Barack Obama Plays 200th Round of Golf as the Second Ebola Case Emerges in Texas with Healthcare Worker Who Treated Thomas Eric Duncan
As ‘We the People” of the United States of America learned that there was a second case of Ebola in Texas and the first ever transmitted case of Ebola in America, Barack Obama went golfing. Yup, after Americans learned that a female nurse who cared for and has extensive contact with Thomas Eric Duncan, the individual who traveled to Dallas, Texas from Liberia who died from Ebola, had tested positive for Ebola … The Golfer in Chief once again went golfing for his 200th round since he became president. UNREAL. Obama just doesn’t care. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN? Is he really that detached from reality that he does not comprehend that it is his role to protect America and Americans, not play golf?
Americans are wondering why flights to the US from Liberian are not being banned, nurses and healthcare workers are wondering why they are not being properly trained, I am wondering why those testing positive with Ebola are not sent to specific healthcare facilities that deal with Ebola and Obama plays golf.
After hearing the news shortly after midnight early Sunday morning that a second Ebola case had been diagnosed in a Texas Presbyterian Hospital nurse, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings stayed up through the night putting together an action plan.
In contrast, President Barack Obama’s response is being criticized as not adequately prioritizing the crisis. As Fox News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren tweeted, Obama made a phone call to Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell and then “headed out to play golf.” CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller had posted that the press corps had been escorted to vans in the presidential motorcade to go to the golf course, but then were led back to the White House for a photo opp of Obama on the phone with Burwell that “lasted only 40 seconds.” Knoller tweeted several photos of Obama wearing a casual windbreaker, sitting at his desk in the Oval Office while speaking on the phone.
Knoller also reported shortly after 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time that Obama has arrived at Fort Belvoir Golf Club for “his 200th round of golf as President.” The Golf Channel confirmed that this was the 200th round of golf for Obama — or, as they dubbed him, the “First Duffer” — since he became president.
Posted October 13, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Ebola, Epic Fail, Golfer in Chief, Healthcare, Leading from Behind, Misleader, Obamanation, WTF | one comment |
CNN Poll: 90% of Americans Believe that ISIS is a Threat to America, the Terror Group that Obama Called the Jayvee
How out of touch, clueless and dangerous is Barack Obama? 90% of Americans believe that ISIS is a threat to America, this while Obama considered them the Jayee and was too busy golfing and vacationing, rather than developing any type of strategy for this terror group. The president knew about ISIS and the threat it posed for well over a year and did nothing. Not until he was forced to after two Americans were brutally beheaded by ISIS and Obama was forced to admit he had no strategy, With the anniversary of 9-11 just days away, 71% of Americans believe that ISIS already have terrorists in the United States. All this while Barack Obama dithers and has been 100% derelict in his duties. Obama is supposed to address Congress on Wednesday about his plans to confront ISIS. How could any president be so late to the game with no strategy?
President Barack Obama plans to address the nation Wednesday about his plan to confront ISIL, but the poll also shows that many Americans don’t consider the president and his administration prepared to deal with the group. Of the respondents, 67 percent said the president does not have a clear plan,
Americans are increasingly concerned that ISIS represents a direct terror threat, fearful that ISIS agents are living in the United States, according to a new CNN/ORC International poll. Most now support military action against the terrorist group.
Seven in 10 Americans believe ISIS has the resources to launch an attack against the United States, just days before President Barack Obama plans to address the nation on the subject.
The poll released Monday shows that Americans favor:
- Additional airstrikes against ISIS (76% favor, 23% oppose)
- Military aid to forces fighting ISIS (62% favor, 37% oppose)
- Providing humanitarian aid to people fleeing ISIS (83% favor, 16% oppose)
Posted September 9, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Epic Fail, Golfer in Chief, Misleader | no comments |
Barack Obama Supposedly Outraged Over Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Vows to Stay on Course … The Golf Course that Is
How does Barack Obama spend eight minutes professing outrage over the beheading of American journalist James Foley at the hands of ISIS and then minutes later rush off to the gold course and yuk it up with his friends? WHO DOES THIS? It is unbelievable that a US President could be so out of touch, so self-consumed, so ignorant and so void of conscience that they disrespect the family and the memory of James Foley. Let alone disrespect the United States. Get off the golf course you clown and take you job seriously. You are the President and the Commander in Chief of the United States of America … ACT LIKE IT!
And just when you thought Obama’s golfing after his faux ISIS outrage could not get any worse, from Twitchy comes the Fist Bump in Chief. Here is your Hope & Change America. Here is the president you not only elected once, the one that you some how managed to reelect. What a tone deaf, insensitive, cold, uncaring individual. Obama could care less about James Foley and the safety and security of the United States. Such things are an inconvenience to his tee times.
From The Daily News via Powerline comes the headline and the disgusting and reprehensible optics of Barack Obama golfing while the heartbroken parents of James Foley gives a presser of their brutal son’s death at the hands of ISIS. Some one may want to put an AMBER ALERT out for Obama’s missing soul and conscience. At what point will Obama make US national security and dealing with ISIS more important than his golf game? Sadly, it would appear Obama is more concerned with shooting par than ISIS.
Even MSNBC’s Chris Mathhews took exception with Barack Obama, not so much with the presidents golfing, but instead Obama’s statement regarding ISIS’s beheading of American journalist James Foley.
“I don’t know why he used the word ‘justice.’ It’s not appropriate here. This is an attack on our country, we have to react to it,” an upset Chris Matthews reacted to a video excerpt of President Obama’s statement today about the beheading by an ISIS member of American freelance journalist James Foley.
