Beth Twitty Joins Search For Tara Grinstead

“Beth Holloway Twitty, mother of missing teen Natalee Holloway, says she feels a special connection to Tara Grinstead’s family. She like Grinstead has taught public school. The 31 year old’s sister admits being honored by Twitty’s presence.”

Its hard to believe that to compare the two searches for Natalee Holloway and Tara Grinstead. The search for Tara has been going on for seven weeks and the one for Natalee Holloway is almost in its seventh month. The search this weekend in Ocilla, GA and Irwin County was organized by Tim Miller if Texas Equusearch.

The reward for information leading to Grinstead’s whereabouts is now $100,000. Family members are still urging those with information to call the private tip line at 912-386-2564.

The full story from WALB-TV can be read here.

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Beth Twitty To Join Equusearch and Massive Hunt for Missing Georgia Teacher, Tara Grinstead

Beth Twitty will join the many volunteers this weekend to search for the missing Georgia teacher, Tara Grinstead.

Beth Twitty, the grieving mother of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, will join the search this weekend for Tara Grinstead, the 30-year-old school teacher and former beauty queen who vanished more than a month and a half ago after a local pageant.

Beth Twitty approached Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch and asked if she could help volunteer and search for Tara. Tim Miller is putting together a massive search effort where he is looking to get 500 volunteers and search over fifteen mile radius around Ocilla beginning Saturday. Beth Twitty said that she felt an obligation to help others because of the outpouring of help that she has received.

Twitty, who has become an icon to some and a bane to others for her dogged search for her own daughter, told Miller that she felt an obligation to participate in the search for Tara because of the support she has received.

“She said she wanted to be helpful for a couple of reasons,” Miller told Crime Library. “She said, ‘so many people have helped me in Natalee’s case, I want to be able to start helping other people’.”

(full story)

Rita Cosby: Beth Twitty Reacts to Vanity Fair, “We gave them 10 days too long, Jane”.

What was Beth Twitty’s response to Gerold Dompig’s Vanity Fair remark “that the biggest obstacles to finding Holloway have been her mother and stepfather, Beth and Jug Twitty, themselves”? Pretty much what most people already were thinking and knew after hearing such a comment:

Oh, it’s just the exact opposite. We gave them 10 days. We gave them 10 days to clean up their story, clean up the mess, to lawyer up. We gave them 10 days too long, Jane. That’s exactly what happened.

What did ex-FBI agent Harold Copus think of Vanity Fair writer Burrough’s comment, “I really don’t see any evidence of corruption or a cover-up here”?

Copus: And I question the “Vanity Fair” reporter, if he can’t find corruption, then he probably needs to start back again. I think it’s pretty plain that—I’ve been down there. Any of us can do a Google search. You can see we have organized crime figures from America in Aruba.

The rest of the interview.

‘Rita Cosby Live & Direct’ for December 5th, 2005

But first: the family of Natalee Holloway—have they done more harm than good during the investigation into her disappearance? A scathing new article in “Vanity Fair” claims the family demanded too much, too soon from Aruban investigators in the days after Natalee vanished.

Some of the biggest complaints are coming from the island’s deputy police chief, Gerold Dompig. Now, in the article, he says Natalee’s mother and stepfather sidetracked the investigation from the very beginning.


BRYAN BURROUGH, “VANITY FAIR”: He believes that the biggest obstacle to finding Natalee and solving the case has been the family itself, that in fact, their push, the calls for boycotting and things like that, have been counterproductive.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So what do we make of all of these allegations against the Holloway family? LIVE AND DIRECT tonight is Natalee’s mother, Beth Holloway Twitty.

Beth, thanks for being on the show. And I have to say, I know this has to be very difficult for you, but we want to give you a chance to respond to this “Vanity Fair” article, which basically says you were so aggressive, the police were pressured into arresting the three young men prematurely, which then backfired and ruined the case against those very suspects. What do you say?

Read more

Assistant Police Chief Gerold Dompig blames Natalee Holloway’s Family. No wonder this case has gone no where.

