Democrats Continue Nasty Nazi Comments … SC Democratic Party Compared Gov. Nikki Haley (SC-R) to Adolf Hitler Mistress Eva Braun

What ever happened to that civility that President Barack Obama called for when he traveled to Tucson, AZ following the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords that left six dead and 14 injured? Obama stated, “We can do better”. Really Mr. President, you might want to start by reining in your own party.  Talk about leading from behind, President Obama cannot control his own party, is it any wonder he has failed America.

In yet another display of complete ignorance and vile behavior, Democrats have compared another Republican to Nazi’s at the RNC convention in Charlotte, NC. Dick Harpootlian, the South Carolina Democratic Party chairman, made the comment that South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley “She was down in the bunker à la Eva Braun.” Of course Braun was the mistress of Nazi leader Adolf  Hitler. Sick.

“The latest offender is Dick Harpootlian, the South Carolina Democratic Party chairman, whose outrageous words I will not repeat,” said former Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.) in a statement released by the Romney campaign. “In recent days, we’ve seen similarly disgraceful statements from a top Kansas Democratic delegate and from the chairman of the California Democratic Party.

“President Obama has called for civility in American politics. If his call is to be taken seriously, it’s time for the President to rein in those of his supporters and allies who are trivializing Nazism while also shamelessly trampling on the most basic rules of American political discourse.”

Harpootlian made the comments in reference to a Republican National Committee rapid-response center in the basement of the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, N.C.

“She was down in the bunker à la Eva Braun,” he said.

Earlier in the week, California Democrat Party chair John Burton compared the GOP to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. GOP Presidential nominee called on Team Obama to tamp it down on the Nazi comments. Ya think? However, don’t hold your breathe Mitt, these folks are just some of the most vile, rotten human beings that will say anything without the slightest bit of compassion or caring.

Mitt Romney’s campaign issued a statement Wednesday demanding Democratic officials “cease and desist from comparing those with whom they disagree to Nazis” after the chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party compared Gov. Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) to Adolf Hitler mistress Eva Braun.

Jamming Wearing Fool seconds the notion that Dems at this convention are just vile creatures as they state, “Hey, they trample upon their own delegates. Smearing Republicans all day, every day is nothing. Heck, this rockhead Harpootlian even doubled down.” And that is exactly what Harpootlian did. He felt no apology was needed. Just plain sick. But if you boo God, what else would one expect?

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Cancels Interviews after CNN Interview Denied Reports of “Discord” within Democrat Party over Reintroduction of “God” & “Jerusalem”

File this one under it could not happen to a more vile individual … WHERE’S DEBBIE?

Rep. Debbie Wasserman (FL-D) Schultz’s chickens are coming home to roost. The DNC Chair who is most known for her less than truthful comments with regards to Obama’s economy and the Democrat party and her vile attacks against the GOP is getting a taste of her own medicine. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to cancel interviews yesterday after a CNN interview and a disastrous PR nightmare where she claimed that there was no “discord” in the Democrat Party over the reintroduction of God and Jerusalem to the Democrat party platform. Really Debbie, are you doing your best Baghdad Bob imitation … Liar, liar, pants on fire.  With a straight face she actually said there was do discord and there was a 2/3 rds majority vote. Who are you going to believe, Debbie Wasserman Schultz or your lying eyes and ears (VIDEO)?


Video Hat Tip: NewsBusters

Democratic National Committee chiefs Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Patrick Gaspard cancelled interviews with local media outlets tonight, amid controversy surrounding the party’s decision to reintroduce “God” and “Jerusalem” to the platform.

Jon Ralston, host of the Las Vegas-based “Face To Face” news program, told POLITICO that he was sitting in the chair waiting for a 2:45 p.m. PT (5:45 p.m. ET) interview with Gaspard when he was told that his guest had cancelled, without explanation.

Blair Miller of WSOC TV, ABC’s Charlotte, N.C., affiliate, also tweeted that Wasserman Schultz cancelled her interview with him, without explanation. “After my Romney intv today, we were planning to interview @DWSTweets live,” he wrote. “However, she did not show up. Her staff not answering calls.”

Even CNN could not spin this for the Democrats, Obama, the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz when there is video showing just that. It forced CNN host Anderson Cooper to say Wasserman Schultz’s version of events was “an alternate reality.”

But let me just again point out that this is the same person who last week or two weeks ago was attacking the Romney campaign saying that it is the candidate who sets the platform, who designs and writes the platform,” interjected Cooper. “It wasn’t true what she was saying two weeks ago, but now isn’t it fair if she claimed that about the Republican platform to claim that about the Democratic platform?”

Cooper added a few moments later, “I just think from a reality standpoint, you can defend it as the head of the DNC, but to say flat out there was no discord is just not true.”

Democrats Boo as DNC Forces Thru the Vote to Bring Back God & Jerusalem being the Capital of Israel to Platform … Welcome to the 2012 Progressive, Moonbat Democrat Party

Independents and undecided voters take notice … the Democrat Party booed God being brought back to the Democrat platform. Talk about disturbing.

Could today have been more of a disaster for Barack Obama and the Democrat Party as a feud ensues after the DNC is forced to put back God and Jerusalem is the capital of Israel back into their platform. Does any one actually think that the DNC suddenly found religion and GOD? Of course not, they were forced to make the change, reportedly the orders coming from the very top. There was just one problem, the delegates voted it down by a voice vote. Seriously, we have a major political party in the United States of America who votes against having “God” in their platform and booed when it was put back in against their will. The DNC turned in chaos today over the issue and has taken center stage and sucked up all the oxygen in the room.

Convention Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa, the Los Angeles Mayor, called for a vote on a motion to amend the platform, whose changes since 2008 had drawn intense criticism from Republicans and no real defense from leading Democrats, who cast the omissions as oversights rather than policy statements.

The delegates on the floor, though, appeared not to be in on the plan: Villaraigosa called for a voice vote three times, with Ayes rivaling Nays, and then forced through an affirmative over an unclear and noisy situation on the floor.

Several delegates told BuzzFeed they were dismayed by the chaos, and some objectors said they voted “no” because Villaraigosa had not explained the move. Other said they believed the vote reflected hostility to Israel among the delegates.

What an embarrassment. Welcome America to today’s Democrat Progressive Party. Supposedly it was reported at the Politico that the orders to make the change regarding God and Jerusalem came from the top. Hmm, just one question, how the hell did this get through in the first place? Who is running this show? Today’s Democrat debacle was simply a microcosm of the Obama Presidency. A hap-hazard Obama administration that has reminded us as the Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight. How could a DNC convention allow such a thing to occur that any normal thinking, non-moonbat would have said taking God out was like throwing gas on a fire.

But in the end, the powers that be at the DNC forced through God and Jerusalem to a chorus of boos. I guess the Democrat delegates know now what the rest of America felt like when Obama and Democrats forced Obamacare down the throats and against the will of We the People.

TOO BIG TO FILL … DNC Moves Barack Obama Speech From 75,000 Seat Football Stadium to 15-20,000 Seat Time Warner Cable Arena Citing bad Weather, More Like Because They Could Not Fill It

TOO BIG TO FILL …Obama is “Lost in Smallness” once again, literally.

Now Obama and Democrats are blaming the weather. Why not they have blamed everything else for Obama’s failures.

The decline of Barack Obama … DNC officially moves President Barack Obama’s speech from the 70,000 seat Bank of America football stadium where the NFL Carolina Panthers play to the Time Warner Cable Arena. Democrats are citing bad weather. Please, spare of the BS. The fact of the matter is that Obama could not fill the 70,000 seat stadium and he did not want to be embarrassed with empty seats. Instead Barack Obama will be speaking in an arena that holds between 15,000 and 20,000 people depending on how the event is set up. Local meteorologist puzzled by Obama speech move seeing that Thursday was supposed to be the nicest day of the week. In any event the DNC, Obama and his minions can stick their collective heads in the sand all they want, Obama’s days are numbered and his best days are behind him. Hope & Change is over, Obama’s failed record rules the day.

Democrats today announced that President Barack Obama’s big speech on Thursday night will move from the vast Bank of America stadium to the much-smaller Time Warner indoor arena.

While organisers blamed weather forecasts of lightning, the switch means that Obama has avoided the possibility of having to accept his party’s nomination before a partially-empty stadium. Just hours earlier, officials had been insisting the speech would go ahead in the stadium ‘rain or shine’.

‘We have been monitoring weather forecasts closely and several reports predict thunderstorms in the area, therefore we have decided to move Thursday’s proceedings to Time Warner Cable Arena to ensure the safety and security of our delegates and convention guests,’ said convention chief Steve Kerrigan.

But convention sources exclusively told the MailOnline on Tuesday that the real reason behind the switch was fears within the Obama campaign that there would be large numbers of empty seats in the 74,000-seater stadium. The Time Warner arena has a capacity of just over 20,000.

Also reported at the Washington Times, former New Hampshire Republican governor John Sununu theorized that the Democrat party is moving the final night of its Democratic National Convention because it can’t fill the planned venue, and not because of possible bad weather. Theorize? As reported at Weasel Zippers, CNN reports the Obama campaign gave away only 65,000 tickets to Bank of America Stadium, capacity is over 74,000.

The Lonely Conservative opines that there will be an awful lot of angry Democrats. So where are all of the other 50,000 Democrats going to go? Are police going to have to turn people away? Imagine if you are a Democrat and purchased hotel rooms and took time off of work to see Obama speak? Don’t worry, now you know how the rest of us feel about being screwed by this President. But Democrats already know about disappointment from Obama, don’t they?

I kinda like the title “Too Big to Fill”, but I must admit a close second is over at Michelle … “You Didn’t Fill That!”

Charles Krauthammer on Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech: “I’m Sure It Was a Great Speech But I Didn’t Buy a Line of It”

Question, Who was Michelle Obama talking about in her speech last night? It might have been the Obama of 2008, it certainly is not the one of 2012.

Oh, Michelle Obama was talking about Barack Obama during her speech last night? The failed president who gave himself an “incomplete” for his first term in office as is looked upon as the most partisan and divisive president ever during a presidents first four years. Wow, Michelle Obama actually had the nerve to say the following?

“I love that for Barack, there is no such thing as “us” and “them” – he doesn’t care whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above…he knows that we all love our country…and he’s always ready to listen to good ideas…he’s always looking for the very best in everyone he meets”

Last night first lady Michelle Obama gave her speech at the DNC in Charlotte, NC talking about the man that she wanted to be given another 4 years in office. However, during her speech I really did not know who she was talking about. Her glowing comments and praises of an individual hardly compare to the individual who has been President for the past four years. Michelle Obama made it sound like Barack Obama does not have 4 years to be judged on, whether it be political or personal.

Video Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

“She told the story of a Gandhi. And considering the way he’s conducted himself in the presidency and particularly in the campaign, with ruthlessness and determination and drive, it’s not quite a plausible story…. I’m sure it was a great speech but I didn’t buy a line of it.”

Was Michelle Obama’s speech delivered in a powerful way, yes. Was it a good speech for the first lady, yes. Did anything she say compare to the Barack Obama we have seen in the past four years, NO!

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