A Linda Foley Round Up from Not The Usual Suspects


Every one is linking to the Big Kids on the Block, but I looked at some the the smaller fish who have made some great points.

From Bluto the Dreadpundit:

Linda, you stupid cow. Now, please don’t take that out of context.

As an aside, Editor & Publisher inadvertently indicts liberals in general and the liberal mainstream media by stating that “some conservative groups” and “several conservative news organizations” were upset with Foley’s slanderous and irresponsible remarks. That implies that liberal groups and liberal news organizations aren’t upset that this giggling, witless turd from the Newspaper Guild (Linda, don’t take that out of context either) has accused American servicepeople of murder. How many times have you heard liberals claim to support the troops?

From Eric Rangle, a soldier based in Baghdad (ed WOW)

Dear Newspaper Guild:

As an American serving here in Iraq, and having previously served in Afganistan, I am deeply offended by Ms. Linda Foley’s crystal clear allegation, made in a public forum to audience applause, that the U.S. military conducts targeted killings of foreign journalists in Iraq. Of course, she has no evidence. The U.S. military liberated these nations, and is providing security to facilitate the development of democratic governments that encourage constitutional freedoms, such as that of the press.

On the other hand, however, there is possible evidence that there are journalists, or people posing as journalists, who are actively supporting the insurgents and, therefore, their terrorist tactics. For example, there was recently a CBS journalist who was firing at U.S. troops. Interestingly, when he was first apprehended, many of the newspapers you represent breathlessly reported that the U.S. had wounded a CBS journalist. After a brief investigation that revealed the man’s actual role in attacking U.S. troops, many of the same papers changed their decription to say only that it was a man who carried the credentials of a CBS journalist.

Another example of journalists who actively support the insurgency occurred recently at the 14th Street Bridge in Baghdad. My sources are the troops who were themselves involved in this incident. The south end of the bridge was the site of a spectacular car-bomb attack several months ago and there is an abandoned building that stands alone near the site.

One morning, the Iraqi police guarding the bridge noticed an abandoned car near their checkpoint. Upon investigation, they found that it was filled with explosives. After safely moving the dozens of innocent civilians who would likely have otherwise been killed by a blast, the police neutralized the car bomb.

Within minutes, a television camera crew, emerged from the abandoned building. When the Iraqi police questioned them, they simply showed their Al-Jazeera “journalist” credentials, saying that they were filming the river and knew nothing of the car bomb. They then drove north toward the next bridge, where thirty minutes later a different car bomb detonated, killing Iraqi civilians. To the surprise of no one, the footage was aired on Al-Jazeera that night. Obviously, the crew had at least been informed of the terrorist plans, and even back-up plans, then actively supported terror against Iraqi civilians by filming and broadcasting it around the world.

Another example, which does not yet rise to the level of evidence, is the photographer who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his photo of insurgents executing Iraqi poll workers in the middle of a busy street, before the January 30th elections. From the perspective of the photo, it is clear that the photographer is close to the killers…and likely in the middle of the street with them.

It raises the question of whether the photographer was collaborating with the killers. That question is unlikely to be answered though, because Associated Press, the news organization who paid the photographer, refuses to give his or her name, and explained that they were doing so in order to protect the individual’s “safety.” I ask you, if he or she was comfortable enough to be that close to the men who were executing those poll workers in broad daylight, exactly who is it that might pose a danger to this person?

The men and women of the U.S. military are risking their lives to end tyranny and bring freedom to these countries. It is insulting for the leader and chief spokesperson for your organization, which represents journalists from all over the country, to make baseless allegations in order to smear the reputation of the members of our armed forces. She need not support, or even appreciate, the U.S. military, but she should not use her position to smear its reputation with charges that are equally horrible and baseless.

Ms. Foley seems better suited to write an opinion column, rather than to serve as the head of a leading organization that represents the members of a profession that, at its core, requires integrity and objectivity. I ask you to relieve Ms. Foley of her duties, and replace her with someone who understands the importance of having evidence to support sensational allegations, such as saying publicly that the U.S. military murders those from around the world who carry out one of our nation’s most sacred freedoms–the freedom of the press.

Thank you for your attention. Please e-mail a response to this address.

Major Eric E.
Camp Victory

Media Lies says:

Ms. Foley obviously hasn’t a clue about targeting, projectile trajectories and effective miss distance. She is also apparently clueless about the jamming that Iraqis may have been doing to throw smart bombs off target.

She most definitely didn’t have a clue how much her comments would anger Americans. The blogosphere literally erupted in anger, not least the milbloggers and American military men, who piled on with both feet.

Falcon at Lofted Nest:

Well, a Foley is a guy in the movies who makes sounds match actions. Linda Foley, head of a newspaper union, on the other hand, makes noise that doesn’t match actions. Ms. Foly claims, just like Eason Jordon at CNN did before he was forced to resign, that the United States Military purposefully targets Arab journalists, murders them and bombs their studios. One has to wonder how in the world the Arab press continues to operate since the United States Military has little trouble smashing dictators and despots flat. If we were targeting Arab journalists, I have confidence there would be none left — they’re a noisy lot and don’t hide nearly as well as terrorists do. — Be sure to read the link above to Andi’s World, she is justifiably angry, as well we all should be, and she has links.

Brain Droppings notes:

This is outrageous. There is much stronger evidence that American journalists constitute al Qaeda’s fifth column. Considering the direction in which the media is heading, however, it is concievable that they may make themselves legitimate targets before this war is over.

Please remember that the media is not the friend of the military. Some are sure, just as some some convicts actually did not commit the crime they are being punished for. So when you read your local paper, take it all with a grain of salt, and then head over to the blogosphere and get a dose of reality.


Updates Update: Looks like the story has hit the Mainstream Media. Barely, but it is now on the radar screen.

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