Maybe the US Government Could Learn Something from Prostitutes with Credit Crisis … Oldest Profession is not Suffering


Hey Congress, White House and Feds it looks like you guys and gals could learn a thing Prostitute_signor two from the oldest profession. They seem to be doing something right. As the Dow Jones plummets followed by the world markets, the business of prostitution is still strong. After all many have said there really is not much of a difference between the two professions these days. Of course these days prostitutes have a higher approval rating than Congress and pretty much do the will of the people, or at least their “Johns”. I bet prostitutes would never extend 100 to 1 debt to asset ratio loans to their customer.

Isn’t this special, according to The Daily News even though the stock market has tanked and investors have lost their collective shirts … the world’s oldest profession keeps chugging along as business is still brisk. Some people have cut back on their services; however, it appears that many need the get away from their 9–5 jobs. I guess it pays to be in a cash business.

The long-haired, long-legged hooker then explained why the red-light district remains a blue-chip commodity: “If men are horny, they’re going to come in here.”

Take that, Ben Bernanke.

Dylan works for a Manhattan madam who runs a pair of prostitution dens north of Wall Street. Unlike the $4,000-an-hour girls of male fantasies or gubernatorial road trips, Madam Sadie’s employees charge $260 for 60 minutes – or $160 for 30 minutes.

Co-worker Sara, a 26-year-old former hairstylist, said her services provide businessmen with a break from the grim realities of their 9-to-5 jobs.

“Some of them seem depressed, and they just want a place to get away from it,” said the petite, dark-haired woman.

Sadie admits her business has suffered a bit in the fiscal crisis. Some clients are cutting back on their spending, and some aren’t returning, she said.

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  • Comments

    3 Responses to “Maybe the US Government Could Learn Something from Prostitutes with Credit Crisis … Oldest Profession is not Suffering”

    1. Scared Monkeys on October 12th, 2008 7:52 pm

      I guess Bernanke should be consulting the experts in the oldest profession,

    2. Richard on October 12th, 2008 8:42 pm

      With the “ladies of the night,” at least (I presume) you get what you pay for. And once you’ve paid, that’s it.

      Neither is true for members of Congress….

    3. Ray on October 12th, 2008 11:56 pm

      Anybody remember the case of the GOVT and the MUSTANG RANCH.

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