Beth Twitty is still living every parent’s nightmare one year later

Its been a year for Beth Twitty in dealing with the pain and anguish of dealing with the Beth Twitty 2disappearance of her Daughter Natalee. A year that most likely seems like an eternity. Every day is the same for Beth Twitty. Ever day represents another day without answers and without Natalee. Beth Twitty is no different than any other parent of a missing child. Although in some respects, she is.

“Nobody would give up until one thing has happened,” Beth says. “Either charges have to be filed or the case has to be closed and right now we still have an active investigation, no charges have been filed. We’re doing just what any parent would do at this point.”

Beth is still living every parent’s nightmare. Last May, six hours after she got the call that Natalee was missing, she was on a plane to the tropical island, where her daughter was celebrating her high school graduation with her friends.

(Yahoo Entertainment)


Having just recently having the opportunity to talk to Beth I am reminded of the amazing strength she displays and also the enormous mountain of grief that she takes on every day. She faces every parents worse nightmare. The possibility of losing their child. Parents are not supposed to bury their children and the sad fact is that Beth Twitty can at least get a small amount of closure in doing just that.

And although she’s still working for some sort of closure, Beth says she Beth 2knows she may never see her daughter again. “I don’t think any of us think that’s a very good possibility,” she says. “Of course every parent hopes to see their son or daughter alive again, but I think in Natalee’s case we know that it doesn’t look good.”

Beth Twitty battles on and fights the good fight. She is a tremendous inspiration and will be for future parents who unfortunately find themselves in the same position. I am proud that we could be a support for a family who at many times found themselves down but not out and up against the wall. 


One year ago I never knew who Beth Twitty, Dave Holloway, Jug Twitty, Robin Holloway, Paul Reynolds, Tim Miller (TES), Joe Mamana, so many others and more importantly who Natalee Holloway was. One year later after a roller coaster ride of our own and through the support of the internet, both commenters, readers, lurkers and faithful Monkeys we are all better for having known them and showing them our support.


One year later by witnessing Beth Twitty’s unwaivering strength as an example to us all, I am proud to know this brave family of people as simply Beth, Dave, Robin, Jug, Paul, Tim, Joe and Natalee.   


One Year Reminder, Who is a victim and who is not in the Natalee Holloway disappearance

One year later and we need to remind some as to who are the victims in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Some ten arrests later in Aruba and in the Netherlands and we seem to be no closer than we were on day one.

Although it is sad that some would need reminding, it would seem that some do and that there needs to be some focus on who actually are victims in the case of the missing teen from Mountain Brook, AL … Natalee Holloway.

Natalee Holloway would be a victim.


Joran Van der Sloot would not.

Joran VDS

Anyone who would tell so many convenient lies both in and out of jail can hardly be considered a victim. Even if one was ever to believe what comes from his mouth, his lies not only implicated others in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance, but also wasted valuable time and recourses in the initial stages of the investigation.

According to Joran Van der Sloot, he lied to his parents, snuck out of his home without his father’s permission and was complicity in the lie that the three main suspects (Deepak, Satish & Joran) left Natalee Holloway at the Holiday Inn. The lies continued in jail as to who he claimed picked him up from the beach. Or where ever he really was.

Once again just as a reminder, the following individuals are victims:


Holloway friends gallery


Joran Van der Sloot has admitted that he and his friends make a practice out of going to the bars and picking up American female tourist. Joran admitted he has done so at least 20 times and that might be an understatement.

“it was a normal… it was a normal thing for us to do, you know, go to our friends, go to the beach, talk to American tourists, you know, then go out with them and have a good time and, you know, nothing… nothing ever bad has ever happened. I mean it’s happened probably 20, 20 times nothing has ever gone wrong.” (Fox – Greta Interview part 2)

Joran poolside

Aruba 3 suspects

As we have asked earlier, Why Do Three Boys Go to Carlos N’ Charlie’s One Half Hour Before Closing when Mountain Brook Teens were there on their last night in Aruba? Gee, I Wonder?

