Lap Dog Media Show Obamacare is a Joke … CNN and MSNBC Fail to Sign Up for Obamacare Live on Air
Obamacare, EPIC FAILURE … The lap dog media could not even defend Obamacare on this one …
The joke is on you America, after years in the planning and millions upon millions of dollars spent on the implementation of Obamacare, day one is a complete and total bust. Not even the liberal media could come to the aid of President Barack Obama as the internet sign on system was rife with errors, server delays and page loading mishaps. s reported at the Washington Times, President Barack Obama now says Obamacare will bring months of ‘glitches’. What a microcosm of the Obama presidency, all promises and nothing but a clustf*ck in return. Welcome to your Obamacare.
CNN tries to log on for Obamacare and fails miserably.
From The Weekly Standard:
BROOKE BALDWIN: So you guys hit a wall. we’re here in Georgia. What about other states? Similar issues?
ELIZABETH COHEN: The CNN medical team branched out. We tried in about 20 different state states. In 12 of them we hit glitches. Sometimes it made it impossible to sign up. There were error messages or that little annoying kind of twirly thing.
BALDWIN: I hate the twirly thing.
COHEN: Hate it, hate it, right? In many cases, you just couldn’t sign up.
From NRO … Even the Progressives at MSNBC could not sign up for Obamacare either.
MSNBC’s Mara Schiavocampo ran into difficulties as she tried to sign up for the newly launched health-care exchanges on Tuesday. After getting an error message on the website, she called the help line twice, but wasn’t able to reach a navigator on the other end. Instead, she was put on hold for 35 minutes.
“If I were signing up for myself, this is where my patience would be exhausted,” Schiavocampo said before she gave up.
The joke is on you America, how did this guy get reelected again?
Posted October 2, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, CNN, Epic Fail, Government, Healthcare, Internet, Media, Media Bias, Misleader, Misrepresentation, MSNBC, Obamacare, Obamanation, The Lying King, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 11 comments |
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11 Responses to “Lap Dog Media Show Obamacare is a Joke … CNN and MSNBC Fail to Sign Up for Obamacare Live on Air”
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obamacare is even beyond a joke….the most insidious law that’s ever been signed….a gradual or not easily noticed awaiting a complete disaster and complete takeover, a chance for entrapment. Treacherous, deceitful, shifty, indirect and underhanded.
obama needs to agree to revise obamacare….that’s why we are having a shutdown in addition to the outrageous spending. obama is tax and spend. obamacare is suicide health care.
Americans do not want obamacare and want the outrageous debt to come to a halt and the Republicans are defending this.
reid, peloski and obama are human waste and could care less about “We The People”, they need to stop blaming the GOP. This a huge, huge problem the democrats have created. And reid is a POS.
how many times has obama been caught lying, too many times to count. Impeach him, get rid of the trash. Open the peoples White House, Trump has offered to pay for it.
Reopen the tours to the White House, it belongs to us.
This is just the tip of the iceburg that exists in the government operated IT systems. Too many contractors trying to figure out from the government what is needed and how to do it.
Ozero’s comments about Apple are not anywhere close in comparison.
This piece of legislation is so worthless and complicated it will take several more years to get it operating as it should.
When you have a community organizer operating ten levels above competence, this is what happens.
yea, a community organizer, if there even is such a thing, a muslim who knowingly has an illegal aunt and her son, his cousin, living in the U.S. a brother who is very active in the muslim brotherhood and supports terrorism, egypt’s eyes on him, malik obama, his cousin and brothers who openly support al-qaeda.
obama and his supporting democrats just don’t get it….Americans do not want obamacare….even though the bill passed, at that time, with a democratic congress and senate, it can still be revised toward fairness. reid talks about not negotiating until Ccngress passes the gov’t spending plan….who would trust reid….he said he won’t agree to a conference with the GOP holding a gun to their head….i think it’s the other way around….obama has repeatedly opposed the Constitution….and now going to blame the GOP if we can’t pay the bills. obama and his cronies have lead the country into monumental debt and now they want the GOP to bail them out. the hell with them.
Letterman and Kimmel are gaining laughs on the late night talk shows saying….if 800,000 non-essential gov’t employees are laid off and their non-essential then why do we have them.
they are many things obama has done toward spending money….he was warned many times in the past to stop spending and raising the debt but he didn’t listen, as usual. now we all face consequences because of his incompetence and his big over inflated ego. Impeach him, get him out of the office of Presidency. It should of been done long ago.
Letterman and Kimmel
obama is trying everything possible to break and destroy our country….and on top of that he gets a paycheck….we shouldn’t be paying him at all,
he surely doesn’t work for us!!!!
he’s a flop and fails miserably….Putin is the one that is resolving issues with Syria, not obama.
and i wouldn’t trust anything that the empty suit negotiates with Iran.
We are completely fed-up with this POS and cannnot tolerate it any longer, i repeat we cannot tolerate it any longer….his ratings are
close to hitting rock bottom.
And again i say reopen the tours to the White House, it belongs to us. Trump said he will pay for forever it costs but obama says no. If the obama’s don’t like being there with the tours then move them out, The White House doesn’t belong to them. obama and his evilness likes to punish us. How much do we shell out on security for his unnecessary tours and vacations…bundles!
His misuse of power is out of control!!!! he has made us look like fools around the world, but we’re not fools, we have always been a proud country with reason to be so.
Many people can still not afford to take the obamacare and yet the gov’t will fine you if you don’t….so who wins there!!!!The gov’t. Who wants the gov’t to have access to the privacy of your health and medical records. Would you trust what they would do with them? The answer is NO!
obama hasn’t properly prepared the sites for those that do want to sign up for the obamacareless plan….or did he…his game….maybe it’s suppose to look that way, unable to access because it’s too busy, to increase it’s popularity by making people think everyone wants it but in reality they don’t. the gov’t has had many months to prepare for this, they knew this day was coming, there is no excuse. just another deceitful obama way.
You asked how he got reelected. I still believe – voter fraud.
suzynpgh- gotta be fraud- or why do they resist showing an ID so much.
Trust me, got to have a picture id to get benefits, the poor people got’em.
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[...] glowing review, otherwise the the poll numbers would have been far worse and more accurate. Even the liberal MSM has shown that even logging on is nearly impossible. The Obamacare rollout has been [...]