Tavis Smiley: ‘Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator’ Under Barack Obama

Finally some one in the liberal black community is admitting the truth, Barack Obama has been a nightmare for blacks.

During an interview on Fox News’s ‘Hannity,’ PBS’s Tavis Smiley said the following, “The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category” There you have it, blacks who voted for Obama 95% in 2008 and 93% in 2012, have been sold a bill of goods and received nothing for their vote but food stamps. So why would African-Americans have voted in such large numbers for a president who has failed them incredibly? Could it possibly be that the liberal MSM and black leaders have refused to tell them the truth that Obama has been their worst nightmare? What would the liberal media be reporting if blacks had lost ground in every single economic indicator, if the president was white?

From News Busters:

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: My last question to you. You often do these seminars with the state of black America. I’ve watched them on C-Span and different channels, right?


HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

But here’s the other side. I respect the president. I will protect the president. And I will correct the president. He’s right on this government shutdown. Republicans are thwarting the rule of law with the Constitution. If they let this debt go into default, they’re trampling again on the Constitution.

When will minorities ever wake up, but that’s right, it’s all Republicans fault.

Another Disasterous Obama Jobs Report: Only 169,000 New Jobs Created in August …Jule & July Revised Down by 74K Jobs … Black Unemplyment Up to 13% … Labor Participation Rate Falls to 5 Year Low of 63.2%

No wonder Barack Obama wants to start a war in Syria … have you taken a look at the miserable jobs report from yesterday thanks to Obamanomicis and Obama’s failed jobs recover?

Yesterday’s jobs report for August 2013 could not have been more miserable. The unemployment rate fell from dropped from 7.4% to 7.3%, but for all the wrong reasons.  A pathetic 169,000 jobs were created in August 2013, but it was the 35 year low of the labor participation rate that actually caused the unemployment rate to drop. Americans are literally giving up and have stopped looking for jobs and no longer counted in the unemployment numbers,  To make matters worse, the jobs data was revised downward by a total of 74,000 jobs for June and July 2013.  The numbers for teenagers, blacks and Hispanics are a disaster.  Among teenagers, the unemployment rate is 22.7%; for African Americans, it’s 13%; for Hispanics, 9.3%.

Obama and Obamanomics has been an “Epic Failure”. But if you want to be on welfare and food stamps, he’s your man.


America, you voted this failed President back in for a second term, why?

“The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for June was revised from +188,000 to +172,000, and the change for July was revised from +162,000 to +104,000.” That means we added 74,000 fewer jobs than we thought in June and July.

CNS News: 90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force–Up Almost 10M Under Obama.

The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation’s labor force has pushed past 90,000,000 for the first time, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS counts a person as participating in the labor force if they are 16 years or older and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. A person is not participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and have not sought a job in the last four weeks.

In July, according to BLS, 89,957,000 Americans did not participate in the labor force. In August, that climbed to 90,473,000–a one month increase of 516,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics report report (age, gender, race, etc.) the unemployment rate among blacks increased the most – almost a full half-point, from 12.6% to 13%.

Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men(7.1 percent), adult women (6.3 percent), teenagers (22.7 percent),whites (6.4 percent), blacks (13.0 percent), and Hispanics (9.3percent) showed little change in August. The jobless rate for Asianswas 5.1 percent (not seasonally adjusted), little changed from a year earlier. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

Other disastrous jobs data from the worst president ever. Obama claims he is for the middle class, yet has only benefited the top 5%. The very people who voted for Obama, blacks and young voters, have been the most adversely affected by his poor economy policies.

Your Tax Dollars at Work: San Diego Beach Bum Jason Greenslate … He Can Surf, Drink, and Score ‘Free Food’ Year Round? Because ‘It’s Awesome’

Because there is no FRAUD in the Food Stamp program … They Don’t call Obama the Food Stamp President for nothing.

Just yet another example of your hard earned tax dollars at work under the Barack Obama presidency. Food Stamps have surged to over 41 million individuals under Obama. Check out The Blaze for the actual numbers. Of course with this massive increase under Obama, there is no fraud of course. Enter beach bum Jason Greenslate and his bilking of the food stamp program so that he can eat sushi and lobster. This individual is just one of the many that are abusing the system at the expense of hard working Americans.

San Diego beach bum Jason Greenslate has a front-row seat watching your tax dollars at work…mainly because that’s about all that’s breaking a sweat in his world.

His schedule?

