SEAN HANNITY Defends Himself Against Allegations and Issues Warning to Liberals Fascists Who Slander Him – We’re Laying out Legal Action (VIDEO)



Sean Hannity, conservative FOX News and radio host has had enough and is defending himself against false allegations and those liberal fascists who would attempt to stop conservative speech and views. GET ‘EM SEAN!!! It is time to defend free speech. Sexual harassment is terrible, but making false allegations of sexual harassment in an effort to destroy people is just as bad.

 Hmm, it seems she got the message loud and clear because she just caved. Totally changed her story. Recanted.

You know it is a bunch of bunk when Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks defends Sean Hannity Accused Of Sexual Harassment by Debbie Schlussel. The Yong Turks are far from conservative and friends of Hannity.

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