Editorial: “A grassroots effort to boycott Aruba began after all other attempts to find justice or even truth had failed”

The boycott of Aruba is often a misunderstood one by Arubans and Aruba officials. Whether the powers that be in Aruba and their spin machine do this intentionally is up to ones own interpretation. Yes, a boycott of Aruba had been called for by AL Governor Bob Riley and backed by the governors of Georgia and Arkansas. As Aruba the Truth conveniently points out, the boycott was not supported by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour. However, what many do not understand is a boycott is not coerced; one does it as a personal choice. No one is doing it because a politician asks them to. They support it or do not support a boycott of Aruba on their own accord.

Take the following editorial from The Meridian Star and states better than most any other article what drives a “grass roots” movement and the support for the Holloway & Twitty family.

At this point, it is no longer about our individual sense of fun on foreign shores or our individual rights to travel unrestricted. It is simply about being there for someone who needs us. It is about standing up and being on the team.

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Beth Twitty: “Aruban authorities have apparently decided to close the investigation”

While in Palm Desert speaking at the National Sheriff’s Association Conference according to reports from CBS 2, Beth Twitty is stating that she has been told by her attorney that Aruban authorities have apparently decided to close the investigation. into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

While her quest to find out what happened to her daughter continues, Beth Twitty told us she was shocked at the information she just received from her lawyer. Aruban authorities have apparently decided to close the investigation into the disappearance of her daughter.

(CBS 2)

This is rather curious seeing that not to long ago a select group from Aruba traveled to Washington, DC and met with US Representative Spencer Bachus December 13, claiming the following:

Rep. Spencer Bachus said he came away from a Friday meeting with Aruban officials with the sense that they plan to vigorously pursue leads in the disappearance of American student Natalee Holloway.

Bachus, R-Ala., whose district includes Mountain Brook, where Holloway is from, divulged little about the substance of the meeting, saying only it was a “frank and open discussion” and that Aruban authorities have devoted “tremendous resources” to the case.

And of course this statement,

“Their intention going forward … is not to shut this case down, but to continue to pursue it vigorously,” Bachus told reporters. “They do not consider it a closed case nor do they consider that they have a dead end. They continue to develop information and pursue leads.”

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Beth Twitty Hopes Teens Will learn from Natalee Holloway disappearance

Beth Twitty hopes that teens will learn a valuable lesson from the disappearance of her daughter Natalee Holloway. All to often teens look at themselves in a “it could never happen to me” attitude and that they are independent enough to handle every situation. Beth Twitty hopes to spread the message that this may not always be the case.

The mother of missing Alabama teen-ager Natalee Holloway is hoping that this year’s class of high school seniors will learn something from her daughter’s disappearance in Aruba. One also wonders whether certain Aruban hotels will continue the practice of allowing high school trips to stay in the hotels?

As Beth Holloway Twitty puts it, “If kids can take Natalee’s story with them and realize that you’re not always safe,” and also that they’re responsible for themselves, they’ll be better off.

But Twitty says one problem is that teens are fearless. She says, “They’re caught between a delicate balance of being under their parents’ watchful eye and being totally independent.”

The events and circumstances that took place in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway show that one must be on guard at all times. As for herself Beth Twitty stated that even though she did plenty of homework regarding her daughter’s trip to Aruba she wishes she would “have done a little more homework.”

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Diario: If a new investigative team comes in, it’ll take a lot of time for them to go over everything in the investigation

Diario: December 13, 2005; SI BIN UN TEAM DI INVESTIGADOR NOBO, LOZandam TUMA MUCHO TEMPO PA NAN REPASA TUR COS DI E INVESTIGACION, Esaki segun Eric Zaandam, pa loke ta peticion di Beth Twitty, cu ta un locura

If a new investigative team comes in, it will take a lot of time for them to go over everything in the investigation, According to Eric Zaandam, in regards to Beth Twitty’s request which is madness

Two things come to mind just in the title of the article that becomes puzzling. After six months of pretty much accomplishing nothing it seems rather peculiar that time is now some how an issue. Its not a matter of time, its a matter of getting it right.

Also, the Aruban officials need to get over their attempts as painting Beth Twitty out to be their focal “bad guy”. The letter that was sent to Aruban officials requesting changes was signed by Beth, Jug, Dave and Robin. So I guess the man, Dave Holloway, that Aruba praised is now making requests that are “madness”? Seems to me that they are requesting a competent investigation with fresh eyes. It is hardly madness to request a proper investigation to find one’s daughter.

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Michelle’s interview with Beth Twitty

Michelle, from ‘Michelle Says So’ and ‘Aruban Boycott’ has had the opportunity to do an interview with Beth Twitty. The following is an except from the interview:

Beth has not been “banned” from Aruba, but on October 18, 2005, she received a phone call advising her not to return to the island because Aruban officials would place her under arrest. Arrest? For what? She explained that she has been threatened to be arrested because she called Joran, Satish and Deepak ‘criminals’ on national TV; in addition to coming forward with the fact that her original written statement to the police was changed and ‘falsified’.

Read the rest of the interview at Arubanboycott.blogspot.com.

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