President Donald Trump Calls out Freedom Caucus Members on Twitter


Yesterday, President Donald Trump went to Twitter and called out the Freedom caucus and made a vale treat if they don’t get on board with the team. Really Mr. President, you are going to fight them? What does that mean, you are going to fight me too and the millions of Conservatives who voted for you in 2016? Honestly Mr. President, they did you a favor and probably saved your presidency. You ran on “REPEAL AND REPLACE” Obamacare. The Paul Ryan “establishment” healthcare plan was not a repeal, it was RINO-care, replacement in name only.

In the future I will be posting an open letter to President Trump regarding this matter that will be sent to him directly.

Trump tweet Freesom caucus

Since when does Donald Trump go along with the establishment Republicans like Rep. Paul Ryan? For if that is what you decide to do and stab conservatives in the back, you will be looking at a one term failed presidency. You have the ability to make major changes and fix the ills of the last 8 yeas of Obama. That is what you promised, DO IT!!! Repeal and replace Obamacare was not checking an item off a check list, it was meant to lower premiums and provide a market based, capitalist solution. I would have voted against the GOP version of the healthcare bill. It actually disgusts me that the GOP had 8 years to come up with a solution and all they had was establishment Ryancare. Heaven forbid politicians actually stand for something and principles. Don’t ever forget what got you elected President Trump and who your base is.

NV Trump8

President Donald Trump has gone public with his war against the House Freedom Caucus, pushing into full view growing frustration shared by House Speaker Paul Ryan less than a week after the GOP health care bill crashed amid feuding between rival Republican factions.

Trump targeted conservative House members within his own party in a tweet Thursday morning that told his supporters “we must fight” the House Freedom Caucus as well as Democrats next year.

“The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!” Trump tweeted.

NV Trump9

Get one thing straight President Trump, you were elected as an element of change, not to water down Democrat ideology. It was not Democrats that stood for hours in Nashville, Tennessee only to not get in as 10,000 people were unable to get in and see you. It is the Democrats that look to destroy and impeach you before you have even started. It is Democrats who look to block your Supreme Court justice nominee. Those who are deplorables are hardly Democrats, they are Conservatives who want change and voted for you for that change.

Posted March 31, 2017 by
2016 Elections, Obamacare | one comment

DNC Asks All Staffers For Resignation Letters


As reported at NBC News, the “embattled” DNC has requested resignation letters from all current staffers dated by at least April 15, 2017. There usually is mass turnover following a presidential election, but nothing like this. This extreme house cleaning is a result of the DNC’s failures in losing to Trump, failing to gain back the House and Senate and the hacked emails that came to light showing that the DNC favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. Is this a bone thrown to the far LEFT Sanders’ voters and a sign that the Dems are going to go even farther left?

DNC Cleaner

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez has launched a major overhaul of the party’s organization, which has been stung by recent crises — and the DNC has requested resignation letters from all current staffers.

Party staff routinely see major turnover with a new boss and they had been alerted to expect such a move. However, the mass resignation letters will give Perez a chance to completely remake the DNC’s headquarters from scratch. Staffing had already reached unusual lows following a round of post-election layoffs in December.

Immediately after Perez’s selection as party chairman in late February, an adviser to outgoing DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile, Leah Daughtry, asked every employee to submit a letter of resignation dated April 15, according to multiple sources familiar with the party’s internal workings.

A committee advising Perez on his transition is now interviewing staff and others as part of a top-to-bottom review process to decide not only who will stay and who will go, but how the party should be structured in the future. [...]

It began with accusations that the DNC favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, continued with the wrenching exposure of hacked emails and the abrupt resignation of former chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and concluded with the shocking defeat of its presidential nominee and a divisive race for the new party chairman.

The grueling experience, which followed years in which many Democrats felt the Obama White House ignored the party organization, has left the DNC with a crisis of confidence and competence.

Powerline asks why NBS News, a perennial shill for the Democrat party would use the word “embattled?”

That is the great unspoken fact of American politics. Conservatives are hard on the Republican Party–we often denounce our party’s leaders as inept, or worse. But in fact, the Republican Party is riding a wave of historic success. It is the Democrats who are sliding downhill toward oblivion, if present trends continue. Has any major political party in any country ever had such an unsympathetic set of leaders as Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton? Not that I know of.

Hence the “embattled” status of the Democratic National Committee. It will take a lot more than a few staff changes to alter the fortunes of the Democratic Party, but NBC offers no evidence that any major rethinking is in progress. On the contrary.

