UNREAL, Hillary Clinton Compares Harvey Weinstein to President Donald Trump … Really, When Married to Bill Clinton with Allegations of Sexually Assault and Actual Sex With Monica?


In an interview for her new book, “What Happened,” Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to The Andrew Marr Show about why she lost the U.S. Presidential election and about Harvey Weinstein. Hillary Clinton tried to pivot as fast as she could away from the fact that she was a friend of Weinstein. Then she stated that she had no idea about Weinstein and his sexual perversions, even though as the interviewer pointed out, everyone in Hollywood and who traveled in his circles knew. Just like she had no idea of the many affairs of her husband, former president Bill Clinton. But I digress. The below interview is classic. You have to love the British press that sound so polite and then nail you with a gut-wrenching question.

Hillary Clinton is confronted by foreign journalist Andrew Marr for commending women that have come forward with claims they were sexual assaulted by movie producer Harvey Weinstein but not for the women who accused her husband former President Bill Clinton of assault and rape.

“Conclusions [were] drawn and that was clearly in the past,” Clinton said of her husband’s activity.

Clinton said while the sexual assault accusations against Weinstein “disgusting” and “heartbreaking,” it’s “important” that we recognize there is an admitted sexual assault in the Oval Office. Clinton was talking about President Donald Trump.

Real Clear Politics

Then she went there. In an effort to deflect the fact that a so-called feminist took campaign and Foundation money for a serial sexual harasser and assaulter of women, Hillary said,”we just elected a person who admitted sexual assault to the presidency.” WHAT? No sweetie, your husband is the admitted sexual harasser and assaulter of women. UNREAL. If there is one woman who has lost the right to point a finger at anyone for sexual assault, it is Hillary Clinton. She talked about women coming forward against Weinsten, what happened to the woman that came forward against Bill Clinton? The answer, Hillary trashed them and called them bimbos. It has never been proved that Trump did any such thing. The Billy Bush tape, although repugnant, is two guys bragging about sexual conquest and what celebrity provides. The major point, it was consensual. Let’s face it, former president Bill “Bubba” Clinton lowered the bar of the White House to an unprecedented low. Bill Clinton did the most vile things to an intern, Monica Lewinsky. He had Monica on her knees, of which Hillary thinks in relevant, in the Oval Office performing oral sex. This pig used a cigar on a 22 year old intern in the Oval Office and Hillary has the balls to make any comparisons to Weinstein other than her husband? Wake the hell up women of America, your so-called feminist, woman hero is a sexual predator enabler.

Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee reacts to Hillary Clinton’s comparison of Harvey Weinstein and President Trump. One is almost speechless in their reaction to Hillary Clinton daring to compare Trump to Weinstein when the obvious comparison is her husband, former president Bill Clinton. After all, he did teach us what the meaning of is, is.

Bill Clinton Testifies … check out the body language and facial expression at 1:13 when asked about the cigar

Liberal MSM Double Standard: How Top NBC Executives Quashed The Bombshell Harvey Weinstein Story


What is worse than fake news? How about news that is knowing not reported to meet an agenda?

The below article below from the HUFFPO regarding Ronan Farrow, an NBC News contributor, had secured an interview with a woman who was willing to appear on camera,  in silhouette, her identity concealed, saying that Harvey Weinstein had raped her is even larger than the crime of rape itself. As if sexual assault and rape is not bad enough. But for a news outlet like NBC to knowingly, willfully and purposely spike the Weinstein story because of who he was might be even more heinous. An effort by the liberal MSM to protect their own. Would they have done the same for say, Donald Trump? Hell no! As we all know that NBC News and MSNBC certainly ran with the Billy Bush-Trump tapes. But some how, a raunchy tape of two men disgusting talk about woman is worse than a predator who for decades sexually assaulted women in Hollywood. Really? Everyone knew the truth. They knew the stories were much more than rumors, but the liberal media decided to take part in a systemic quashing of the story for fear one of their own would be outed for the disgusting, POS, predator that he was. SHAME ON YOU NBC.

The NBC peacock is Dead


In mid-August, Ronan Farrow, an NBC News contributor, had secured an interview with a woman who was willing to appear on camera, in silhouette, her identity concealed, and say Harvey Weinstein had raped her, according to four people with close knowledge of the reporting. It was a pivotal moment in a testy, months-long process of reporting a story that had bedeviled a generation of media and Hollywood reporters.

Farrow had a lot of material already. In March, he had acquired a damning and much-coveted audio recording in which Weinstein admits to having groped an Italian model. He had interviews with former executives and assistants who’d worked closely with Weinstein who spoke about the culture of harassment and abuse he perpetrated. And now he had someone ready to accuse Weinstein of rape, on camera.

