Al Sharpton’s Daughter Dominique Has Even More Pics on Instagram Hiking on a Permanently Injured Ankle


In the end, 28 year old Dominique Sharpton should only get $5 for her lawsuit against New York City claiming injury due to falling on uneven pavement. It would appear that Al Sharpton’s daughter has much to learn from the master in the art of the shake down. Even more pics have surfaces on Dominique’s Instagram account of her hiking.  But, according to her lawsuit, she “still suffers and will continue to suffer for some time physical pain and bodily injuries.” Those injuries do not seem to stop her from hiking in Bali either.

Personally there should be no nuisance settlement in this case. If NYC wanted to make a point and put an end to this, the City should counter sue for fraud.

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The Rev. Al Sharpton’s island-hopping, mountain-hiking daughter — who is suing the city for $5?million after purportedly injuring her ankle on a Soho sidewalk — posted more damning Instagram pics Monday of her frolicking in Indonesia as legal experts said her social-media activity could cost her big bucks.

“#Balidays on the Gilis!!!’’ Dominique Sharpton, 28, wrote with two snapshots of herself at what looked like a posh Gili Island retreat.

The new entries came the same day The Post revealed others in which the supposedly hobbled Dominique boasted of climbing a mountain there.

Since allegedly spraining her ankle in October, she has also been pictured in high heels at a hippie party and climbing the dicey terrain of Red Rock Canyon in Nevada.

The photos kill even the slightest chance Dominique had of collecting big bucks from the city, legal experts said, even as the de?Blasio administration has been shelling out more money than ever to settle lawsuits.

Dominique Sharpton, Al Sharpton’s Daughter Sues New York City for $5M after Spraining Ankle (Update: Pics of Dominique Sharpton Hiking Mountains)

The apple does not fall far from the shake down tree in the Sharpton family … or is it by Shaking the Apple tree, trying to take a bite out of the Big Apple?

28 year old Dominique Sharpton, the daughter of Rev. Al Sharpton is suing the city of New York for $5 million. Dominique Sharpton is claiming she fell in the street, sprained her ankle and severely injured and bruised her ankle because of uneven pavement at the corner of Broome Street and Broadway downtown. Good grief. It would appear that Dominique has learned from the master of shakedown. According to her lawsuit, she “still suffers and will continue to suffer for some time physical pain and bodily injuries.” Dominique Sharpton claims she fell in a crosswalk, which would make hers a “defective roadway” claim. However, in December Dominique was good to go for NAN’s Justice for All march in Washington, DC and for a New Year’s Eve jaunt to Miami Beach. And even with the claims of “permanent physical pain, there are pics on social-media of her in high heels, and another of her climbing a ladder to decorate a Christmas tree. Yup, she has learned well from the Shakedown master.

My Monkey senses make me say the following …

Things That Make You Go Hmm

Shakedown artist Al Sharpton’s eldest child wants $5 million from city taxpayers after she fell in the street and sprained her ankle, court rec­ords show.

Dominique Sharpton, 28, says she was “severely injured, bruised and wounded” when she stumbled over uneven pavement at the corner of Broome Street and Broadway downtown last year, according to a lawsuit.

Currently on vacation in Bali, the membership director for her gadfly dad’s National Action Network claims she “still suffers and will continue to suffer for some time physical pain and bodily injuries,” according to the suit filed against the city departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection.

“I sprained my ankle real bad lol,” she wrote in a post to Instagram after the Oct. 2 fall.

She was pictured in a walking boot in the weeks following the tumble, but by December, Dominique was good to go for NAN’s Justice for All march in Washington, DC, and for a New Year’s Eve jaunt to Miami Beach.

And despite claiming “permanent physical pain” in a breathless notice of claim, there are social-media shots of her in high heels, and another of her climbing a ladder to decorate a Christmas tree.

Hmm, isn’t that called fraud if you claim one thing and it is a knowing false claim?

From Weasel Zippers comes the screen shot of Sharpton’s daughter, who is currently of vacation in Bali hiking up mountains. How many Americans in this terrible economy can afford to take a vacation to Bali? Oh but wait, I thought she claimed permanent physical pain? So sharpton’s daughter is looking to ceat the NYC tax payers out of money with a trunped up claim that she injured herself as she

Sharptons daughter_Scree-Shot Hiking


Dominique Sharpton (@MSSharpton2u) | Twitter

Oh wait, here is another picture from Dominique Sharpton’s Instagram site showing her hiking in Red Rock canyon about a month ago. Because everyone knows that some one with a severe and permanent damage to their ankle can hike there. Of course I guess it is just a coincidence that her daddy Sharpton owes $4.5 million in back taxes.

NYC should sue her for fraud.

Sharptons daughter_Scree-Shot Hiking2


UPDATE I: The Rev. Al Sharpton’s daughter unwittingly proved that her $5 million sprained-ankle suit against the city is a mountain of BS.

It not only adds up to no case, it amounts to fraud.

Dominique Sharpton posted pictures to Instagram showing she completed a difficult mountain climb in Bali, Indonesia — even though her suit says that “she still suffers” debilitating pain after twisting her ankle in a street crack in Soho last year.

She didn’t seem to realize that her mountaineering exploits might undermine her legal claims as she bragged online about the difficulty of her ascent.

What legal experts saw as truly unreal, however, is the younger Sharpton’s brazen boasting after she claimed in court papers that she was in “permanent physical pain.”

“It is starting to look like Tawana Brawley is orchestrating the Sharpton trial strategy,” quipped CNN legal analyst Paul Callan. “It graphically demonstrates bad judgment and good feet. It all adds up to no case.”

