Wow, Far-Left Bill Maher Calls Out Liberal Guest on HBO’s “Real Time” … Comparing Violence Of Islam To Christianity Is “Liberal Bullshit” (VIDEO)

OK folks, either Hell just froze over or its the sign of the apocalypse … I just agreed with Bill Maher 100%.

On Friday night, and it was not April Fools Day, during HBO’s ‘Real Time’ with Bill Maher, the uber-lib host told his guest that comparing Islamic violence to Christianity is “liberal bullsh*t.” WOW, did Maher just have a moment of lucidity? Recently Maher had made that comment that if liberals keep it up, they will lose him, referring the over taxation of anyone successful, and now this. Maher called out  CSU-San Bernardino professor Brian Levin’s, director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism, comment that religious extremism was the same whether it was Islam or Christianity as the liberal bullsh*t for what it was. I have called out Bill Maher on many things; however, I have to give him credit on this one.

The debate between the two liberals was really quite remarkable and needs to be seen to be believed, see video below. Its about time some one on the Left have called Islamists and radical Islam for what it really is, a retaliatory, violent region that if you dare speak, write or think bad about Allah or Mohammed, death will come to you. Just ask Theo Van Gogh, oh that’s right, you cannot, he was brutally murdered. Listen to how uncomfortable the audience is with Maher’s comments. The befuddled director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism tried to equate all religions having hypocrites to all religions being violent. Bill Maher then peppered the liberal professor with the following, “there is only one faith who kills you or wants to kill you if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet”. There is only one faith that kills you or wants to kill you if you renounce the faith.” Then, because the Maher actually dared take the position he did, the liberal professor implied Maher was an Islamophobe. The irony of this is that the dear professor slinging slurs at a liberal who does not agree with him is the director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism. Who’s the hypocrite?

Maher then through out the zinger to which his audience must have thought that they were at a taping of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck … “all religions are not created equal. Maher asked whether the professor had seen the show, ‘The Book of Mormon’ and asked whether they could have made one called the ‘Book of Islam’? Maher then said, there is only one religion that threatens violence and then carries it out. OUCH! Professor Brian Levin said that Broadway could do the Book of Islam, to which Maher responded, tell me what color is the sky is in your world”. DOUBLE OUCH!

From The Daily Caller:

But Maher took issue with that claim, calling it “liberal bullshit” and said there was no comparison.

“You know what, yeah, yeah,” Maher said. “You know what — that’s liberal bullshit right there … they’re not as dangerous. I mean there’s only one faith, for example, that kills you or wants to kill you if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet. There’s only one faith that kills you or wants to kill you if you renounce the faith. An ex-Muslim is a very dangerous thing. Talk to Salman Rushdie after the show about Christian versus Islam. So you know, I’m just saying let’s keep it real.”

“I am not an Islamophobe,” Maher replied. “I am a truth lover. All religious are not alike. As many people have pointed out — ‘The Book of Mormon,’ did you see the show? … OK, can you imagine if they did ‘The Book of Islam?’ Could they do that? There’s only one religion that threatens violence and carries it out for things like that. Could they do “The Book of Islam” on Broadway?”

Levin said “possibly so,” to which Maher seem dismiss his entire argument going forward.

The liberal professor was just perplexed that uber-lib Bill Maher had an opposing view point to his. After all, liberals are not supposed to disagree with other liberals. They are supposed to have one monolithic viewpoint against the Right.  He even went as far to imply Maher was an Islamophobe and there lies the liberal playbook. If they disagree with you, demonize them, even if its one of your own. Imagine what they do to those on the Right? Finally. Maher completed Game, Set and Match when he stated the following, “Obviously, most Muslim people are not terrorists, but ask most Muslim people in the world that if you insult the prophet, do you have what’s coming to you. It’s more than a fringe element.” It is simply amazing and this professor is typical of most on the Left, they cannot understand that telling the truth about a religion and that the behave differently and insight people to violence as a reaction is not hate. IT IS THE FACT! And one note to the dear, misguided professor who could not understand that the topic being discussed was the Islam religion today vs. Christianity during the Middles Ages, there is a like thing called the Reformation.

The Gateway Pundit reminds us, that in 2011 Bill Maher told Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison the Koran is a “hate-filled holy book.”

Lib Comedian Bill Maher Rips Obama on Debate Performance: “He Sucked … He Looks Like he Took My Millions and Spent it on Weed”

Hmm, wonder how Maher feels about his return on investment of his $1 million Obama donation?

WHEN LIBS ATTACK ... Uber-Lib and comedian Bill Maher ripped President Barack Obama during his opening monologue on HBO’s ‘Real Time’ on Obama’s less than lackluster debate performance. Maher was on a roll and it must have pained hi, especially since he had forked over $1 million to the Obama campaign and got a sleep walking president in return. As Maher stated, “He looked tired. He had trouble getting his answers out. It looked like he took my million and spent it all on weed.” Maher also went on to contrast the two candidates,  as Romney looking “charged up” and Obama was looking like Michael Jackson on diprivan. YIKES!

Maher Rips Obama and of course the obligatory shots at Romney (warning: language)

From Mediaite:

During his opening monologue tonight, Bill Maher admitted he was not happy with how President Obama did during his first big debate this week. He told his audience that Obama undeniably “sucked” during the debate, and surmised that the million dollars he gave to the campaign was probably spent on weed.

Maher surmised that because Wednesday was Obama’s anniversary, “he apparently had the sex first and was completely spent” for the debate. He contrasted Romney looking “charged up” with Obama looking like Michael Jackson on diprivan. Maher admitted that Obama “sucked” during the debate, and made a joke referencing the money he gave to the pro-Obama Super PAC.