UK Daily Mail: Playing golf AGAIN: Obama tees off for second time in 24 hours since he solemnly pledged justice for beheaded journalist James Foley
President Barack Obama teed off again on Thursday, just 24 hours after pictures of his wide grin on the golf course drew condemnation in the wake of the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley.
‘Admit it,’ a White House pool reporter emailed the press corps. ‘You all made small-dollar bets that POTUS would be playing golf today. And … you would be right!’
‘We are at the Farm Neck Golf Club at 1:13 pm. and POTUS is hitting the links again.’
The president drew fire Wednesday after reacting to Foley’s on-camera slaying for just five minutes, and then gripping his driver.
He had told a global audience minutes earlier that ‘when people harm Americans, anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done.’
Then he was seen laughing with friends and fist-bumping them during a five-hour round at Farm Neck on Martha’s Vineyard.
Posted August 22, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Act of War, Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, Comedian in Chief, Epic Fail, Golfer in Chief, ISIS, Islamist, Jihad, Lost in Smallness, Misleader, Terrorism, United States, War on Terror, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 4 comments |
If President Barack Obama Has Already Checked Out of his Job … Can we Just Have Him Leave Early?
Does Barack Obama even care anymore?
The Daily Telegraph opines that President Barack Obama has already checked out of his job. Matt K Lewis, a senior contributor at The Daily Caller, writes that “The degree to which Barack Obama is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term, amid golf rounds and dinner parties – is astonishing.” If it was not bad enough during Obama’s first term with his over-usage of greens and fairways as other more important issues were taking place, the One’s second term has been even worse. Rome is burning and Nero Obama is shamefully playing golf and going to fund raisers.If Obama does not care anymore and has checked out, as witnessed by his actions or lack of action … can he just do us all a favor and leave the White House early? I am sure many would not mind, including Democrats.
And based on his recent handling of situations much more serious than a possible post-presidential move to sunny California, it seems as if “No Drama Obama” is no longer even worried about keeping up appearances; he doesn’t care enough to fake it.
Consider this: In recent days, a) Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down, apparently by Russian separatists in Ukraine, b) In the Gaza strip, the numbers killed continued to mount as Israelis and Palestinians exchange rocket fire, c) a huge influx of children fleeing Central American poverty and gang warfare swamped America’s southern border, creating a humanitarian crisis. And, oh yeah, d) Christians living in Mosul were given the choice to either convert to Islam or flee the area they have inhabited for nearly two thousand years.
You know what else has happened during this time? a) Obama played many rounds of golf, b) he attended numerous fund-raisers, c) he dined on barbecue in Texas and burgers in Delaware, and d) he almost appeared on the comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night television show in Hollywood.
I say “almost” because the White House finally relented. “We ultimately elected not to have the president do that interview over the course of this trip,” the White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, conceded. “And that is at least in part related to the challenges of doing a comedy show in the midst of some of these other more serious matters that the president’s dealing with in the international scene.”
Previously Judge Jeanine Pirro blasted Barack Obama for his apathy on crucial current events and told him, “It’s Time to Get Your ‘Big Boy Pants On’ & Stop Kidding Around.”
Also, Sean Hanity offered up a blistering monologue telling Barack Obama, ‘It’s Time for a Wake-Up Call’ … “It Is Time for You to Get Engaged.”
Posted July 27, 2014 by Scared Monkeys al-Qaeda, Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Campaigner in Chief, Christians, Comedian in Chief, Divider in Chief, Foreign Policy, Golfer in Chief, Iraq, ISIS, Leading from Behind, Misleader, Obama in Wonderland, Obamanation, Russia, Terrorism, Ukraine, United States, War on Terror, WTF | 2 comments |
President Barack Obama, A Man of the People in His Rancho Mirage, $4.25 Million, Gated Community Future Home
Rancho Mirage, California … Obama may be coming to town, there goes the neighborhood.
Rumor has it that Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a home in Rancho Mirage, CA for $4.5 million. Hmm, so is this the reason why Obama continued to tank the economy and not to get the US out of a recession so that he could buy a home after his president days in Rancho Mirage $4.25 million, when 8 years ago the same home went for 12.5 million? Oh yes, Obama is just a man of the people. When is the Left going to understand that Barack Obama is a 1%’er. He would rather be in Martha’s Vineyard than mingling with the blue collar riff-raff. The White House says the “rumors” about the home are not true. Which means that they are 100% true because the Obama WH is the most lying, dishonest and corrupt one that this country has sadly ever seen.
Just curious, who thinks it is fair that under Obama millions of people lost their jobs, homes and business and he gets to buy a home like this after increasing the national debt to historic levels? Hmm, wonder what the carbon footprint is on this home?
See Pics at by Clark Dugger Photography
President Obama and his wife, Michelle, could be the owners of a home in Rancho Mirage listed at $4.25 million before the month is out.
The First Family is believed to be in escrow on a contemporary home in a gated community where entertainers Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby once maintained estates.
The White House said rumors regarding a home in Rancho Mirage are not true.
But area real estate agents, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Obamas are the buyers of the Rancho Mirage home. Listing agents Marc Lange and Carl Blea of HOM Sotheby’s International declined to comment.
I have an idea. If the tax payers pay for the home, can Obama move there and leave the White House Now!!!
Posted July 22, 2014 by Scared Monkeys America - United States, Barack Obama, Celebrity, Community Agitator, Crony Capitalism, Golfer in Chief, Hope and Change, Misleader, Narcissist in Chief, Obamanation, WTF | 3 comments |