America campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith denied it flatly to The Daily Caller on Sunday.

      “It is not true,” Smith, the campaign’s rapid-response director, wrote in an email to TheDC. …

      Smith also told BuzzFeed Sunday that the “report is false,” though she didn’t specify exactly what about it was inaccurate.

    3. Tamikosmom on October 22nd, 2012 7:23 pm

      1. Milko

      At our church there is no organized support for any candidate/Party but … considering many “political issues” are also “Biblical issues” … our congregation is informed from the pulpit book, chapter and verse what the Bible reveals.

      As a Christian … I believe that I have the responsibility to compare the positions of the candidates on the issues with the Word of God and vote accordingly.

    4. Buck Ofama on October 26th, 2012 11:55 am

      Blacks cant help obama. They never could.
      Whites put this pimp in the whitehouse. Whites will take his ass out !!

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