Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway will be at New York’s Supreme Court on Wednesday

All eyes and ears will be on the New York Supreme Court tomorrow. The decision as to whether Natalee Holloway’s civil case can go forward in NY or will be dismissed.

A lawsuit filed in February by the parents of missing Mountain Brook teen Natalie Holloway will be the subject of dismissal arguments Wednesday at New York’s Supreme Court.
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On the Eve of Mother’s Day, Beth Twitty and other Mothers of Missing and Murdered Children Speak Out

Friday night Nancy Grace had a very poignant show talking to Beth Twitty, Magi Bish and others showing the common bond of all mothers of missing children. The point that one must keep in mind is that there is no difference between any of these mothers in how they feel or the determination for them to want to find answers. No parent ever wants to bury their child. Even worse, no parent ever wants to not know and never get any form of closure. On the eve of Mothers Day please read the Nancy Grace transcript as it speaks volumes to what these “Mothers in Arms” experience.

TWITTY: You know, Nancy, when I head into something, as we`re approaching Mother`s Day, I think about all the things that are so much more difficult for me to endure just on a daily basis, Nancy. I mean, I think about — when I see Natalee`s friends, I think about the things that Natalee has missed in her life, and look at Mother`s Day as something, you know, that — I think of that as something, of course, for me, and I — you know, and I cherish those, you know, times that — when I`m with Natalee and — but what pains me the most is what I see that Natalee has missed and is missing and will always miss in her life.

And I think that is the most difficult thing that we deal with on a daily basis, as — you know, I know now that Natalee — Natalee should almost be a sophomore in college, Nancy, and she was just so robbed of that.

Misguided, uninformed and those with a specific agenda have stated that Beth Twitty and the Holloway’s should just move on and get on with their lives. What many do not comprehend is that the Twitty’s and Holloway’s are no different than any other family with a missing child who have never had closure. They all have a common bond, so to say Beth Twitty should just get over it you are saying that all parents of missing children should as well. That is hardly something that any of us have the right to every say.

MAGI BISH, MOLLY`S MOTHER: But I drove her to work, and it was the last time I seen her. She jumped out of the car and told me how much she loved me and said, Goodbye, Mom, I love you, and hopped out of the car. And that was hat the last time I got to see her and talk to my Molly. And it`s nearing our six-year anniversary. We still don`t know who did this to her or why, and we won`t stop until we find this person.,
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Beth Twitty Taps into the Publics emotion in search for answers to Natalee Holloway

Beth Twitty keeps the hope alive for finding answers in to the disappearance of her daughter Natalee Holloway. For those who do not understand why this case is not going to go away or why tourism continues to decline in Aruba do not understand certain truths of life. One does not get between a mother and their child no different does one try to get between a mother bear and her cub.

Many in the crowd of nearly 700 wiped away tears as guest speaker Beth Holloway Twitty of Mountain Brook recounted daughter Natalee Holloway’s disappearance in Aruba last year and her family’s quest for answers.

Along the way, prayers from people across Birmingham and the world have given them hope, she said.

“Hope is always there for us. Sometimes we forget to embrace it,” she said. “My prayer for you is that you will let hope find you today.”
(Birmingham News)

Natalee Holloway has been embraced by all and has become the face for missing persons and safety travel abroad. People want answers and those from all walks of life and religious back grounds pray for Natalee and her family. They see what this family has been put through. Many I am sure understand that it could easily have been them they could have met such a fate. Dave Holloway had stated a similar reaction when he asked the question,
Do you have children?”

The misconception by Aruba and others that this story would go away fails to understand the power of the human spirit, determination and prayer.

In the days following her daughter’s disappearance, Twitty recalled going to a chapel that sat on an Aruba hillside lined with white crosses. She knelt at each cross and prayed, begging God to return her daughter. She felt an overwhelming peace and knew that God had wrapped his arms around Natalee, she said.

Since then, her family has experienced an outpouring of love from all over, she said, through letters, gifts and prayers.

Twitty said the gestures have known no religious or denominational boundaries, and she has worn the Star of David alongside rosary beads.

“I never thought twice about what religion was what,” she said. “I embraced all religions and denominations that embraced me.”

All care about Natalee Holloway, the missing teen from Mountain Brook, AL. This story transcends any proclaimed boycott and has touched a cord with emotion and humanity as to what people believe in their hearts to be right and wrong.

Time to Revisit the 3 suspects Police Report Transcription; They may have some Explaining to do

As we revisit the translated police report of the conversation that was secretly Satish_joran_depak_200182recorded by the ALE some rather interesting post scripts play out. In reading these transcripts, they hardly exonerate Joran Van der Sloot as a suspect as his attorney Joe Tacopina has stated. Also, it is peculiar and convenient that Joe Tacopina would accuse someone else of leaking these documents to the media. Tacopina has gone on record as stating Jossy Mansur leaked the information. Which brings a question to mind, why would he care? If these documents, as he claims, benefit his client one would think that Tacopina would be thrilled with Jossy, not vindictive. That, however, is hardly the case.

Let’s review some of the more telling and interesting comments made by the three suspects. They hardly show anyone of them to be presented in a clear light and innocent. If anything, they provide more questions and suspicion on the three.

