Teenage Anti-Gun Activist David Hogg Protesting at NRA with ‘Armed Security’



From the Washington Examiner, 18 year old, outspoken, anti-gun advocate from Parkland high school student David Hogg, showed up at a protest at the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Va with armed security. Yes, that was not a misprint. The outspoken and misinformed gun grabbing teen activist had armed security. While Hogg tries to take your guns away from you and impose on your Second Amendment rights to own and have a gun, he has guns of his own for his own security. In other words Hogg should be spouting, guns for me, not for thee. But then again, isn’t this just typical hypocrisy and a double standard of the LEFT?

Hypocrisy Meter

The National Rifle Association mocked gun control activist David Hogg for apparently showing up to a protest at the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Va., this weekend with “armed security.”

“Today, @davidhogg111 (with armed security) and a bunch of gun-grabbing activists protested our empty HQ, and there were some interesting people there. Our social team chatted up the crowd and ended the day with ice cream paid for by @Everytown! Stay tuned for video interviews!” the NRA’s official Twitter account said on Saturday along with some photos. Everytown for Gun Safety is a nonprofit gun-control group.

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  • Comments

    One Response to “Teenage Anti-Gun Activist David Hogg Protesting at NRA with ‘Armed Security’”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on August 7th, 2018 3:21 pm

      David Hogg is an 18 year old who has been co-opted by the left wing socialists for the purpose of spreading their socialist/communist message. At this point, his message is not of his making.

      He is just following instructions of his handlers.

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