And on Queue … House Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Blames George W. Bush for Obama’s VA “Cooking the Books” Scandal

WOW, seriously … When will Democrats stop blaming GWB and look in the mirror?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) blamed the current VA Scandal taking place during the Obama presidency on former President George W. Bush at her latest press conference as she stated, “Maybe when we go into war, we should be thinking about its consequences and its ramifications.” Really, is this all Democrats have to any scandal or anything bad that happens to blame Bush? This is a bit old 6 years into an Obama presidency. It is sickening that Veterans issues are being politicized. I would dare say that there have been issues, troubles and scandals with the VA in one form or another during the Obama, GWB, Clinton, GHWB, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, etc. presidencies.I can remember hearing about terrible hospital conditions within the VA from days long before GWB was even a governor in Texas. However, in the sick, divisive and partisan mind of Nancy Pelosi and the current band of liberal Democrats … It’s blame GWB time again. I guess they could not blame the Koch brothers for this one. Now the Dems have a new scandal to defend themselves from in the 2014 midterm elections … I know, let’s just blame Bush. Just how many times will they dip into this well of unaccountability?

At some point Democrats and Obama have to take accountability and have to be held accountable for their actions and inaction. Everyone inherits issues from some one and it is up to you to make things better, not just blame some one else because you failed. It is difficult to believe that Obama has done anything with regards to the VA “cooking the waiting list books” scandal when he could not even admit he knew about it. At what point does everything that comes out of the Obama White House just be taken as a lie? NO ONE CARES WHO FAULT IT IS … FIX IT!!!

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., repeatedly put the blame for the Veterans Affairs scandal on former President George W. Bush, while arguing that her party has worked hard for veterans in recent years.

Pelosi took a shot at Bush while saying that the scandal is a high priority for Obama. “He sees the ramifications of some seeds that were sown a long time ago, when you have two wars over a long period of time and many, many more, millions more veterans,” she told reporters during her Thursday press briefing. “And so, I know that he is upset about it.”

The Democratic leader never mentioned Bush by name, but she alluded to him early and often in the press briefing.

“Maybe when we go into war, we should be thinking about its consequences and its ramifications,” Pelosi said while discussing the scandal. “You would think that would be a given, but maybe it wasn’t. And so, we go in a war in Afghanistan, leave Afghanistan for Iraq with unfinished business in Afghanistan. Ten years later, we have all of these additional veterans. In the past five years, two million more veterans needing benefits from the VA. That’s a huge, huge increase.”

This scandal that is currently taking place with the VA cooking the books was known to Barack Obama back in November 2008. So why is he acting like this is some surprise out of left field? Obama, through his mouth piece Jay Carney made the media and public to believe BO just learned of the scandal when it was reported in the news recently. LAIRS!!! They knew about this problem and Vets still died. Um, that is Bush’s fault how?

EXIT QUESTION: The Obama Administration and Democrats during his presidency have done nothing but blame GWB for pretty much everything. Guess what, Americans will be blaming Obama and the Obama Democrats for the next two decades over the damage that he has brought on the people of the United States.

Eleanor Clift Ludicrous Comments on Benghazi Terror Attacks … “Ambassador Stevens Wasn’t Murdered, He Died Of Smoke Inhalation”

Some Liberal moonbats will go to no ends to protect Hillary Clinton from her actions, or lack there of in Benghazi, including making an ass of them self.

Eleanor Clift has said some pretty ignorant things over the years, but this one might just take the cake. Not so much for her partisan, liberal, progressive partisan Democrat view point, but for the fact that she would continue to propagate a lie, a cover-up and a tape at the expense of a deceased US Ambassador. Eleanor Clift actually said on  The McLaughlin Report, “I would like to point out that Ambassador Stevens was not ‘murdered, he died of smoke inhalation in a safe room in that CIA installation.”. SICK, SICK, SICK!!!

WOW … can we just say, LIAR!!! It is safe to say that no one can ever take this fool seriously anymore. She has been a liberal apologist for years, but this is beyond the pale and crazy talk. Of course her main liberal agenda was to protect Hillary Clinton, the presumptive 2016 Democrat presidential nominee. Clift ended her nonsensical ramblings by saying, “and its still a CIA and if you are going to put people on trial we should put David  Petraeus on trail, not Hillary Clinton.”

Clift went on to continue to blame the video tape, which has all but been debunked at this point. Way to be kept in the informational loop Elenore. It is time to put Elenore out to politic pundit pasture. As Red State opines regarding the misguided Clift, “Next she’ll tell us that the 30o girls in Nigeria weren’t kidnapped by Islamic terrorists..they were actually just out on a school field trip, and are lost  in the woods.”

Get used to this folks, defend, deflect, detract and lie to at all cost to protect Hillary Clinton from her record.

Real Clear Politics:

ELEANOR CLIFT: I would like to point out Ambassador Stevens was not murdered. He died of smoke inhalation in the safe room in that CIA installation.

SUSAN FERRECHIO: I don’t think that’s a fact, Eleanor.

CLIFT: I think that is a fact.

FERRECHIO: I’ve heard a drastically different story from people who are also in the know about that. So, I don’t think it is –

PAT BUCHANAN: It was a terrorist attack, Eleanor. He was murdered in a terrorist attack.

CLIFT: It was an opportunistic terrorist attack that grew out of that video.