There have been many rumors to the fact that Paulus Van der Sloot helped the Kalpoe’s get an attorney and met with them and discussed the case in the infancy of this investigation. We know hear from Joran Van der Sloot’s own mouth that this was the case. Paulus did indeed help the Kalpoe’s attain council. One wondered what other information he provided to all three suspects with regards to how to conduct themselves in jail while being interrogated.

So would this mean that the conversation that Deepak Kalpoe had with Mickey John Abraham Jonesin jail is true as well seeing that Deepak stated that the story of the Holiday Inn was made up by the VDS family? Seems that there was much conversation between the three suspects prior to their arrest. Deepak did also speak to Abraham Jones and explained that the HI story was a lie. So what else that Deepak referenced was true as well.

J says to D: My friend, the only thing my father wanted to do was to help you. J says to D: My father only wanted to help you. My father even arranged a lawyer for you. J says to D: And this is how you pay him back. J says to D (angry): I have to give you both a klap/wanta [punch in the face?]

Do not forget what Mickey John said to Greta Van Susteren in a June 29, 2005 interview following his release from jail.

VAN SUSTEREN: The father, too?

JOHN: All of them. They made up… Security guards

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he specifically say — Deepak specifically say to you the father was part of that?

JOHN: Deepak told me that he and the family sit down and they made up the story.

VAN SUSTEREN: So family and not father?

JOHN: Well, I don’t know who the family consists of. But I know the father was involved, according to him. They made up the story, and they say that they didn’t drop the girl off, because they said they would give the police something to (INAUDIBLE) when somebody is missing in Aruba, they would find them a few days later by a crack house or with some beach bum or something.

In this heated exchange between Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers a rather eye opening comment is made by Joran, “J says to the brothers: Same as they control me, they control you too.” Just who is Joran referring to as “controls” him and the Kalpoes? The three had stated that they lied about dropping Natalee at the Holiday Inn; however, what would possess the three to continue to lie while they were in jail? As Satish states, “With lies there is no proof.”

PROOF OF WHAT SHOULD BE THE QUESTION. Proof of what actually happened to Natalee Holloway? The fact that the three continue to perpetrate lies, even while in jail is telling. The need to lie in order for there to be “no proof” and just who is Joran referencing as to “who controls them”?

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Teen Travel Examined in the Wake of the Natalee Holloway Disappearance. Aruba has become the face of (un)safe Travel

You have to be quite careful taking kids anywhere … in this world.” We want to make sure we’re able to keep kids safe if we’re bringing them anywhere.”Holloway3

In the wake of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, many are questioning the safe travel of teenagers. The above quote one would think would be attributed to Beth Twitty, in one of her many speeches she gives warning teens and college students of the dangers they face traveling home and abroad. However, it is not. It was said by Elinor Freedman, principal of Wakefield High School.

As an educator, I don’t recommend parents sending their sons and daughters on these (non-school) trips,” said Elinor Freedman, principal of Wakefield High School. “Especially now, in light of things like Natalee Holloway.

Bill Chetwynd, president of the School Committee also went on to say:

Personally, he wouldn’t recommend trips without parental or school supervision.” “The last thing I would ever want to happen is some kids in Wakefield disappear when they went on a trip – or any kids. Especially in a foreign country.”

Like it or not, Aruba has become the face of the safety issues that face teens and college students in America. It is no small accomplishment or a badge of honor to actually be referenced in the same sentence as 9-11 when it comes to altering the way one travels. 911 tt

Across the country, student travel was re-examined after the events of 9/11. It has been further scrutinized since the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen who went missing almost a year ago during a post-graduation trip to Aruba – a trip that wasn’t sanctioned by the school, although more than 100 teens participated.

Do those in Aruba, the travel, hotel and tourism associations and the government officials really not understand the impact of how they have handled the Natalee Holloway investigation? It was one thing for a tourist to go missing in Aruba, it was quite a different event to see how the investigation was botched, intentionally or not. It was still quite another story to watch and listen to those in charge insult and blame the victim and her family. Aruba … WAKE UP! You are being mentioned in the same breathe as 9-11 and not by any Holloway or Twitty family member.

As in the case of 9-11, Americans took for granted their safety and assumed such a terrorist attack could never happen in the United States. Such acts of terror only existed in the Middle East or in Europe. Although not on the same scale, Americans took the same safety assumptions for granted as well when they went on vacations.

However, why wouldn’t American tourists drop their guard when they went on sm cnc close viewvacation and were told that Aruba was safe? For too many years we just looked the other way, not because a Caribbean island vacation spot may have been safe, but because nothing had ever happened. Or we should say, nothing had been reported to have happened. The law of averages had not caught up yet. Still today we are told that it is a safe island, Carlos N’ Charlies is a safe tourist spot even as drugs are sold outside on the streets and that the beaches are safe as we learn that there were preditors on the beaches that police cared to do nothing about.

aruba sketch predator

What obligation does Aruba have to tell potential tourists the truth? What is the real drinking and gambling ages? Better yet, what is really enforced so that a parent can actually make a proper decision on letting their children go? What really is the crime rate? It can’t be zero.

aruba grave 2

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