The view that the Democrats’ problem is that they haven’t moved far enough to the Left is not widely held among objective observers, but it apparently seems plausible to NBC. Watch for the Democrats’ downhill slide to continue.

Barack Obama Retools his Political Operation to Save his Legacy


According to The Politico, Barack Obama is retooling hos political operations and PAC’s in order to salvage his legacy and supposedly rebuild the Democrat party. The electoral college landslide victory by Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential race over Hillary Clinton was a repudiation of Obama and his policies for the last 8 years. Americans finally stood up and said, no more, enough is enough. However, Obama does not seem to have gotten that memo. Maybe its on Hillary’s private server. However, in order to save his legacy, Obama will not go gentle into that good night as most every other preceding president. Instead, the presidency of “I and me” will look to retool his PAC’s to make it once again about him. However, truth be told, it was Obama and his my way or the highway liberal LEFT agenda what decimated the Democrat party in the last eight years where they find themselves in the minority in the House, the Senate, the Governorship’s and the state houses. Oh yeah, and the lost the White House too.

This is what happens when an unqualified individual who is nothing more than a community agitator,  a liberal ideologue and who has no respect for the Constitution or We the People operates like a king instead of a president and thinks he can just do everything as he wishes. It is called a failed presidency.


Barack Obama doesn’t want his post-presidency to be all about Donald Trump, but he knows some of it’s going to have to be.

Trump’s win upended his plans for life after leaving office, and people who’ve been talking to him say he’s been quietly sorting out how to honor the tradition of withholding criticism of his successor as he also considers how best to salvage his legacy and rebuild his party.

“The way he views his role is not that he himself, Barack Obama, is going to be out there giving fiery speeches and leading marches, but he wants to play a role in empower and lifting up the next generation of leaders,” said Jen Psaki, his White House communications director and an alum of both his presidential campaigns.

Already, former aides are revamping Organizing for Action, the group formed out of his old campaign structure. No longer about backing up Obama’s agenda in the White House, it will be a nexus for training activists and candidate recruitment, reshaped both by Trump’s win and some of the factors that contributed to Hillary Clinton’s loss.

Morning Consult Survey: 72% of Americans Feel Hopeful About 2017


Yet another story the liberal MSM will not tell you about. According to a new Morning Consult survey,  72% of Americans say they feel hopeful about 2017. One would think that with all the negative media stories of Trump and the unwillingness of the LEFT to accept Trump as president that this number would be a lot lower. But maybe, just maybe the mood of the country is much like the 2016 presidential election … a change and move away from Obama and the Left to the message of hope and Making America Great Gain that won Donald Trump an electoral landslide.

2017 poll Hopeful

Nearly three-quarters of Americans, or 72 percent of those polled, say they are feeling hopeful about 2017, according to a new Morning Consult survey.

Sixty-one percent of respondents say they are feeling optimistic about the upcoming year, and 51 percent of people are feeling excited.

But half of the respondents say they are feeling anxious about the coming year, according to the poll.

Twenty-three percent reported feeling sad and 19 percent reported feeling angry going into the new year.

Less than half of respondents say they are feeling peaceful or relaxed about the coming year, and a quarter reported feeling indifferent.

Eighty-one percent of Americans say they are concerned about the nation’s political atmosphere, and 64 percent are worried about world affairs.

Still, 55 percent say they think 2017 will be a better year than 2016, with 59 percent saying they expect to do better financially in 2017.

Wisconsin Recount Over … Trump Picks Up Even More Votes … Confirms Trump’s Win


The Wisconsin recount is over and it confirms what we already knew, Donald Trump is the winner. The Wisconsin recount of nearly 3 million ballots ahead of a federal deadline on Tuesday, however, in the end little changed, as Trump adding just 131 votes to his margin. Hillary Clinton gained 713 votes over her previous total, while Donald Trump gained 844 votes in Jill Stein’s failed Green party sham. As CBS reports, this effectively brings Stein’s recount efforts to an end with nothing to show for it.

Donald Trump thumbs up

The results of the Wisconsin recount were finalized Monday, reaffirming Donald Trump’s victory in the traditionally blue state.

The Associated Press reported Monday afternoon that Trump actually picked up 162 additional votes, keeping his margin of victory around 22,000 over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The final results, certified by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, changed by fewer than 1,800 votes.

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