“Wake up, go down to the beach, hang out with my friends, hit on some chicks, start drinking,” Greenslate told John Roberts of Fox News for “The Great Food Stamp Binge” special Friday.

With food stamp participation having increased at an annual rate of roughly 13 percent since 2008—costing taxpayers nearly $80 million last year, Red Alert Politics said—the likes of Greenslate aren’t anomalies.

Watch the following VIDEO, it will make your blood boil.

Who knew that this dues actual hero was Sean Penn Jeff Spiccoli of Fast Times at Ridgemont High fame? When asked, why don’t you get a job Spicoli, his response was, what for? Judge Reinhold responded, “you need money”. Then comes the money line, Spicoli says, “All I need is some tasty waves, cool buzz and I’m fine”. I think Jason Greenslate said the exact same thing. The only thing we can hope for is that individuals like Greenslate are too wasted to vote.

The US Economy in Disarray, Millions Out of Work, Record Number of Americans on Food Stamps … When the Going Gets Tough … Obama Goes on Vacation to Martha’s Vineyard Golfing

More from the ‘Golfer’ in Chief who could not give a damn about the American people or America … Let them eat my putter.

Wow, Barack Obama looks like he is focused like a laser on job creation for American’s doesn’t he? Seriously, how can any one take this president seriously that he cares about Americans working, creating jobs (full time ones), lowering the budget, the Middle East and dealing with the scandals that plague his presidency when he does everything to the contrary. In July 2010 President Barack Obama promised suffering Americans the following:

“I will not rest until everyone American who is able, and ready and willing to work can find a job. And a job that pays a decent wage and has decent benefits to support a family. (VIDEO)

What was Obama’s answer to the American people … another 100+ wounds of golf as his vacations with “Lief Styles of the Rich and Famous’ on Martha’s Vineyard. Just curious Mr. President, how’s that diversity on Martha’s Vineyard?

Sorry, but what would the MSM, NAACP, liberals et al outrage be if Barack Obama was a White Republican president, the black unemployment was as high as it is? Don’t be deceived by the faux stories that it is going down. The only reason why it has fallen a little is because of PT jobs and blacks have given up and left the work force as well.


EXIT QUESTION … How can any one play so many rounds of golf and still suck at the game? Nice chip Mr. President, NOT!!!

More Sacrifice from Obama & the First Family … Obama Vineyard Vacation at $7.6 Million Private Resort …More than 75 Rooms Booked for Staff

Barack Obama, the phony working class President …

America, it’s time to admit you have a phony for the middle class president and come to the realization that Barack Obama is a 1%er. As most Americans stay home for their vacation, worry whether they can pay the bills, keep their home, their job and their insurance … Obama leads by example and shows his shared sacrifice by heading off to Marha’s Vineyard once again for vacation at a $7.6 million private resort. Nothing says for the middle and working class like life styles of the rich and famous of Martha’s Vineyard. I guess he will be focused like a laser on the economy and jobs for Americans while he is vacationing on the Vineyard at tax payers expense.  When is America ever going to wake up and realize that this president could care less? As record number of Americans are on food stamps, the unemployment rate continues to be about 7%, more part time jobs than full time ones are created and this elitist, phony president jets off for vacation.

Democrat Mayors were complain in 2011 about Obama’s vacations in Martha’s Vineyard and he has never stopped … as previously stated, Obama could care less, let then eat snow cones.

The Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard, the exclusive playground for presidents and their families, is about to get its annual summer infusion of cash and attention as President Obama and his family prepare to arrive August 10 for an eight-day vacation.

Local reports indicate that the first family will likely be staying at a $7.6 million resort home on southern edge of the island in the town of Chilmark where homes feature water access to Chilmark Pond, tennis courts and swimming pools.

Staying at the home of Chicago corporate finance manager David Schulte is a break from past Obama vacations because the $21 million home they’ve rented, Blue Heron Farm, isn’t available. Schulte’s summer home sits on nine and a half acres, has ocean views and a basketball court.

While the president typically keeps to himself and carries with him only a handful of staffers to Martha’s Vineyard, security will be tight. As in the past, the Wesley Hotel in Oak Bluffs will house security and communications officials. The owner told the Vineyard Gazette that the Secret Service has booked 70 rooms and another five have been reserved for the Transportation Security Agency. Rates at the hotel run from $225-$345.

As the Gateway Pundit opines regarding Obama, “skin in the game for thee, not for me and Michelle”. It must be nice taking a vacation on someone else’s dime.

More Shared Sacrifice and ‘skin in the game’ from your ‘Vacationer’ in Chief

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