Sarah Palin Targets on Map Considered a Death Threat, Joe Manchin “Taking Dead Aim” and Shooting Bill with Real Gun … Perfectly OK for the LEFT

Can this nonsense get any more ridiculous … The Democrats and the loony LEFT have yet another Paul Wellstone Memorial moment.

Fake targets, cross-hairs or bulls-eyes on a map to show politically targeted states or districts are evil, bad and make “registered Independents” go crazy, however, using a rifle complete with scope and real cross-hairs to “take dead aim”at a piece of legislation is perfectly ok. I think we can see the hypocrisy of the LEFT once again on display.

Just another example of PDS and a double standard for Democrats. The LEFT actually made references that Sarah Palin, Michelle Bauchman, Fox News are accessories to murder. Just how insane has the LEFT become?  Oh but it’s different for Democrats, Palin is inciting violence by putting cross-hairs on a map, however, newly elected Senator Joe Manchin (WV-D) was using a gun shooting as a metaphor.

Manchin said in a statement today.

“The act of a deranged madman who commits a horrific act should not and cannot be confused with a metaphor about a piece of legislation. I have never targeted an individual, and I never would,” he added. “This tragedy, I hope, serves as call for common sense, and wake-up call that we should all come together with common purpose to do what is best for our country.”

 Manchin Takes Dead Aim


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Jared Loughner, the Face of Deranged, Murderous Evil – Charged With 5 Federal Counts… A Registered Independent Who Never Voted in 2010

Today, deranged gunman Jared Loughner appeared in federal court for the first time since the Arizona Sageway massacre where 6 people were murdered and numerous others injured including US Rep Gabby Giffords. As if this loner screw ball was not deranged enough, he appeared in court today with a shaved head as was reported that he smirked during the proceedings.

Jared Loughner charged with five federal counts:

The charges are one count of attempted assassination of a member of Congress, two counts of killing an employee of the federal government, and two counts of attempting to kill federal employees.

“Yes, I am Jared Lee Loughner,” said Loughner, with a freshly shaved head, when the Judge Lawrence Anderson asked him to confirm his identity.

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Arizona US Rep. Trent Franks Calls Out Sheriff Dupnik For Politicizing Shootings (Video)

Arizona Republican US House Representative Trent Franks not only called out Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik after his irresponsible comments blaming others as the reason why the gunman Jared Loughner went tried to assassinate Gabby Giffords (AZ-D).  Trent Franks also went on to say that we cannot be deterred change our lives or continue in with liberty and freedom.

Click HERE to watchVideo

We cannot let a mindless, heartless murderer change our way of life. we cannot be intimidated by this we have to keep going forward and doing those things that are consummate with freedom.”

And Trent Franks on Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik …

“It is bewildering and disappointing to me that while people are making funeral arrangements that some how those in authority and those really given the trust to report these circumstances to us woul;d some how politicize it before they knew the first thing as top what the truth was. I am especially disappointed in Sheriff Dupnik because we were looking to him to give us straight facts and he politicized it.” 

Megyn Kelly Takes On Political Hack Sheriff Dupnik Over His “Political Spin” Agenda On jared Loughner Shooting

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik criticizes other of hate and vitriol and then does it himself …

There is nothing more sick and pathetic, than to take advantage and trying to play politics with a terrible tragic event like a mass shooting with multiple deaths. However, that did not stop Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik who, without any evidence, accused other for the gunman’s actions. SICK!

However, Fox News Megyn Kelly took on the liberal biased Sheriff Dupnik on his comments immediately following the heinous mass shooting that left six dead and numerous injured, including Arizona US Rep. Gabby Giffords.

Megyn Kelly asks Dupnik, “The viewers want to know why you are putting a political spin on this when you should be focusing on the facts.” Isn’t it amazing that we have this terrible moment in time where we can bring people together, pray for the wounded and the dead and thank the heroes who subdued the gunman and helped the victims … instead we have this so-called law enforcement official who tries to divide us even more. This man has no shame and needs to step down.

When Megyn Kelly askedSheriff Dupik whether he had any evidence to his accusations, he said no and that this was his opinion. Can you imagine, a law enforcement officer not concerned with facts and evidence and only his opinions. UNREAL! This guy has the audacity to criticize others of vitriol!


More from Mediaite:

On Fox News, Megyn Kelly interviewed the man in charge of the Arizona shooting investigation, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Kelly introduced the interview saying, “it is always a difficult task to try to assign reason to an irrational act, but that is one of the things that Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik is trying to do.”

From there, Kelly was persistent, yet extremely deferential as she expressed the doubts of many who are wondering why the Sheriff is so publicly offering his speculative opinion that “vitriolic rhetoric” helped lead to the tragedy. Although the sheriff had no specific evidence of such rhetoric yet, he claimed there is “no doubt in my mind that when a number of people night and day try to inflame the public, that there’s going to be some consequences from doing that and I think it’s irresponsible to do that.”

When he also warned that “free speech is free speech but it’s not without consequences,” Kelly questioned whether it was appropriate for a sheriff to be injecting their political spin? The sheriff answered that ultimately it’s up to the viewers to decide.

Liberal hypocrisy knows no limits. Get this quote from the above VIDEO interview from political hack Sheriff Dupnik, “Well I think difference of opinion is what makes the world go round and round. But I think it is irresponsible of us not at some point to address this kind of behavior and put a stop to it. There is no doubt in my mind that there are consequences to this kind of behavior. When credible people get up in front of cameras and microphones and say things that are not true and try to inflame the public I think free speach is free speach, but its not without consequence.”

Later  Sheriff Dupnik said he had no evidence of his opinion, it was just his opinion. Hmm, isn’t this hack getting up in front of a camera, saying things that are not true, stirring the pot and inflaming the public?

Tucson Gunman Jared Loughner Who Shot Gabrielle Giffords Described by Classmate as “Left-Wing Pothead”

Hmm, the Tea party gunman as inaccuratly described by the liberal MSM is described as a LEFT-WING POT HEAD by former classmates. That seems to be a much different profile than the NY Times, liberal media and left-wing political agenda propagandists want America to believe. This punk, was a loner, a deranged individual, with no real political affiliation who appears by all accounts to have been fixated on this assassination attempt long ago. This kid was a delusional loner who was hell bent on doing something that was unstable. Add occult worshiper.

A classmate of the man accused of shooting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords this morning describes him as “left wing” and a “pot head” in a series of posts on Twitter this afternoon.

Caitie Parker did not immediately respond to our request for an interview, but her “tweets” in the hours after the shooting paint a picture of Jared Loughner as a substance-abusing loner who had met Giffords before the shooting. She says, Loughner described the congresswoman as “stupid and unintelligent.”

We’ve confirmed that Parker and Loughner went to school together at Mountain View High School in Tucson and that both attended Pima Community College, so her claims of knowing Loughner seem to be legit.

Then there were those from his school that he was booted out of that thought he was dangerous long ago. Some former classmates feared for their lives and expressed their concerns in emails.

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