Pastor Darrell Scott: Donald Trump Most Pro-Black President In My Lifetime (VIDEO)



What if the below statements are really true? What if Trump actually winds up doing more for blacks as president than anyone else? Actions speak louder than words.

As President Donald Trump is flanked to his left by Coretta Scott King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., Pastor Darrell Scott states that President Trump “was the most pro-black president that we’ve had in our lifetime.” Scott went on to say it was Trump, not Obama who has been pro-active in the African-American community, with prison reform and urban revitalization. Pastor Scott then stated, “The last president didn’t feel like he had to. He feels like he didn’t have to. He got a pass.” WOW!!! This is why the LEFT and the liberal MSM are going after TRUMP with 90-93 percent negative news coverage. Trump is a treat to them and their power base. Candidate Trump asked minorities to give him a chance during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump asked, what did you have to lose? Take a look at the amazing results.

DARRELL SCOTT, FOUNDER & PASTOR, NEW SPIRIT RIVAL CHURCH: To be honest, this is probably going to be — and I’m going to say this as the most pro-black president that we’ve had in our lifetime. Because and I try to, you know, analyze the people that I encounter.

This president actually wants to prove something to our community. Our faith based community and our ethnic community. The last president didn’t feel like he had to. He feels like he didn’t have to. He got a pass.

This president, this administration is probably going to be more proactive. We got urban revitalization and prison reform than any president in your lifetime.

When Donald Trump said he would make America great again, he meant everyone. And that is exactly what is going on in the United States today. It is whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians that are all seeing record low unemployment. Above, Pastor Scott made a very important statement which I believe is very true. The pastor stated, “The last president [Barack Obama] didn’t feel like he had to. He feels like he didn’t have to. He got a pass.” Of course Pastor Scott and anyone who dare support Trump from the black community will be called every racist name in the book and demonized. But the truth is, Obama was provided a pass, by everyone including the media. Trump has a lot to prove, and he is. Don’t listen to the bias MSM and their agenda driven coverage of Trump, look at the results.

 President Trump Meeting with Pastors From Inner Cities at the White House


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