BUCHANAN: The video had nothing to do with it.

CLIFT: There were demonstrations across the world.

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says GOP Using Benghazi to ‘Gin Up Their Base’ Ahead of 2014 Midterm Elections

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) squared off against one another over politicizing the Benghazi investigation this morning on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz accused the GOP of using the Benghazi investigation to drive their base for voter turnout, since they lost on Obamacare. Hmm, lost on Obamacare? Americans are the ones who lost on Obamacare. Bachmann stated that the Democrats have tried to sabotage the investigation process from the beginning. A fact that is most plainly see by the recent revealed Ben Rhodes email that was purposely kept from the committees investigating Benghazi.

“I think it’s important that this is a dialogue and not a monologue, ” Minnesota congresswoman said, adding later, “It’s really clear that the Democrats have tried to sabotage this process from the very beginning,”

Laughing, Wasserman Schultz said, “We don’t have the ability to sabotage.”

One would think that any politician would want to get to the truth of Benghazi and why the American people were mislead by a presidential administration, no matter what the party affiliation. Not Democrats.


Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Republicans are digging up the issue of the 2012 attack in Benghazi to drive turnout this election year.

Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, told CNN’s Candy Crowley on Sunday that as the issue of health care fails rile up their base, House Republicans are refocusing their attention on the assault that left four Americans dead, including the ambassador to Libya.

Schultz appeared Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Rep. Michele Bachmann, a conservative from Minnesota who ran for president in 2012.

“The big question on many people’s minds is, where did this false narrative come from, to blame a video rather than the terrorist actions of Ansar al-Sharia, which were evident on the ground,” Bachmann said. “So I think that what this committee is doing is taking a very careful look at a very deliberate pace to go through depositions and people on the ground to find out the truth of what happened. That’s all people want is the truth.”

The Obama administration first linked the attack to protests sparked by an anti-Muslim film produced in the United States, which had incited violence in other regions at the time. However, it was later revealed to be a coordinated terrorist attack.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Says Democrats May Not Participate in Benghazi Committee, “Colossal Waste of Time” … Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Blasts Boycott of Probe as “Terribly Arrogant” and “Wrong”

Why don’t Democrats want to get to the truth?

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace that he would recommend congressional Democrats not participate in the recently announced Select Committee on Benghazi. Rep. Peter King (R-NY) responded that by doing so would be “terribly arrogant” and “wrong.” King went on to say that, “If Democrats boycott this committee, refuse to take part, the American people are going to conclude, and I think quite rightly, that they feel they have something to hide.” On Friday, House Speaker John Boehner said the House would vote on a select committee to investigate the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) will lead a Select Committee investigation on White House Benghazi scandal.

“I think it is a colossal waste of time … I don’t think it makes sense really for Democrats to participate. It’s just a tremendous red herring, and a waste of taxpayer resources … I don’t think it makes sense for us to give this Select Committee any more credibility than it deserves.”

Imagine that, Democrats think it is a waste of time to get to the truth. As stated by Protein Wisdom, “Democrats make it clear: Obama’s political reputation more important than American lives.” I would also add, protecting Hillary Clinton’s bacon.

Fox News:

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said doing so would be “terribly arrogant” and “wrong.”

The call for a boycott was made earlier by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” He was responding to House Speaker John Boehner’s announcement Friday that the House would vote on a select committee to investigate Benghazi.

The congressman said Democrats should not give the select committee more “credibility” by joining, dismissing new evidence that Republicans have called a “smoking gun” showing the White House politicized the tragedy.

“I think it’s a colossal waste of time,” said Schiff, also a member of the intelligence panel. “I don’t think it makes sense, really, for Democrats to participate.”

King, speaking afterward with Fox News, said this would be a “mistake” for Democrats as it would show they “cannot defend the administration.”

“If Democrats boycott this committee, refuse to take part, the American people are going to conclude, and I think quite rightly, that they feel they have something to hide,” King said.

Former NSA Spox Tommy Vieto Admits … DUDE, Barack Obama Never Made it to Situation Room During Benghazi Terror Attack!

Where’s Waldo Obama?

So as our US Consulate was being attacked by terrorists in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 where four Americans were killed, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, we finally learn from former NSA spokesperson Tommy Vieto that President Barack Obama never made it to the Situation Room. Obama was in the White House but never made it to the Situation Room as events were taking place in Benghazi and  Islamist terrorists stormed the US Embassy in Cairo. UNREAL.

So why wasn’t Obama in the Situation Room? Could it be because what was going on did not fit his narrative that al-Qaeda was on the run, or was he and this political spin doctors already at work making up faux talking points?

Video Hat Tip – The Gateway Pundit

From Fox News Special Report:

   Tommy Vietor: I was in the Situation Room that night. Ok. And we didn’t know where the ambassador was. Definitively.

Bret Baier: Was the president in the Situation Room?

Vietor: No…

Baier: Where was the president.

    Vietor: In the White House.

    Baier: He wasn’t in the Situation Room.

Vietor: Uhh. At what point in the evening. He was constantly… It’s well known that when the attack was first briefed to him it was in the Oval Office. And he was updated constantly…

Baier: So then when Hillary Clinton talks to him by phone at 10 PM, he’s where?

Vietor: I don’t know. I don’t have a tracking device on him in the residence.

Baier: But you were in the Situation Room and he wasn’t there.

    Vietor: Yes.

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