Seddique Mateen, the Father of Orlando Terrorist, Anti-Gay, Murderer Islamist Omar Mateen Attends Hillary Clinton Rally in Florida Standing Near Stage Behind Democrat Candidate


Are you kidding me!!! Seddique Mateen, the father of the Orlando terrorist, Omar Mateen, attended a Hillary Clinton rally and was seated behind the Democrat candidate in camera view. Omar Mateen carried out America’s worst mass shooting, murdering 49 people at the Pulse gay nightclub, earlier this year. And his father was attending a Hillary Clinton rally and that close to the candidate? UNREAL!

Could you imagine what the MSM would be doing to Donald Trump if a father of a killer of an individual who killed gays showed up on camera at one of his rallies? Good grief, what a crock of BS.

Seddique Mateen

The father of Islamist gay-nightclub shooter Omar Mateen is supporting Hillary Clinton for president and attended a rally for the candidate Monday, standing near the stage as she addressed the crowd.

Seddique Mateen, a native of Afghanistan, appeared in several TV shots behind Mrs. Clinton as she spoke in Kissimmee, Florida.

“Hillary Clinton is good for United States versus Donald Trump, who has no solutions,” he told WPTV later in an interview.

UPDATE I: Orlando Pulse Survivor ‘outraged’ at Omar Mateen’s father attending Hillary Clinton Campaign event.

Pulse survivors Jacobi Ceballo and Christopher Hansen had no idea they were in the same room as the father of shooter Omar Mateen until hours after a Monday rally for Hillary Clinton ended in Kissimmee.

“I opened up my Facebook and it was the first thing I saw,” Hansen said. “I was like, ‘Oh!’”

But Ceballo wasn’t only surprised, he was angry.

“I’m outraged,” he said. “For him to come back to Orlando, where his son created devastation, was also mind-blowing. If I would have known that, I would have not come.”

UPDATE II: More Lies From Hillary Clinton … Team Hillary Cliams they were unaware that terrorists father was at rally.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign claims they did not know that Seddique Mateen was in attendance at the rally. Okay, let me just say it, “BULL SHIT!!!” There is no way anyone gets that close to a presidential candidate and a camera view seat without being vetted. Just more lies from the most dishonest and untrustworthy candidate ever.

She started her speech on Monday night by saying: “I know how many people, families, loved ones, and friends are still grieving, and we will be with you as you rebuild your lives.

“We can’t ever let that kind of hatred and violence break the spirit and break the soul of any place in America.”

Her campaign said 3,000 people attended the Monday night rally and it was open to the public.

A spokesman said: “This individual wasn’t invited as a guest and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event.”

Barack Obama Speaks at Memorial for the 5 Slain Police Officers in Dallas, Texas and Then Has to Bring Up Racism and Gun Control


Yesterday, President Obama memorialize the five slain officers in Dallas, Texas and was joined by his wife, Michelle Obama, President George W. Bush and Mrs. Bush, and Vice-President Biden and Jill Biden. I will admit the beginning of the speech struck the correct tone, it was respectful and a very heart-felt and eloquent speech. It was what a President should have said at a Memorial for 5 brave police officers.  Then came the BUT and Barack Hussein Obama just couldn’t not leave it there. The Ideologue in him just had to come out. As Patterico’s Pontifications opined, And then, disappointingly expectedly, President Obama began to push his particular brand of politics and propaganda before the captive audience. Barack Obama hijacked the Memorial Service to lecture  us all about racism. Isn’t that rich, five police officers (4 white and 1 Hispanic) killed at the hands of a black racist hell-bent on killing white people and especially white police officers and we get a lecture on the black plight and white racism. What else would we expect from the Divider in Chief and the most divisive, America-hating president this country has ever seen. Sad, truly sad.

This is 100% Who the Memorial Should Have been about


 When anyone, no matter how good their intentions may be, paints all police as biased, or bigoted, we undermine those officers that we depend on for our safety. And as for those who use rhetoric suggesting harm to police, even if they don’t act on it themselves, well, they not only make the jobs of police officers even more dangerous, but they do a disservice to the very cause of justice that they claim to promote.

We also know that centuries of racial discrimination, of slavery, and subjugation, and Jim Crow; they didn’t simply vanish with the law against segregation. They didn’t necessarily stop when a Dr. King speech, or when the civil rights act or voting rights act were signed. Race relations have improved dramatically in my lifetime. Those who deny it are dishonoring the struggles that helped us achieve that progress. But we know…

But America, we know that bias remains. We know it, whether you are black, or white, or Hispanic, or Asian, or native American, or of Middle Eastern descent, we have all seen this bigotry in our own lives at some point. We’ve heard it at times in our own homes. If we’re honest, perhaps we’ve heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel to a far greater extent discrimination’s stain. Although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune, and that includes our police departments. We know this.

Check out the VIDEO below when the crowd was panned by the cameras during Obama’s lecture of the defense of “Black Lives Matter” and the numerous police officers who refused to clap.

VIDEO – The Gateway Pundit

7 Disgusting Things Obama Said While Hijacking Memorial For Slain Dallas Police:

1. Equating The Murders of The Dallas Police Officers With The Killings of Alton Sterling And Philando Castile. This is a trap into which the left has fallen consistently this week. It’s lazy thinking, and more importantly, it’s morally repugnant.
2. Suggesting That Today’s Police Departments Are Still Rife With The Legacies of Slavery And Jim Crow. The year is now 2016. Arrest statistics match up precisely with crime report statistics. There is no evidence of systemic discrimination against minorities.
3. Reeling Off Meaningless Statistics To Indict Police. Obama’s favorite game is to pretend that minorities are unfairly targeted by police, without citing higher rates of criminal activity among minorities.
4. Defending The Black Lives Matter Agenda. Dallas police officers were defending protesters – some of whom were mocking them – as a black anti-white racist shot at them. That didn’t stop Obama from backing the protesters’ agenda, without evidence.
5. Pushing Government Spending. Obama stumped for more government cash, of course – but not on cops.
6. Pushing Gun Control. Obama dropped this whopper: “We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.”
7. Ignoring Solutions. This was the key point: Obama thinks that solutions are secondary to talking about feelings. He believes he’s the national psychiatrist. “In the end, it’s not about finding policies that work. It’s about forging consensus and fighting cynicism and finding the will to make change.

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