US Attorney Investigating Anthony Weiner Sexting Allegations with 15 Year Old Girl


As if it was not bad enough that Anthony Weiner had previously disgraced himself with his previous sexting exploits, Weiner now finds himself in a world of trouble and possible criminal charges after having knowingly sexted with a 15 year old female minor. The Daily Mail broke the story of Anthony Weiner’s online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl during which she claims he asked her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits for him on a video messaging application and pressed her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’. YIKES! This dude is one sick puppy. According to accounts, Weiner knew she was a 15 year old high school sophomore.

  • A high school girl, whose name is being withheld by because she is a minor, reveals the online relationship began last January
  • Weiner and Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide, were still together
  • He told the teen that it had been a year since he and Huma had sex
  • The girl says she told him she was 15 and a sophomore in high school; messages confirm he knew she was underage
  • In one message Weiner tells the girl ‘I would bust that tight p***y’
  • She claims Weiner asked her to undress and encouraged her to touch herself and say his name over video chat
  • Weiner would not get fully nude, but usually shirtless and wearing boxers
  • Weiner did not deny exchanging ‘flirtatious’ messages with the teen to  He declined to comment on the specifics.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) said Weiner’s activities could land him in jail. Gee, you think? It is a sex crime isn’t it with a minor?


Prosecutors in the office of US Attorney Preet Bharara have issued a subpoena for Anthony Weiner’s cell phone and other records, according to law enforcement officials.
The FBI and the New York Police Department have opened preliminary investigations of allegations that the former New York Democratic congressman exchanged sexually explicit text messages with a purportedly underage girl.

Spokespersons for the US Attorney’s Office in Manhattan and the FBI declined to comment.

The allegations first surfaced in the Daily Mail.

The online sexting relationship allegedly went on for months between Weiner and a girl claiming to be just 15. The Daily Mail reported she said he sent her numerous photos, one of him in a pool and at least one bare-chested.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office has issued a subpoena for Weiner’s phone records after sexting with a minor.

US Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) Says Key To Getting Out The Dem Vote Is ‘Sexting’ (VIDEO)

74 year old Democrat Representative Jim Clyburn from South Carolina has come up with a sure fire way to get out the Democrat vote in 2014 … SEXTING!!! I am almost certain Bill Clinton might agree.

From the The Daily Caller comes the third-ranking House Democrat’s appearance on C-SPAN, where REP. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) accidentally misspoke and used the word “sexting” instead of “texting”. Oops. Sorry Wonkette, but this is funny. Like you have never pointed and laughed at anyone before. Nothing like some good, clean, innocent humor.  Nothing mean intended here, obviously Rep. Clyburn not a big texter. However, with the problems facing the Democrats in 2014 thanks to Obama’s failures, sexting may be the only way to get out the vote.

“Use the tools that we have,” he said, according the Daily Caller’s clip of the appearance. “We’ve got great tools to communicate about everything else. We can text. What do we call it? Sexting. Let’s do some voting, organizing over the internet. We’ve got the tools. Let’s use them for a new massive movement that will make sure that we can have in November 2014 the kind of turnout at the polls that we had in 2012 in November.”

Anthony Weiner was not available for comment :-) .


Teen Sexting Ring Busted in Milton, VT … Don’t These Teens Understand This is Child Porn, the State Doesn’t?


Twenty two high school students in Milton, VT find themselves in big trouble as the police have busted a high school sexting ring.  The students are between the age of 14 and 17 and used school issued laptops to view pics  of nude and partially nude adolescent girls. GOOD GRIEF. When will teens ever learn that actions have consequences? Who thinks up such an elaborate scheme for sexting and disseminating porn. Then again, who is so stupid to go along with it?

You know why teens don’t think their actions have consequences? Ask the enablers in the liberal, socialist Republic of Vermont  that finds it more important to pass gay marriage than they do to hand out punishment and charges for what has to be considered child pornography. Why would Vermont police waste their time, money and energy if they were not going to press charges?

The Milton Police Department said in a statement Wednesday that after investigating the sexting ring for six months, the case was now closed and that none of the juveniles would face criminal charges.

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