We are supposed to believe that Joran Van der Sloot who’s sole intention was to go to Carlos N’ Charlie’s in the last half hour and find an unsuspecting American tourist to have sex with like he has in the past on at least 20 different occasions became the pursued? That Natalee Holloway pursued him when all reports state otherwise. Natalee Holloway, an Alabama teen who was not wise to clubs was the aggressor? Joran Van der Sloot, who has admitted he makes a practice of pursuing American tourists is the victim? HARDLY! Joran Van der Sloot goes to C n’C to pick up a tourist and have sex with her and somehow forgets a condom, because he never has sex without one. Somehow this is a believable story? HOW?

Once again, these are victims:

Natalee last night

Beth twitty 1

Dave holloway gma

The Following are NOT!

Aruba deepak

Why does one lie to create an alibi?

VAN SUSTEREN: You don’t know this guy? (Steve Croes)

VAN DER SLOOT: I don’t know this guy and I never talked to him before in my life.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know if Deepak knows him?

VAN DER SLOOT: I don’t know if Deepak knew him. All that happened this one day he called me and he said, you know, “I got the jackpot” and I was like “Yes, what happened?” He’s like, “Oh, don’t worry. I’m going to come — I’m going to come to your house and tell you.”

(from secretly recorded police transcript:  Joran says to the brothers: You called by telephone saying that ‘I’ (the ‘I’ here is referring to one of the Kalpoe brothers) hit the jackpot. You said by telephone: “I hit the f****** jackpot.” You forgot that the telephone was tapped.)

And then he came to me and he said that someone had come up to him and said that he saw us, that he’d seen us drop the girl off at the Holiday Inn and that he would — and that, yes, if there was anything he’d testify to that to police. That’s what Deepak told me. So, I was like, you know, OK. That’s great.

Steve croes

Aruba satish

It had been a concern from the beginning that Paulas Van der Sloot would be advising his son on what to and what not to say. And the famous “no body, no crime” statement that Paulas claimed he never said. It appears it was true as Joran says, “the only thing he (Joran’s father) said that if there’s no body there don’t have a case.”

S says to J: I didn’t declare anything.
J says to the brothers: Of course you did.
S says to J: What did I say / against your father?
J says to the brothers: You said that he (Joran’s father) said that if there’s no corpse there’s no case, or I don’t know what more sorts of shit.
J says to the brothers: That’s not true, the only thing he (Joran’s father) said that if there’s no body there don’t have a case.
D says to J: That’s true.



One Year Anniversary of the Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

It is hard to believe it has been one year; however, today represents the one year anniversary of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Please take the time today to say a prayer for Natalee, her family and her friends. It has been a personal pleasure to have met and talked with both Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway. They know that they are in our hearts and our prayers.

Natalee Tribute

We can only hope that someone finds it in their-self to do the right thing and come forward with the truth so that the Twitty’s and Holloway’s can try and get over one hurdle and face the next. We can never know the pain of a missing child; however, we can pray and support those of whom who do.

Natalee Holloway 2

On this one year anniversary please say a prayer or add your comments to the family of Natalle Holloway. Also, please remember all the other families of missing persons and those missing children and adults that need to be found as well.

God Bless the determination of Natalee’s family that have refused to give up on demanding answers and have shined the path for parents of missing persons that unfortunately may follow.

To Beth, Dave and all the parents of missing children … God Bless and stay strong.

Candles for Natalee

Beth Twitty’s Premonition: Natalee Holloway’s mom not too hopeful over latest arrest of Guido Wever

Beth Twitty has seen this same act play over and over in the last year in Aruba sinceBeth twitty 1 her daughter Natalee Holloway went missing May 30, 2005. First there was the suspicious arrest and release of two black security guards. Then came the arrests of Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe. Then the arrests of Paul Van der Sloot and Steve Croes. Then they are both released. Then the Kalpoe brothers are released only to be rearrested and re-released again. Joran Van der Sloot is then released. GVC is arrested and released. Finally, Guido Wever is arrested and released.

