Barack Obama Mocked Romney Over Russia, But Now he Blames Russia for Donald Trump
From the president who brought us that ISIS was the JV also mocked Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential debates that Russia was not a Geo-political threat to the United States. Obama in all his snark stated that the 80′s wanted their foreign policy back. Now Obama blames Russia for Donald Trump.
Barack Obama, just how wrong could one president be?
Now that the 2016 election is long over and online hackers have had ample time to cover their e-tracks, a bold President Obama has decisively ordered a “full review” of Russian and other interference in the United States electoral process.
We should probably say alleged Russian interference since no one has offered any proof, just reasonable suspicions of who might benefit from the release of documents that Democrats wanted to keep hidden. The Trump campaign criticized the move.
On Oct. 7 the office of James Clapper, Obama’s director of National Intelligence, released a statement: “The U.S. Intelligence Community is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations.”
Again, no evidence. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who was suggesting Russia and Donald Trump were in league to deny her rightful political inheritance, grasped the line. In fact, she often claimed that 17 U.S. intelligence agencies were certain it was the Russkies.
Posted December 12, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Campaigner in Chief, Comedian in Chief, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Donald Trump, Epic Fail, Incompetence, Lost in Smallness, Misleader, Russia, Vladimir Putin | one comment |
Barack Obama Jokes About SCOTUS Scalia’s Death, While Not Even Attending Funeral (VIDEO)
The Comedian in Chief strikes again … WHAT A SICK, SICK, SOB.
What a small, small man you are. So Barack Hussein Obama can’t seem to find the time or the class to attend the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral, but he can find the time to joke about the justice’s untimely death. Obama did so on February 22, 2016, as he delivered remarks to the National Governors Association at the White House. What’s worse, not only did this poor excuse for a president and human make the sick and pathetic joke, there were those in the room that laughed. REALLY? So this is what is funny to Obama. What a sick individual this man truly is. Never have we had such a divisive president hold the office. You will be judged one day Mr. President, and you will have a lot of explaining.
Is it any wonder why this country is as divided as it is with a president who would make such a joke? And you wonder Barack why you will never nominate a justice SCOTUS.
Just curious, what do you think the reaction would be if a Democrat president passed away in office whose name sounds like Barry Soetoro and a Republican leader made a joke about the succession of power? Yeah, that’s what I thought it would be.
The most classless president ever to hold the Office … Thanks America!
Posted February 23, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Comedian in Chief, Deceased, Divider in Chief, Epic Fail, Humor, Legal - Court Room - Trial, Lost in Smallness, Misleader, Supreme Court, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |
Classless … Barack Obama Jokes with Jon Stewart on Daily Show About Iran Nuclear Deal
The Comedian in Chief is at it again … How sad is it that Barack Obama is only comfortable going on a comedy show to discuss life and death matters like arming Iran with nukes? It is pathetic that a president is allowed to go on a non-serious show with such important topics and lie through his teeth about this lousy deal with Iran. To make matters worse, its not like Stewart is going to confront him on his lies, instead Stewart just makes a joke about it because after all, its a comedy show. How is allowing a radical Islamic, state sponsor of terror country like Iran a laughing matter.
President Barack Obama used a playful environment Tuesday to hit his critics on the Iran nuclear deal.
He said that critics of the deal apparently think, “if you had brought Dick Cheney to the negotiations, everything would be fine,” according to the White House press pool report.
Check out the 6:05 mark of the VIDEO where Jon Stewart may have gotten in the zinger of the night in a not so subtle way as Obama takes a breathe and thinks to himself, its good that he is on my side. Obama says of Iran, “But with respect to Iran, look this is an adversary. They are anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, they sponsor terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. Jon Stewart mockingly replies, “Sounds like a good partner for peace” and then basically laughs in the president’s face. Honestly, that is the Iran nuclear deal in a nutshell. It is no laughing matter that Obama has provided a legal pathway to a nuclear bomb to Iran and yet one just shakes their head as this terrible, terrible and dangerous deal.
Jon Stewart Talks with Obama for One Last Time
Posted July 22, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Comedian in Chief, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Epic Fail, Hezbollah, Humor, Incompetence, Iran, Jon Stewart, Media, Misleader, Radical Islam, State Sponsored Terrorism, Terrorism, The Lying King, War on Terror, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Barack Hussein Obama Takes Jab at Christians in Easter Prayer Breakfast as Obama Casts a Stone and Condemns ‘Less-than-loving Christians’
Barack Hussein Obama can’t find it in himself to call out radical Islam as they slaughter, behead and burn to death innocent Christians … but he has no problem at bashing Christians. But what else should we expect from a Muslim raised individual who developed his religious teaching in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Black Liberation theology church?
“On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love,” Mr. Obama said toward the end of his speech. “And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less-than-loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.”
“But that’s a topic for another day,” the president said, receiving laughter and applause.
What a sick, pathetic, little man. This is what a community agitator does and frankly America, you are to blame for being so clueless, so apathetic and so uninformed to elect this sorry excuse of a man.
Posted April 8, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Christians, class warfare, Comedian in Chief, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Easter, Epic Fail, Misleader, Religion, Satan - Devil - Anti-Christ, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 5 comments |
Charlie Sheen Rips Barack Obama for Filling Out f 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Bracket
You know Barack Obama is a total political screw-up and joke f a president when Charlie Sheen become the voice of reason. Charlie Sheen sent this tweet on Thursday asking why Obama didn’t attend a funeral for soldiers but he could fill out a bracket. The tweet was in Ebonics of which as predictable as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, Sheen was called a racist. The economy still stinks in the US, record number of people are on food stamps, record number of Americans have left the work force, the Middle East is on fire, ISIS is growing and attacking innocents everywhere, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Iraq are falling to terrorists … but Barack Obama has the time for bracketology.
Although, if it meant the difference between Barack Obama spending time on this terrible and foolish nuclear deal with Iran and the NCAA College Basketball brackets, I say let Obama pick as many brackets as he can until he gets it right.
Posted March 21, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Basketball, Bystander in Chief, Charlie Sheen, Comedian in Chief, Community Agitator, Epic Fail, Lost in Smallness, Misleader, Sports, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |