Michelle Fields & Ben Shapiro Resign from Breitbart Over Handling of Trump Campaign manager’s Alleged assault on Fields


Yeah, Trump’s a unifier alright …

BuzzFeed is reporting that Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields and editor-at-large Ben Shapiro are resigning from the company over the site’s handling of Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski’s, alleged assault on Fields.

Fields and Shapiro informed Breitbart News chair Steve Bannon of their decision Sunday night.

“Today I informed the management at Breitbart News of my immediate resignation,” Fields said in a statement sent to BuzzFeed News. “I do not believe Breitbart News has adequately stood by me during the events of the past week and because of that I believe it is now best for us to part ways.”

In his own statement, Shapiro said the episode was emblematic of how he believes the site’s management had sold out the legacy of its founder and namesake, the late Andrew Breitbart.

“Andrew’s life mission has been betrayed,” Shapiro wrote. “Indeed, Breitbart News, under the chairmanship of Steve Bannon, has put a stake through the heart of Andrew’s legacy. In my opinion, Steve Bannon is a bully, and has sold out Andrew’s mission in order to back another bully, Donald Trump; he has shaped the company into Trump’s personal Pravda, to the extent that he abandoned and undercut his own reporter, Breitbart News’ Michelle Fields, in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who allegedly assaulted Michelle.”

But as The Right Scoop opines, “And this is how Trump treats a news site that LOVES HIM!!! Imagine how it’ll go for the rest of us under emperor Trump.” Some other not so kind words from The American Spectator, Fields told Buzzfeed she could not remain with an organization that did not stand by her while Shapiro, who unlike other Breitbart colleagues has forcefully defended Fields, issued a statement condemning current Breitbart Chairman Steve Bannon for betraying the mission set out by the late Andrew Breitbart by turning the website into “Trump’s personal Pravda.”

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  • Comments

    6 Responses to “Michelle Fields & Ben Shapiro Resign from Breitbart Over Handling of Trump Campaign manager’s Alleged assault on Fields”

    1. The Meltdown Begins: Breitbart Editor At Editor-at-large Ben Shapiro And Reporter Michelle Fields Resign | | Eye On The Republic on March 14th, 2016 12:51 pm

      [...] AOL, The Resurgent, Vox Popoli, Little Green Footballs, The Week, Independent Journal Review, Scared Monkeys and American Spectator, CNNMoney, Breitbart, @michellefields, Mashable, Guardian, TVNewser, The [...]

    2. rob on March 14th, 2016 1:31 pm

      In the video, I didn’t see anything that looked like an assault on Ms Fields.
      A false allegation is worse than what you’re reporting here.
      SM: We are not reporting anything false. A complaint was filed be this individual and the Trump campaign manager admitted they did it. Please watch the video.

    3. Jerry on March 14th, 2016 10:34 pm

      Rob is correct. Matt Boyle from the Daily Beast, who originally claimed Lewandowski tweeted confirmation of the ássault´, has RETRACTED his statement.
      Additionally, the WP photographer on the spot says HE SAW NO ASSAULT. Ditto the videos.

      I used to click on Scared Monkeys. If you CONTINUE to disregard the facts just because you want to bash Trump and his campaign, you will lose the support of myself and others who just want facts WITHOUT GOPe hype and spin.
      SM: No one is bashing Trump Jerry and no one hates the GOP political establishment more than I but don’t ever threaten this site. SM has been fighting against the GOP political establishment long before Donald Trump ever considered to run for president. Actually SM was fighting for Conservatives and against RINO’s when Trump was making campaign contributions to Hillary and Democrats so spare me the vitriol.

      Jerry, you do know what SM means right? Don’t ever put your head in the sand and be afraid to question … Think about it.


    4. Jerry on March 16th, 2016 12:07 am

      How exactly was I or could I ¨ threaten¨ this site?
      I was simply stating my opinion that you were running with Michelle Fields version of a story which has more than a few holes in it.

      And while I enjoy most of the commentary /useful info you post here, I agree with Donald Trump on 2 valid points. … A. ) He was a businessman donating to ALL parties, not necessarily favoring Hillary over any other politico in N.Y., simply conceeding to the practical reality that politicians take donations.

      and B. ) ´Maverick´ McCain and others of his endless ilk ( McConnell, Boehner , JEB, just to name a few, hide behind the conservative label and make promise they never end up keeping.

      I understand that you felt I insulted your website but I really did not intend to.

      However, there is plenty of evidence that contradicts Michelle Fields account that you may want to consider. ( The Gateway Pundit has a few links, video, et cet.. Jerry
      SM:I am really sorry Jerry that you have gotten into the trap of support Trump at all cost. It actually distresses me that Conservatives had a chance to nominate a conservative for president instead of a moderate. We have seen that failed establishment plan over and over and over. Now there is an opportunity and people feel the need to vote for Trump instead. Some one who does not have conservative values. His policies on Cuba, Israel, and tariffs are frightening. Like it or not, during the last debate, he looked clueless and over-matched on these topics by both Cruz and Rubio.

      Sorry, I am a Conservative, not a Trumpist. I have a serious issue with Trump and the fact that he may make deals with Democrats and the Republican establishment. If so, how is that different than any establishment candidate? He is the Art of the Deal. What does that mean to you? I understand that this is a wave election and many Conservatives have got sucked up into Trumpmania. I am not sure if I trust some one who while I was fighting the fight against Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and Reid, Trump was giving them campaign donations. Does that make him an outsider? What you are missing and conveniently are defending is when he was making these donations.

      If Trump wins, I hope he does what he says, but who knows. Because if he does not the people will turn on him with torches and pick forks. As I stated earlier, I loathe the GOP and Democrat establishment. Especially the GOP because I expect more of them. They are to blame that Trump is even a candidate and now they dont know what to do. Now you hear about Trump and the Establishment having phone calls. Really, another deal? Being the anti-establishment, so-called ousider candidate there is no way he should be having those calls. Sorry, I tend to gravitate to the candidate who called Mitch McConnell a liar.

      Bottom line Jerry, I don’t want a deal maker with Democrats … I want a president who is going to undo that devastation of the last 2 terms of Obama and the last 2 years of GWB. That means a different direction from Democrats, not political deals.

      Its time to turn this country around and truly make America great again … that is not done by making deals with the Leftist Democrat party that would run a socialist for president. It means imposing your will, your direction and providing leadership and going to the American people and telling them your plan and moving forward.

      I Trump wins the nomination, I will of course support him. And I would go so far to say that if the GOP establishment pulls some crap at a brokered convention and gives us Mittens Romney or Jeb Bush, I would advise Trump to go third party and make Cruz his VP. I would vote for that ticket and blow up the establishment GOP once and for all.

      In the end Jerry, we are not enemies, we are both looking to rid ourselves of the past 7 years of Obama and a gutless Republican House and Senate. We just have a differing opinion on how to do that.


    5. Jerry on March 16th, 2016 12:09 am

      ´did´ ´promises´

      Poor grammar, sorry.

    6. Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Charged With simple Battery of Former Breitbart Reporter Michelle Fields (VIDEO) | Scared Monkeys on March 30th, 2016 9:15 am

      [...] Fields. I am not to sure about this. Michelle Fields, then with the online Breitbart News Service, alleges that Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski forcefully grabbed her at a news conference at Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter. It is hard to believe that anyone would [...]

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