President Donald Trump Sets Amazing & Fast White House Pace in First days of Presidency Because He is a Business Man, Not a Politician



If you wanted politics as normal, political correctness and inefficient government, you elected the wrong candidate. President Donald J. Trump has hit the presidency running in a way that has even made the Energizer Bunny a bit envious. But he has a lot, to make up for after the last 8 years of Barack Obama that can only be described as a fiasco for the American people. Trump has much to deconstruct of the Obama years so to Make America Great Again. Trump is a business man, not a politician. He believes in having the projects come in on time and under budget. That is in direct opposition with Washington, DC, federal government and politicians. The MSM and certainly Washington has never seen anything like Trump and this is exactly why he was voted into office in an electoral landslide.  Trump has through executive action begun to undo Obamacare, acted on illegal immigration, affected trade and acted upon so-called climate change. The 2016 was a change election and President Donald J. Trump is the agent of that change!

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The Hill:

In his first days in office, President Trump is taking on a dizzying schedule that is decidedly different from those of his immediate predecessors.

Trump is in the Oval Office to take meetings earlier than President Obama, and he’s worked through dinner to stay in the West Wing later than President George W. Bush, who would generally return to his residence at 6 p.m. sharp.

Trump’s pace is a bit more frantic, and many of his daily events are being captured by television cameras in his first week in office.

The 70-year-old is living as a weekday bachelor in the 132-room mansion, as the first lady, Melania Trump, is set to be in New York through the school year with the couple’s son, 10-year-old Barron. Melania will be back for weekends and may come to live in Washington, after the school year.

“It’s a robust schedule,” one White House aide said. “He isn’t wasting any time. He said he was going to go to work for the American people, and that’s what he’s doing.”

This week, Trump has packed his days with meetings with business leaders and auto industry executives and calls to world leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India.

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  • Comments

    4 Responses to “President Donald Trump Sets Amazing & Fast White House Pace in First days of Presidency Because He is a Business Man, Not a Politician”

    1. kashekamon on January 27th, 2017 10:40 am

      Donald is going to make America Great Again. Why…. because he’s always cared about the future and direction of our country and now because of it’s lack of incompetent leadership he’s come forward to clean up the country. Massive job ahead of him but he’s intelligent, determined and successful. He’s made excellent choices in selecting his cabinet. We will grow and prosper and again become the land of plenty. God Bless Him

    2. kashekamon on January 27th, 2017 11:26 am

      And for those liberal demonizing Democrats and the liberal activists who lead the Women’s Rights obnoxious and disgusting display of protesting without justified reasons, made threats and ugly acquisitions against Donald need to rethink about a constructive purpose of being. He’s done nothing to you! It’s no wonder you lost the election.

      And CNN needs to button the upper opinionated lip on negativity attacking Donald Trump, we’re tired of your printing nutcase crap.

    3. kashekamon on January 28th, 2017 11:37 am

      It’s such a relief to be removed from the mind and misuse of power of a muslim madman. One who said “911 was our fault”…”you can do anything you want in this country just don’t get caught”…”you can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig”.

      He wore an empty suit of success but was clothed in failure.

    4. A Texas Grandfather on January 28th, 2017 3:39 pm

      Trump is showing the politicians how the business people who are successful operate. Eighteen hour days sometimes seven days a week are not uncommon whereas the politician works three days a week for the people.

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