We now know the reason why Natalee Holloway has not been found. We now now the reason why two black security guards were falsely arrested. We now know the reason why Joran Van der Sloot lied and had Deepak and Satish Kalpoe lie that they originally dropped off Natalee at the Holiday Inn. We know know the reason why two security guards homes were searched immediately, yet the three primary suspects in this case home’s were not.

Instead of blaming it on Rio;Assistant Police Chief Gerold Dompig, is blaming it on Beth and Jug Twitty.

Aruban investigators have made claims that Natalee Holloway’s family hindered their investigation.

They said pressure from the family and media caused a premature arrest of the three main suspects in the case. Detectives did not have time to tap phone lines or follow the suspects days after Holloway disappeared.

What do you mean they didn’t have time to tap phone lines or follow the three main suspects? How did the Aruban police even know who the three main suspects were? It was the family that did the leg work that uncovered who was last seen with Natalee Holloway. The Aruban police took ten days to actually arrest the “three main suspects” in this case. In the mean time any evidence that may have been accessible in a car or home could have been destroyed. It was the ALE’s plan to actually allow these suspects to be out and about the Aruban population and tourists even linger than ten days?

It is the belief by Aruban authorities that three teen suspects hold the key to Holloway’s disappearance. Blaming the family is shameful. But it does not explain one thing with regards to the investigation. If the family was to blame for interfering, why did the Aruban police arrest two black security guards initially? Why were their homes and property searched immediately? Natalee Holloway’s family did not pressure you into doing so. In fact, Beth Twitty made it her mission to have these two men freed as soon as possible because they were not responsible. It would actually seem, if it were not for Beth Twitty, two innocent men would have been charged with this crime. Hardly interference. So why were they arrested? Would that be the family’s fault as well, or does the ALE take full credit for that one?

In an interview this morning with CBS, ‘The Early Show’, Beth Twitty responded to the accusations that were made about her and Jug by Gerold Dompig in the Vanity Fair article.

She told The Early Show co-anchor Rene Syler she and Jug “absolutely” didn’t hinder investigators.

“It’s hard for me even to respond to such a statement as that,” Twitty told Syler. “Everyone knows that we remained nothing but respectful of the Dutch law, and worked with them until it failed Natalee greatly. That’s when the family became very concerned and began reaching out. We knew we needed additional help.”

In the Vanity Fair article Dompig made the following comments with regards to Beth & Jug Twitty that he would have thought that the arrest of the three suspects would have made them happy.

Dompig is quoted as saying he expected the arrest of prime suspects Joran van der Sloot and two brothers, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, would please the Twittys, but it didn’t.

“It was like nothing could satisfy them — nothing,” says Dompig. “Basically, Jug wanted us to come over and beat a confession out of these boys. We couldn’t do that. These guys are hardheaded, especially Joran. We couldn’t get a confession.”

Did it ever dawn on Gerold Dompig that the family did not just want and arrest, but the case solved and those responsible prosecuted? Gerold Dompig makes it sound like it all ends in Aruba upon the arrest. That is the beginning of the process, not the end.

So the problem with this case could not have been the fact that they ALE could not properly deal with the suspect and get him to talk? After all Dompig has gone on record that the “three suspects” were responsible, he just needed to prove it.

“I don’t know,” Twitty said. “But I remember specifically in a meeting (with authorities that) they were saying this is the most unusual man they had ever dealt with. They had never seen anyone who has just refused to cooperate with the authorities. He really toyed with them during the interrogations, and quite often would place his fingers in his ears and just refuse to speak.”

“I think,” she said, “that they were all frustrated with Joran’s behavior from early on.”

It is an amazing revelation by Dompig that he is blaming the family for his failure. Is anyone in Aruba responsible for anything? What exactly would one presume that parents would do if their daughter went missing? Sit idling by and watch nothing happen?

Can anyone imagine where this case would be today if Beth and Natalee’s family had not gotten involved, except forgotten? It also makes one wonder just how seriously this same crime would have been investigated if it happened to an Aruban teenage girl.

