Four men charged with rapes, beating of Florida teens in St. Vincent

More crime reported in the Caribbean. This time two Florida teens were raped and their mother beaten on St. Vincent, island in the southeast Caribbean Sea.. Four men have been charged and face life in prison. Beth Twitty during her speaking tour discusses safety issues when traveling abroad. People really need to be more aware and realize so many things could happen on vacation. (A Safe Trip Abroad) Even taking precautions, however, there are bad people everywhere. Even in island paradise. HELP FOR AMERICAN VICTIMS OF CRIME OVERSEAS.

Four men accused of raping two Florida teenagers and beating their mother while the group left a popular tourist attraction in St. Vincent have been charged with assault, police said.

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Media Reminder: Red will be on Dana Pretzer, C-Band Talk Network Tonight



Upcoming Special Guests On Sunday Night Satellite.

June 4th (10:00pm edt) - Join me and my guests the guys behind when we discuss the 1st anniversary of the Holloway case .

Also Special Guest Beth Twitty

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Americas Most Wanted to Feature Natalee Holloway Disappearance on Saturday Night

America’s Most Wanted has followed the disappearance of Natalee Holloway since her disappearance last summer in Aruba. Again this coming Saturday, AMW will feature the Alabama teens investigation and any possible new leads in the investigation. Rick Segall of AMW was on Rita Cosby, Live & Direct, recently discussing the upcoming program.

SEGALL:  At this point, at the one-year point, you have to look back at all of the missed opportunities, the things that could have been done in the first hours, the first days, the first weeks.  And you know, it makes your head reel.  But unfortunately, there‘s nothing that can be done about that right now.  You have to focus on, as of today, what can be done. 

So we‘ve always said at “America‘s Most Wanted” it only takes one tip and getting information out to the right person to provide the tip.  In Saturday‘s show we‘re going to be directing people to “Opsvering Versadt” (ph), the Dutch version of “America‘s Most Wanted”.  We‘ve got transcripts from their show.  We‘ve got clues.  We‘ve got information from them we want our viewers to see and take a look at as well.  And we‘re still hopeful.  Perhaps in a month or so a deep water search can yield more information.

Rick Segall also goes on to discuss the different approach that AMW will take during the airing of their show.

RICK SEGALL, “AMERICA‘S MOST WANTED”:  You know, watching your time line here, a great time line, over the course of the past year, emotionally exhausting.  And we weren‘t even the ones who lived through this.  It was Dave and Beth and their families. 

We‘re taking a little bit of a different approach this Saturday.  Dave and Beth have done an amazing job keeping Natalee‘s case in the spotlight.  And I think they would both admit that Beth has sort of been the face for the family here a little bit more than Dave has. 

So after talking to both Beth and Dave, we decided that we were going to focus on what it‘s been like as a parent to go through this past year, to do it from Dave‘s perspective, as well as talking about to a classmate who‘s never done any interviews with the media before.  She‘s coming forward.

SEGALL:  She had an awful lot of anxiety and said that the thought of doing it in the past has sort of put her in tears.  And she‘s finally at that point, I think, after hearing rumor and speculation, helping us to put some rumors to bed, to set the record straight on exactly when Natalee met Joran, things of that sort to sort of set, as I said, some speculation to rest as well as hoping that by coming out, telling her story perhaps it‘s going to help jog somebody‘s memory and to help the Holloway family. 

It has been reported today on FOX  News that the ALE lead investigator will be attending the show as well as Federal agents from the FBI.

I have to tell you we got late confirmation that the lead investigator is flying to Washington D.C. to be on hand when the show airs along with 2 FBI agents from Alabama and Miami who will be there.

America’s Most Wanted Natalee Holloway Preview Videos

The AMW feature will hopefully have new information of the Columbian witness information of the Columbian witness that was reported in the National Enquirer as having been questioned by police. What new information could the 40 year old Columbian witness have provided?

Part 1          Part 2         Part 3

We had originally heard of the Columbian witness during an interview on Hannity & Combs with Natalee’s aunt, Linda Allison.

I do think there are some friends of the three suspects that may have been questioned and need to be brought back again. There is a witness they’ve been questioning lately. He was at the beach that night and potentially witnessed or actually said there was an occurrence that happened at the beach. Later he was able to obtain some forensic evidence.

This is information that came to light about a week ago. I don’t have any other info at this time, but I hope that this witness is credible.

Actually this individual was a witness to observe some things that occurred on the beach.

Maybe AMW will get into a further examination of the Wever/Joran Van der Sloot relationship as reported by The Globe.

Globe Wever JVDS connection

(Click to enlarge)

Or get into more detail in to the cover up during the investigation as reported by The Globe.

Part 1   Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5   Part 6    Part 7

Globe Aruba Killer never brought to justice

(Click to enlarge)

I am sure what most of us would want to know is if anyone in the main stream media has pursued anything a long the lines of questioning Aruban authorities as to “Why Paint Rocks in the Middle of Nowhere? Confirmed Painted”


It would be refreshing to see at least one of the main stream media outlets pursue this angle. Or at least ask the question so that someone would provide a reasonable answer as to what was going on.


We can only hope that someone comes forward and does the right thing by calling into AMW and provides a tip that ends this nightmare for the Holloway’s and Twitty’s.

 (Hat Tip: Klaas)




Steve Dunleavy of the New York Post is never at a loss for words. This article is no exception.

NY Post

“As for me – I once spent a vacation there, but I wouldn’t go back if they paid me.”

