Leftist Misogynist Pig Bill Maher Says, “If You Showed Michelle Malkin Obama’s Resume Without Saying Who It Was, She’d Name Her Vibrator Obama

Misogynist Mayer …

More vile hate spewed from the Leftist, misogynist pig Bill Maher. But to Maher and the LEFT, this is considered funny and humor. Sorry, I forget to laugh.  Bill Maher said to his fans during his show that, “If you showed Michelle Malkin Obama’s resume without saying who it was, she’d name her vibrator, “Obama.””  Wow, you progressive woman, any comment?

How vile; however, even more hypocritical. I would dare say that if Obama’s resume was shown to America prior to the 2008 Presidential election without showing who it was or the false “hope & change” rhetoric, not only Michelle Malkin but most all of America would have said … who is this and what makes this guy think he is qualified to be President of the United States, let alone be a clerk in a mail room.

Watch the VIDEO and get  transcript at News Busters:

BILL MAHER, HOST: If you just presented the Republicans with Obama’s resume and didn’t say who it was, they would erect statues to this guy. He killed bin Laden, he killed Gaddafi, he saved us from a depression. I mean all, just, just the killing alone, Michelle Malkin would name her vibrator “Obama.”


JOSHUA GREEN, BLOOMBERG: Wasn’t going to follow up on that one. You could imagine what it would be like, I mean, if Bush were still in office he’d have one of those tear drop tattoos like you get for killing guys.


GREEN: You know, they’d be putting up “Mission Accomplished” banners that are bigger than the AIDS quilt.

Let’s get the fact straight Maher, let me know how Democrats would vote for the following resume not knowing who the individual was. Just curious, who in their right mind would vote for someone with the following track record?


  • Record number of Americans on food stamps
  • First down grade of US Credit rating
  • 9% + unemployment rate
  • Record number of blacks unemployment
  • Record number of Americans in poverty
  • Record amount of federal deficits
  • 42% job approval, 53% disapproval


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