In Vanity Fair; Gerold Dompig blames Beth & Jug Twitty for being the biggest obstacles to finding Natalee Holloway


So does every one want to know who is responsible for this case not being solved according to the chief Aruban investigator, Gerold Dompig? Could it be the people who lied about their alibi and who were the last seen with Natalee Holloway the last time she was ever seen? No

The people to blame according to Gerold Dompig is Beth and Jug Twitty. Incredible. No wonder Gerold Dompig has been no where to be found lately. So the obstacles were not the many different versions of the truth by the suspects while in custody, not the fact that they lied about dropping Natalee off at the Holiday Inn, not the fact that the three primary suspects were never arrested initially but instead two black security guards were instead. Nor was it the obstruction of searching the Van der Sloot property in total.

ARUBA’S DEPUTY POLICE CHIEF BREAKS HIS SILENCE ON THE NATALEE HOLLOWAY CASE. Gerold Dompig, the Aruban deputy police chief in charge of the case of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance, discusses the case in detail for the first time, telling Vanity Fair special correspondent Bryan Burrough that the biggest obstacles to finding Holloway have been her mother and stepfather, Beth and Jug Twitty, themselves.

Dompig charges that pressure from the family sidetracked the investigation from the outset, forcing premature arrests and not allowing Aruban authorities enough time to gather evidence. (These revelations appear in the January issue of Vanity Fair, which hits newsstands December 7 in New York and L.A. and December 13 nationally.)

“They didn’t understand the way things are done in our system,” Dompig tells Burrough of the family. “They act like they came from a world where you can just crush people. It was very harmful to our investigation.”

The rule of thumb when spinning a story is not only to trash the family, but trash the victim as well. That’s right, it was Natalee Holloway’s fault.

According to Dompig, Beth Twitty had contact with her daughter while she was in Aruba. Dompig tells Burrough he has taken two statements from journalist Julia Renfro, as well as a worker at the Holiday Inn, and both claim Beth Twitty told them she had gotten a call from Natalee, who said she was in love with a tall, blue-eyed Dutch teenager. “We need to know the truth,” says Dompig. “Joran did not have blue eyes, so who was this boy?” Beth strenuously denies making any such statements, or having talked with Natalee while she was away.

Speaking with Dave Holloway this afternoon, Dave said that the comments regarding the telephone calls and Natalee in love with a blue eyed, Dutch teenager “was untrue and a bold faced lie.”

So the lead investigator is Aruba blames people that vacation in Aruba and drink. This is an amazing statement from someone who is in charge of solving this mystery. So beware tourists who go to Aruba and drink, party and have a good time. You too will be guilty of what happens to you when you disappear.

Dompig tells Burrough that the kids in the travel group “went far, very far, in terms of having a good time.” Dompig mentions wild partying and lots of room switching, noting that the Holiday Inn had told them they were not welcome next year. According to other statements, says Dompig, Natalee drank all day, every day. There was “so much drinking that Natalee didn’t show up for breakfast two mornings.”

It appears the gloves are now off and the story that was once about the disappearance of a high school graduated senior, Natalee Holloway. It is now nothing more than a smear campaign. Blame the victim, blame the family, blame everyone but yourselves Aruba.

Blame the tourists who come to your island and drink. Even if it is to excess. Funny, no one had a problem in Aruba having those bar tabs paid. No one had an issue not cutting any of these teens off that they claimed were partying too much. It is almost incomprehensible to imagine that the Aruba would claim that tourists “went far, very far, in terms of having a good time,” but those responsible for the disappearance of Natalee Holloway did not.

This coming from an island where people wonder why a boycott was called for? Aruba’s answer is to blame the people that came there to vacation? Are you serious? It is shameful that a victim and a victim’s family would be considered more suspects by the ALE and the prosecution that the obvious suspects whom Dompig has even stated on national TV “were guilty”. Doesn’t this pretty much explain the investigation and the problems from the out set. In the eyes of the Aruban officials, the family is somehow guilty and responsible for all of this.

(full Vanity Fair story)

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