As Mr. Dunleavy managed to talk to Beth in the airport on her way to Montreal, I had the pleasure of talking to her leaving Montreal. We discussed some of the recent goings-on of the case and the one year mark. Beth stated that it was important for her to show Natalee’s room, so people could understand and see what Natalee was like. I for one as did many noticed that Natalee was focused and happy to begin college. It was obvious that she so looked forward to it. A far cry from the words that Joran Van der Sloot has claimed  that Natalee wanted to stay in Aruba.

Beth and I also discussed her new project, the Safe Travels Foundation. Her new web site is up an running. Check it out, please remember its a work in progress. Beth also discusses her web site in the following article from the New York Post.

THE memories for Beth Holloway Twitty came flooding back. Holloway1

Memories of a beautiful young daughter, Natalee, whose passionate love of life vanished on the island of Aruba exactly one year ago today.

But also nightmare memories – of a frustrating, bumbling investigation on the island and ugly threats against her life.

“One of the several threats I received was that if I stayed on the island, I would be chopped up in little pieces, put in a fish trap and floated out to sea,” she said.

John Q. Kelly, her Manhattan-based lawyer, who on the stand chopped O.J. Simpson into little pieces in a civil suit, told me:

“Obviously, we don’t know exactly where those threats came from, and the police there don’t seem to care. But there is a huge back-street drug market on the island and, frankly, a lot of people don’t want Americans poking around there.

“The investigation has been a terrible example of a mixture of utter Dave holloway 1incompetence and corruption.”

Dave Holloway, Natalee’s father and Beth’s ex-husband, told me, “Three weeks after Natalee’s disappearance, the assistant prosecutor, Amalin Flanegin, quit the case.

“She indicated to me she pointed police in the obvious direction . . . and they ignored her.”

I caught up with Beth Holloway on the phone as she was boarding a flight to Montreal to expand an organization she started, Safe Travels Foundation. “It is to inform people before going to foreign places how to proceed locally if faced with a crisis,” she said.

Beth packing

“I’m extremely unwelcome in Aruba, so we could not even have a memorial service for Natalee one year after her disappearance. I’ll never set foot on that island again.”

“Nor will I,” echoed Dave.

As for me – I once spent a vacation there, but I wouldn’t go back if they paid me.

Is The Netherlands really an Appropriate Venue for the Natalee Holloway Case? A country that would Allow This Political Party?

As the family of Natalee Holloway waits for the NYC judges decision on their civil Netherlands maplaw suit against Joran and Paulas Van der Sloot we see some amazing, bizarre and rather eye-opening happenings taking place in the Netherlands. The Netherlands being one potential venue that the Van der Sloot’s attorney, Joe Tacopina, has stated should have jurisdiction.

On May 15, 2005 the judge hearing the civil case determined she would allow the case to to forward and take it “under advisement.”

A couple of the many issues that was put forth by the family as to why the venue should be in NYC rather than Aruba or The Netherlands was safety concerns, a majority of the witnesses were from the US (NYC area) and Aruba gains the greatest percentage of its tourism from New York state.

The majority of the American tourists come from this state (NY), about 17 percent of the total. In relation to 2003, 2004 had a growth of 13.47 percent, which dropped to 9.1 percent in the first quarter of 2005.

One could also consider whether the Holloway’s and Twitty’s could get a fair trial in Dompig ringmasterAruba or The Netherlands. We have already seen the Aruban investigation into Natalee’s disappearance botched (purposely or not) and performed in an unprofessional manner.

“Total madness”, according to a criminal law expert of the University of Leiden, Hans Nijboer. “This is a total error”.

Who is to say any court proceeding would be any different seeing that Paulas Van der Sloot had been part of the system and impartiality let alone conflicts of interest seem to be non-existent. The family and Natalee’s friends have stated that they fear going back to Aruba. Who wouldn’t? On the last night of a four day vacation they lose their best friend and then are blamed.  The family and friends have actually been blamed for Natalee’s disappearance by an irresponsible Aruban media.

How many defense attorneys in the United States have tried and successfully asked for a change of venue for their clients and got just that. Maybe attorney Joe Tacopina should be asked that very question. Just how many times when it was convenient for your client did you request a change of venue and jurisdiction?

We have already seen what the Aruban courts are capable of. The closed door, Aruba3021secret star chamber is hardly the answer to bring justice to a civil case where that very issue of secrecy and with holding information has created more problems and potential conspiracies. The “good old boy” network of revolving Aruban judges, many of them potentially Paulas Van der Sloots peers hardly seems like a proper or just jurisdiction. It would be a kin to having the trial in Mountain Brook, AL. Think for one second Joe Tacopina would allow that? Does one even think that Tacopina would not fight for a jurisdiction change if the venue was Alabama or the other two states that joined the boycott?

Aruba boycott statemap

That lead us to The Netherlands. Once again we have the issue of Paulas Van der Sloot and a “home field” advantage of potential cronyism . The mere appearance would scream foul. However, one would also wonder whether The Netherlands would be a proper venue taking into account the following article that makes one’s skin crawl and need to shower after reading. Is a country that would allow paedophiles to be a political party really the proper jurisdiction for a “sex crimes” and kidnapping case? It would hardly seem so.

Amsterdam – Dutch paedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalisation of child pornography and sex with animals.

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Website it would be officially registered on Wednesday, proclaiming: “We are going to shake The Hague awake!”

The party said it wanted to cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 and eventually scrap the limit altogether.

“A ban just makes children curious,” Ad van den Berg, one of the party’s founders, told the Algemeen Dagblad (AD) newspaper.

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