Is it any wonder why Beth Twitty was not too hopeful over the latest arrest of Guido Wever? When I met with her last week, Beth wanted to be positive, but I could tell she had a barrier up to not get too hopeful so that she would not get too disappointed if the arrest turned out to be like all the others. Wever 1

Speaking to reporters after a speech at Lonoke High School, Beth Holloway Twitty said she was “guardedly optimistic” about the latest arrest in the disappearance of her daughter, who went missing nearly a year ago on a senior graduation trip to the Caribbean island.

“An arrest is better than no arrest, so hopefully it will bring about something,” she said.

Twitty said that though authorities have arrested and released a number of suspects, there have been few answers.

“I think we got really caught up with the arrest of G.V.C.,” Twitty said, referring to suspect Geoffrey van Cromvoirt, who was arrested and released last month.

(Jamaica Gleaner News)

Having met and talked to Beth Twitty on several occasions what else could one do with any information or arrest that comes out of Aruba but act with ”guardedly optimism”? Guido Wever is arrested almost one year after Natalee’s disappearance.

He worked in the Excelsior casino of the Holiday Inn where Natalee Holloway stayedExcelsior and where Joran Van der Sloot gambled. Wever is a known friend of Joran Van der Sloot. They supposedly played tennis the day after Natalee Holloway went missing and later went to casinos and gambled. Wever had been previously questioned by authorities in both Aruba and the Netherlands. Wever quit his casino job and left abruptly for the Netherlands shortly after Natalee went missing. Was this planned in advance or was it a spur of the moment action? If so, why? Seems it would be pretty simple to find out when one purchased a plane ticket. Did he ever previously mention to the Excelsior casino that he would be leaving, or did he just up and leave?

All this makes it so odd that Wever would be arrested now and charged in a crime against Natalee Holloway. Why did this not take place last year when much of the same information was known about Wever and he was questioned? That would have seemed to have made more sense, but so little has in any of this investigation.

Beth Twitty was not hopeful with this arrest and her gut feeling turned out to be correct. Guido Wever was released today as the prosecutors decided not to hold him any longer. The emotional roller coaster for the family of Natalee Holloway continues and the farce of what is called the Natalee Holloway investigation.

One thing is for certain, Beth Twitty is not in any way about to give up.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands No trip back to Aruba for a suspect arrested in the Netherlands in the disappearance of Mississippi native Natalee Holloway.

The man was released today and his lawyer tells Dutch television there wasn’t enough evidence. Holloway disappeared last year on a high school trip.

A Dutch court official says a case in The Hague district involving a request to send the suspect to Aruba for further investigation has been dropped.

The suspect’s lawyer tells Dutch television there was not enough evidence to hold his client.

(WREG-TV Memphis)

Suspect in Natalee Holloway Case Released From Detention in the Netherlands

The release of the suspect, identified only as “Guido W.” because of Dutch privacy laws, means he will not be transferred to Aruba, said the court official, Martine de Bruijn. His lawyer, Gerard Sprong, told Dutch television there was not enough evidence to hold his client.

A spokesman for the Dutch national prosecutor’s office declined to comment, saying the case was in the hands of the Aruban public prosecutor.

(ABC News)


Hearing on Holloway Civil Suit Under Advisement

The judge in the Natalee Holloway civil case based in New York has taken the case under advisement. This means that the judge will let the proceedings go forward as she determines whether the case has the right to be heard in New York as the Holloways would  like.

More to come as information becomes available.

Update: We spoke with Dave Holloway and he confirmed that the judge is taking the case under advisement. They are going to do a more thorough review before they proceed. Everything that has happened today has met the expectations of Dave.

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