But at that moment Farrow was also caught in the pincers of an NBC News edict. He had been told by executives at NBC News that he didn’t have enough reporting to go on air with his Weinstein story, according to four sources, and he had been told by the network to stop reporting on it. NBC tried to put a stop to the interview with the woman accusing Weinstein of rape. The network insisted he not use an NBC News crew for the interview, and neither was he to mention his NBC News affiliation. And so that was how Ronan Farrow wound up paying out of his own pocket for a camera crew to film an interview.

As a project for NBC News, Farrow’s story was effectively dead. Later that month, he received permission to take his reporting to another news organization. The story that resulted, published Tuesday by The New Yorker, was a blockbuster: multiple women accusing Weinstein of rape and other sexual misconduct, accompanied by the audio of Weinstein admitting to sexual assault. [...]

Then he struck a rueful tone, suggesting that the NBC iteration of the story had died of natural causes. “We reached a point over the summer where we, as an organization, didn’t feel that we had all the elements that we needed to air,” he said.

Yet interviews with 12 people inside and outside NBC News with direct knowledge of the reporting behind Farrow’s story suggest a different cause of death. All of the sources who spoke to HuffPost asked not to be named, either because they weren’t authorized to speak to the media about the story or because they were fearful of retribution from NBC News executives. These sources detailed a months-long struggle within NBC News during which Oppenheim and other executives slow-walked Farrow’s story, crippling it with their qualms and irresolution.

Toward the end, the concerns seemed to take on a personal tone, and it became difficult to tell where the Weinstein team’s attempts to discredit the story left off and NBC News’ editorial forbearance began. According to multiple sources inside and outside of NBC News who worked on the aborted story, Oppenheim related to Farrow what Weinstein’s lawyers had said in complaint to NBC:

Seth MacFarlane Explains His 2012 Oscar Best Supporting Actress Harvey Weinstein Joke … “Congratulations, You Five Ladies No Longer have to Pretend to be Attracted to Harvey Weinstein.” (VIDEO)


Many people, not in Hollywood, wondered what was meant when following Seth MacFarlane providing the 2012 Oscar nominations for ‘Best Supporting Actresses,’ he made the following joke, that was supposed to be more of a commentary rather than joke. However, from the reaction of those in attendance, you can tell they knew exactly what MacFarlane was referring to.


The sad reality is, they all knew and did and said nothing. The actresses and actors knew, the producers and directors knew. Hell, the best boys and key grips knew. More importantly, Hollywood knew … and did nothing. More so, the liberal MSM knew and so did the liberal politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, who consistently went to these people for campaign money. Don’t ever believe the acting job that Hillary Clinton just found out about this. I am sure it was just another right wing conspiray like with her former president husband Bubba. Or Barack Obama, acting as if this is news to him. Both are cringe worthy of an Oscar themselves. They are all enablers, including the NY Times.

As reported at EW, Seth MacFarlane comes clean and explains why he did what he did and what he meant by the joke on Twitter.

Weinstein tweet_macfarlane

When hosting the Oscars five years ago, Seth MacFarlane made a bold joke about Harvey Weinstein.

Now, in the light of a stunning array of sexual misconduct allegations against the powerhouse producer, The Family Guy creator is explaining the full context of his remark.

Barth was one of the women to come forward with allegations against Weinstein in The New Yorker‘s bombshell story published Tuesday. According to Barth, the disgraced executive allegedly invited her to his hotel room, where, the New Yorker claims, he was, “alternat[ing] between offering to cast her in a film and demanding a naked massage in bed … When she moved toward the door to leave, Weinstein lashed out, saying that she needed to lose weight ‘to compete with Mila Kunis,’ and then, apparently in an effort to mollify her, promising a meeting with one of his female executives.”

“He gave me her number, and I walked out and I started bawling,” Barth told The New Yorker.

Multiple Woman Come Forward that Harvey Weinstein Sexally Harrassed, Assaulted and Raped Them (Audio Sting Tape)

For more than twenty years, Weinstein has also been trailed by rumors of sexual harassment and assault and the LEFT remained silent …

The New Yorker has a bombshell article of the disgusting and reprehensible life and times of Harvey Weinstein. As stated in the piece, “I was told by thirteen women that, between the nineteen-nineties and 2015, Weinstein sexually harassed or assaulted them.” The sick part about this is that it was known, not just rumored, but known by many for years and nothing was done. Because he was a darling of liberal, LEFT Hollywood, mum was the word. So the LEFT and the liberal MSM lost their minds with the Trump buss audio tape, they knew this was going on for decades with this Hollywood mogul and they remained silent.

