Leading Up to Healthcare Speech, Obama’s Disapprovals on Obamacare Up to 52% … 78% of Americans Want Same Insurance as Congress


“We the People” are growing wearing of Barack Obama after 8 short months …  

In the hours leading up to Barack Obama’s healthcare speech before a joint session of Congress, Obama finds his poll numbers in shambles. 52% of Americans now disapprove of how “The One” is handling healthcare according to an Associated Press-GfK poll.   Also, 49% now disapprove of how Obama is handing his job as President, up from 42% in July.

Unbelievable, this President refuses to listen to the people. He plans on harping on the Public Option. Obama is to say, “Well the time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed.” This President thinks that the American people lending their voice to the debate is bickering? So much for listening to the people.

Public disapproval of President Barack Obama’s handling of health care has jumped to 52 percent, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll released hours before he makes his case for overhaul in a prime-time address to Congress.

With his health revamp moving slowly and unemployment edging ever higher, Obama’s overall approval rating has also suffered a blow. The survey showed that 49 percent now disapprove of how he is handling his job as president, up from 42 percent who disapproved in July.

The grade people give Obama on health care also has worsened since July, when just 43 percent disapproved of his work on the issue.

Americans are fed up with Obamacare and they are tired of the double standard of politicians privilege vs. “We the People”. In a Rasmussen poll, 78% of Americans say that they should be allowed to purchase the same health insurance plan as Congress receives.

Seventy-eight percent (78%) of U.S. voters say every American should be allowed to purchase the same health insurance plan that members of Congress use.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only seven percent (7%) of voters disagree and 15% are not sure.

Many times during the town hall meetings over the summer, politicians were asked by “the angry mob” whether they would opt into the same public option plan that they would inflict upon the American people. Not once did we hear a yes. In fact, as reported at The Examiner via The Gateway Pundit, Congress unanimously rejected in committee the same public plan they are pushing on ordinary Americans. Thus, it is okay for Congress to inflict a public option on you, but not for them self.

And in this video  Moffit points to an amendment offered by Rep. Dean Heller, R-NV, during a House Ways and Means Committee meeting just before the recess began that would have required Members to be covered by the Public Option plan if they approve it for private citizens.

Predictably, however, the Heller amendment was defeated, with all 21 committee Democrats voting against it. That vote is indicative of the reality that any bill requiring Congress to be covered by the same health care as the public has the proverbial snow ball in Hades’ chances of being enacted.

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  • Comments

    2 Responses to “Leading Up to Healthcare Speech, Obama’s Disapprovals on Obamacare Up to 52% … 78% of Americans Want Same Insurance as Congress”

    1. Scared Monkeys on September 9th, 2009 6:59 pm

      Once again the President will tell us how great a government run option is for we the people when Congress refuses to use the same plan.

      Obama will once again tell people what they already know to be a loser!


    2. Why Americans do not Trust Barack Obama and Obamacare … The Math and Rhetoric Does not Pass the Deficit Neutral Test | Scared Monkeys on September 9th, 2009 11:15 pm

      [...] do not believe him. The polls bare this as Obama’s disapprovals on healthcare are now at 52%. The issue is that Obama does not have the facts on his side … he only has what he is [...]

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