Gruber-gate: Jonathan Gruber Says 2009 White House Meeting Included the CBO Director, Robert Gibbs, David Axelrod and Barack Obama

Another day and another damning Jonathan Gruber VIDEO for Barack Obama and the Obamacare HOAX …

UNREAL, JUST ABSOLUTELY CORRUPTLY UNREAL … As if four VIDEOS were not enough of MIT economist professor Jonathan Gruber mocking the American people as too stupid to understand and his condescending, willful and premeditated deception on Obamacare, now comes another one. This time it is Gruber in an interview with Frontline. Gruber says that Barack Obama was in the room when discussing the Cadillac tax lie.

“So we had a meeting in the Oval Office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do to get credible savings on cost control that the Congressional Budget Office would recognize and score as savings in this law.”

VIDEO Hat Tip – The Gateway Pundit

2009 President Obama Meeting with Congressional Budget Office Director and ALL:

Republicans criticized the meting back in 2009 between the CBO director and The White House as inappropriate. Little did GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell realize just how inappropriate it was.

McConnell said that “if the CBO is to have credibility, they’re the umpire. They’re not players in this game.”

CBO is tasked with providing “objective, nonpartisan, and timely analyses to aid in economic and budgetary decisions on the wide array of programs covered by the federal budget.”

The White House flatly rejected the idea that there was anything untoward about the invitation or the meeting, which took place on Monday for just under an hour. In addition to the president and Elmendorf, present in the meeting were White House officials such as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Phil Schiliro, Director of the White House Office of Health Reform Nancy-Ann DeParle, Office of Management and Budget director Peter Orszag (a former CBO director himself), National Economic Council Director Larry Summers, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Christy Romer, senior adviser David Axelrod, and press secretary Robert Gibbs.

Others were there as well, including Department of Health and Human Services adviser Meena Seshamani, Harvard University economist David Cutler and Alice Rivlin of the Brookings Institute, who was founding director of CBO from 1975-1983.

Liberal Media Double Standard: MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski of The Morning Joe … “If Gruber Were Republican, MSM Would Be Exploding”


The liberal media has avoided the Jonathon Gruber story like Ebola. As VIDEO after VIDEO after VIDEO after VIDEO appear of Gruber, the MIT professor who was also one of the architects and consultants of Obamacare, the liberal media Democrat complex is no where to be found. It is as if the liberal MSM was sucked into a black hole or were suddenly all put in the witness protection program as there has been a “virtual black out” of all Gruber’s remarks as to how Obamacare was passed. What’s the matter, is the media afraid of the truth? Or is it that they know they have now been nailed for the Obama water-carrying sycophants that they are?

You have to give credit where credit is due, even though the Libs at MSNBC tried to down play this. Sorry, Obamacare was the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American people.

Transcript – Newsbusters:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI:  This Obamacare story, which I saw yesterday and I’m surprised it didn’t emerge . . . It’s an interesting dynamic. This broke yesterday, we kind of, were trying to get to it. Nobody covered it except for some right-wing outlets. Had this been a Republican, what do you think would have happened?

MIKE BARNICLE: Well, he is, this century’s version of David Stockman, who was Ronald Reagan’s original budget director. In 1981, in an extensive magazine piece in the old Atlantic magazine by Bill Greider, former Washington Post editor, David Stockman sat down with him. He was Reagan’s budget director, sat down with Bill Greider for many, many times, to explain the budget. And he said, basically, none of us really understands what any of these numbers are all about, the federal budget.

BRZEZINSKI: [facetiously] So let me guess, nobody dealt with it, right?

BARNICLE: President Reagan had no idea what those numbers were all about.

BRZEZINSKI: Just a few left-wing bloggers brought it up, right? It wasn’t covered? I think there was a huge firestorm, I believe.

HOWARD DEAN:  There was.

BRZEZINSKI: Exactly, that’s my point!


BRZEZINSKI: That was a huge gaffe, right? We can all agree on that. I do think had it been a Republican, the media would be exploding.

DEAN: I think there’s a big stature gaffe between the office, the Director of the OMB and a consultant for the — that’s why it’s not a big deal.

BRZEZINSKI: Okay, that’s fair.

Federal Workers Go Unpunished for Surfing Porn While On the Job & Paid by “We the People’s” Hard Earned Tax Dollars


Exactly how is it that federal employees can be busted for surfing porn on the job and evade punishment? The Washington Times points out that on several occasions individuals have been busted for surfing porn when they should have been working; however, they pretty much go unpunished and in some cases get raises. According to accounts, prosecutors seem to pursue cases aggressively only when there is evidence of child pornography is involved. REALLY?

The porn aside and the misuse of government equipment as well, what part about the falsification of a federal employee time card and the resulting payment to the federal employee are the prosecutors missing? There is not one government agency that does not have a “policies & procedures” on employee conduct “compliance” policies that must be followed. The falsification with intent to defraud the tax payers is an offense that includes termination. However, these days it appears in government, no one is held accountable.

surfing porn

An employee at the U.S. Office of the Trustee — an arm of the Justice Department charged with overseeing the integrity of the bankruptcy system — spent up to five hours a day on the job looking at pornography, visiting more than 2,500 adult websites during 2011, investigators found.

The case was just one of more than a dozen investigations into computer misuse closed by the Justice Department’s office of inspector general from 2013 through early this year, according to records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

Yet porn peepers are rarely charged with time and attendance abuse, according to investigative memos on computer misuse from agencies across government. Prosecutors seem to pursue cases aggressively only when there is evidence of child pornography.

Agencies dole out discipline administratively in some cases, and the identities of the employees are shielded from public disclosure, records show.

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