Every Wonder Why Healthcare Should Not Be Provided To All
There is always the cry from the Left that Healthcare should be provided to everyone. The Government’s responsibility should be that all children and individuals have healthcare. Other than they fact that many younger people would only need catastrophic healthcare plans as the amount that would be paid over the course of a year in premiums would never come close to the actual amount of medical bills accrued in that same year.
However, there is also probably other reason why American’s should not have to foot the bill for others who may or may not have insurance coverage. I like to refer to it as thinning of the heard. Like here, here. And especially here.
Can someone please tell me, WHO DOES THIS? Why don’t they just cut to the chase and just fire real bullets at each other?
Workers of America Unite, Here’s Something to Strive For
I guess the Democratic Party has been getting its minimum wage talking points from Fidel these days. With a little help Democrats can have you to living the high life of a Cuban resident.
Castro said this would raise the average monthly wage in Cuba to 312 pesos ($14.20) from 282 pesos ($12.80) at a cost to the government of $48.4 million.
Cubans welcomed the raises, but said it was still too little to live on. Rent and public services are heavily subsidized in Cuba, but essential consumer goods are more expensive than in the United States.
I think the exact quote was, “the raise is nice, but its still not enough to bribe the Cuban police to look the other way when I put my raft in the water to try and float to America.”
Next time now that they got this big wage increase maybe they can afford to float to America in a 65 Vette instead of this.
Hat Tip: JJ at PoliPundit
Update: (AP) That didn’t take long. Looks like these Cubans didn’t get a chance to get their wage increase.
The only question I have is why would these people leave an island and risk death when they have a higher minimum wage than the United States? Democrats, you mean minimum wage isn’t everything?
Office Party Tips: What Not To Do 101
Being that its Friday and there might be some Office Happy Hour get togethers later this afternoon. Here a video of some tips of maybe what not to do.
I think I know that girl from an old job. I think we all know someone like this.
Added to The Beltway Traffic Jam
Beyond Words of Inspiration
From our friend at the 1754 Blog comes this amazing display of perseverance. As they say, “You think you have it tough” in your day to day life and things have you down. Take a look at this guy and the will to overcome all odds.
Imagine If Blasphemy Laws Existed in the US
For all those individuals in the US that are so free with their hateful comments regarding religion; I bet you would think twice if you lived in another country. I dare you to attempt such attacks against religion in a place like Pakistan.
Some how I doubt those around you would be so tolerant.