Listen to excerpt from NYPD sting tape with Harvey Weinstein of this pathetic excuse of a human being. And the DA did not bring charges against him.

Since the establishment of the first studios a century ago, there have been few movie executives as dominant, or as domineering, as Harvey Weinstein. As the co-founder of the production-and-distribution companies Miramax and the Weinstein Company, he helped to reinvent the model for independent films, with movies such as “Sex, Lies, and Videotape,” “The English Patient,” “Pulp Fiction,” “The Crying Game,” “Shakespeare in Love,” and “The King’s Speech.” Beyond Hollywood, he has exercised his influence as a prolific fund-raiser for Democratic Party candidates, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Weinstein combined a keen eye for promising scripts, directors, and actors with a bullying, even threatening, style of doing business, inspiring both fear and gratitude. His movies have earned more than three hundred Oscar nominations, and, at the annual awards ceremonies, he has been thanked more than almost anyone else in movie history, just after Steven Spielberg and right before God.

For more than twenty years, Weinstein has also been trailed by rumors of sexual harassment and assault. This has been an open secret to many in Hollywood and beyond, but previous attempts by many publications, including The New Yorker, to investigate and publish the story over the years fell short of the demands of journalistic evidence. Too few people were willing to speak, much less allow a reporter to use their names, and Weinstein and his associates used nondisclosure agreements, monetary payoffs, and legal threats to suppress these myriad stories. Asia Argento, an Italian film actress and director, told me that she did not speak out until now—Weinstein, she told me, forcibly performed oral sex on her—because she feared that Weinstein would “crush” her. “I know he has crushed a lot of people before,” Argento said. “That’s why this story—in my case, it’s twenty years old; some of them are older—has never come out.”

Last week, the New York Times, in a powerful report by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, revealed multiple allegations of sexual harassment against Weinstein, a story that led to the resignation of four members of his company’s all-male board, and to Weinstein’s firing from the company.

UPDATE I: Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Others Say Weinstein Harassed Them.

This crap happened and these actresses said nothing and never bothered to warn unsuspecting woman. The dirty little Hollywood secret is this crap goes on all the time.

When Gwyneth Paltrow was 22 years old, she got a role that would take her from actress to star: The film producer Harvey Weinstein hired her for the lead in the Jane Austen adaptation “Emma.” Before shooting began, he summoned her to his suite at the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for a work meeting that began uneventfully.

It ended with Mr. Weinstein placing his hands on her and suggesting they head to the bedroom for massages, she said.

“I was a kid, I was signed up, I was petrified,” she said in an interview, publicly disclosing that she was sexually harassed by the man who ignited her career and later helped her win an Academy Award.

She refused his advances, she said, and confided in Brad Pitt, her boyfriend at the time. Mr. Pitt confronted Mr. Weinstein, and soon after, the producer warned her not to tell anyone else about his come-on. “I thought he was going to fire me,” she said.

The Dana Pretzer Show – Thursday, June 29, 2017 – Please Join Dana Pretzer Tonight at 9 PM ET with Special Guests: Vince Savoia & Dawna Kaufmann


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Tonight’s Guests:

  • Vince Savoia, Founder and Executive Director of The Tema Conter Memorial Trust. He will be discussing peer support family assistance and training for public safety and military personnel dealing with mental health issues and injuries.

Vincent (Vince) Matthew Savoia

As the Founder and Executive Director of The Tema Conter Memorial Trust, Vince Savoia is an expert in work-related mental health and wellness.   Vince has served as a paramedic and emergency medical dispatcher. In 1988, he became a member of the first ever Critical Incident Stress Management team at Toronto Emergency Medical Services.  He has an extensive background in crisis intervention and peer support.He is a graduate of Royal Roads University and Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology. He is a Certified Executive Coach, an alumni member of the York Region Critical Incident Stress Management Team, has served as an advisor to Peer Support Accreditation Certification (Canada), is a qualified Mental Health Works trainer, a certified Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training instructor, and he was a professor at Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology teaching in the School of Public Safety, Emergency Communications Services program.


Earlier this month, after sixth days of deliberations in the Bill Cosby sexual assault case, jurors sent word to Judge Steve T. O’Neill that they could not reach a unanimous verdict and the are “hopelessly deadlocked.” The judge declared a mistrial. Afterwards, prosecutor Kevin Steele announced in court that he will retry Cosby.

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