I’ll give Maher credit … he certainly went after Obama for his inept debate performance. As the Pirate Cove opines, its only a matter of time before his words are branded as racist.

The War on Republican Women … The Double Standard in the War Against Women … Bristol Palin Asks Where Her Phone Call is Barack Obama?

Some times politicians might want to rethink their comments and pandering. Don’t ask for things they might come true …

Democrats have long been known for their attacks on Republicans and comments stating that the GOP has a war on women. Really? Thanks to Rush Limbaugh and the “slutgate” scandal that Democrat politicians, the MSM and the Far LEFT latched onto, it also exposed the hypocrisy and double standard of the LEFT. President Barack Obama called Sandra Fluke; however, Bristol Palin is still waiting for her phone call.

You don’t know my telephone number, but I hope your staff is busy trying to find it. Ever since you called Sandra Fluke after Rush Limbaugh called her a slut, I figured I might be next.  You explained to reporters you called her because you were thinking of your two daughters, Malia and Sasha.  After all, you didn’t want them to think it was okay for men to treat them that way:

“One of the things I want them to do as they get older is engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on,” you said.  “I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way. And I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re being good citizens.”

But here’s why I’m a little surprised my phone hasn’t rung.  Your $1,000,000 donor Bill Maher has said reprehensible things about my family.  He’s made fun of my brother because of his Down’s Syndrome. He’s said I was “f—-d so hard a baby fell out.”  (In a classy move, he did this while his producers put up the cover of my book, which tells about the forgiveness and redemption I’ve found in God after my past – very public — mistakes.) (Read the full letter here)

The RNC has released the VIDEO below that is reminding voters of the Obama administration’s track record when it comes to women. Of course the MSM would never really press Obama or his minions on it.

The Lonely Conservative asks whether the Democrats really want to pursue this topic of a war on woman? Not when there are so many examples of Democrat men behaving badly. Also, the glaring double standard that there is an open season on Republican and Conservative woman, but anyone who agrees with Obama is off limits.

Honestly, how can President Barack Obama actually make comments about his daughter Sasha and Malia. Obama has never lead by example and would not know a “teachable” moment if it bit him in the butt. Sorry, but how does a President with two daughters that he is supposed to be setting an example for take money from an individual who makes a living off of a “war on certain woman”? So Obama’s message to his daughters and the female population of America is, I will defend you only if you agree with me. NICE.


The Daily Caller answers the question as to why Palin will continue to wait for the phone to ring … “Well, that was different, because he [Obama] didn’t see any short-term political advantage in it.

Obama’s Folks Feeling the Hypocrisy Backlash … David Axelrod Bails on Bill Maher & HBO ‘Real Time” Appearance


Looks like the Obama Administration is feeling the backlash of their going overboard and inconsistent approach when it comes to males making disgusting comments toward woman. In the wake of the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy, the bringing to light the reprehensible and disgusting things that Leftist Bill Maher said about Sarah Palin and other women and the fact that Maher gave $1 million to Barack Obama’s SuperPAC … David Axelrod bails on Bill Maher and cancels his appearance on HBO’s ‘Real Time’.

Hard to take the high moral ground when you accept $1 million from the likes of this …

David Axelrod will not be appearing as a guest on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” despite reports last week that he was scheduled to do the show in the next few weeks.

“He’s not scheduled to go on at this time,” said Ben LaBolt, the press secretary for President Obama’s reelection campaign.

Maher, who donated $1 million to the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA, has increasingly become a target of right-wing attacks over the last week in response to the left’s attacks on Rush Limbaugh. Maher has come under fire for calling Sarah Palin a “c**t” during his stand-up act and a “dumb tw**t” on his HBO show, among other sexist comments.

Obviously the pressure is mounting on Barack Obama and the hypocrisy of his campaign in his selective outrage when it comes to defending woman. President Obama called fellow liberal Demcorat Sandra Fluke after she was called a “slut”. However, not only was there no call to Sarah Palin from Obama when she was called a “C” and “T” word by Maher … Barack Obama’s Super PAC accepted $1 million from Maher and has refused to return it. Now we see one of Obama’s loudest mouth pieces running from Maher with his hair on fire.  The Obama campaign just blinked. As stated at Jammie Wearing Fool, it looks like Axelrod is having second thoughts about appearing with Maher. Think other politicians might be doing the same in the future? Look to see more pressure brought to bare against Obama and the “dirty money” his Super PAC accepted. This story is now going to go away.

1%’er & Vile Liberal Comedian Bill Maher Gives $1 Million To Obama Super PAC

Maybe everyone will remember the source the next time Bill Maher spews his hate filled venom …

Bil  Maher donated a whopping 1$ million check to Priorities USA, the Super PAC that is backing President Barack Obama.  Everybody might want to remember this when Maher goes on his hateful, divisive, agenda driven rants on his HBO talk show ‘Real Time”. Kind of comical that the comedian manages to make comments about the 1%’ers when he donates $1 million to Obama. Is it comical or hypocritical … you make the call.

Comedian and HBO host Bill Maher made the pledge on Thursday night during his standup comedy special “Crazy Stupid Politics: Live from Silicon Valley” in San Jose, California, which was streamed live on Yahoo. A spokeswoman for Maher confirmed the pledge on Friday.

“I would like to tonight announce a donation to the Obama super PAC, which has the very unfortunate tongue-twister name Priority USA Action. I know it was named by Borat,” he said, referring to a bumbling Kazakhstan reporter movie character.

“I would like to give that PAC $1 million,” said the host of television political talk show “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

One might want to question whether Bill Maher’s HBO show is free political PR for Obama.

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