The US Economy & Jobs in the Dumper … Obama Runs Off to Party and Fund Raise with 1960′s Radical Leader Marilyn Katz Who Advocated Attacking Police


MISLEADER: Barack Obama has no idea about jobs or about leadership.

What does President Barack Obama do when a pathetic jobs report is released for may where a paltry 69,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate ticks up to 8.2% … why go to yet another fund raiser of course. On the foot heels of the disastrous May jobs report, Barack Obama jetted off to Chicago to raise $5 million at fundraisers in Chicago, including one co-hosted by Marilyn Katz. This was just one of the six fund raisers he had scheduled instead of actually acting as President and showing some type of leadership in the wake of a poor jobs report.

So who is Marilyn Katz? According to the New York Times, she’s the person who gave Obama “entry into another activist network: the foot soldiers of the white student and black power movements that helped define Chicago in the 1960s. As a leader of Students for a Democratic Society then, Ms. Katz organized Vietnam War protests, throwing nails in the street to thwart the police.”

The Chicago Tribute also noted that Katz, “once advocated throwing studded nails in front of police cars, back in the SDS days when the group was alleged to have thrown cellophane bags full of human excrement at cops and cans of urine and golf balls impaled with nails.”

Also worth noting is that Katz, of course, is also a friend of unrepentant domestic terrorist — and Obama pal – Bill Ayers. (Apparently, donating money to Obama’s campaign is the best way for terrorists to stay off his “kill list”?)

When you begin to see who Obama hung around with and who he considered his peers, does it really surprise anyone what disarray that the United States is presently in? After reading Katz’ above I tend to agree with the PJ Tatler, she is a perfect candidate for Obama’s next Medal of Freedom recipient. Obama is no leader, what he brought to the office of the Presidency was being a community agitator and that is exactly what he has done.

The Lonely Conservative provides us with a nice factoid of Ronald Regan, a President who was a true leader.

Oh, and here’s a fun fact: On this date in 1984 when President Reagan was running for reelection, he wasn’t attending fundraisers. He was in Western Europe promoting peace during the Cold War. What a difference.

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  • Comments

    2 Responses to “The US Economy & Jobs in the Dumper … Obama Runs Off to Party and Fund Raise with 1960′s Radical Leader Marilyn Katz Who Advocated Attacking Police”

    1. Chicago Fundraiser for Obama Co-Hosted By 60′s Radical Marilyn Katz | The Lonely Conservative on June 2nd, 2012 4:02 pm

      [...] Europe promoting peace during the Cold War. What a difference.(Image Credit)Update: Linked by Scared Monkeys – thanks!google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ [...]

    2. Buster on June 2nd, 2012 8:59 pm

      Did any one think different ??? He is the scum of this planet !!!

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