Barack Obama Arrives Late for ‘Moment of Silence’ for Paris Attacks at the G-20 Conference in Turkey



The optics are typical of this president. On Sunday at the G-20 conference in Turkey, Barack Obama showed up late on a moment of silence being held by world leaders to honor the victims of Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris. I am certain he will find someone to blame for his being late to this function. Had it been Obama providing an apology to the conference for the United States being responsible for the rise of ISIS and terrorism, I am certain he would have been on time.


President Obama walked in late Sunday on a moment of silence being held by world leaders in Turkey to honor the victims of Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris.

Reporters traveling with the president said Mr. Obama had not yet arrived when other world leaders at the G-20 conference in Turkey began their silent observance around a large conference table.

Mr. Obama walked in after they had begun, and took his place next to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

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  • Comments

    3 Responses to “Barack Obama Arrives Late for ‘Moment of Silence’ for Paris Attacks at the G-20 Conference in Turkey”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on November 16th, 2015 3:14 pm

      Obama arrives late for a lot of events. However, in this instance it was his way of showing he did not have the same beliefs as the others attending.

      He was raised a Muslim in his early years and then sent to his grandparents who were Marxists and finally spent twenty years in Rev. Wrights church in Chicago where the theology was based on Marxist concepts. This tells me that he is both a Muslim and a Marxist.

    2. Teresa on November 16th, 2015 3:35 pm

      I’ll be glad when he is out of office and goes back to his muslim country

    3. Babybear on November 17th, 2015 2:10 pm

      How could Obama participate in a moment of silence to memorialize those killed by the barbaric attack on Paris? He is a Muslim himself, and the Koran mandates that Muslims kill “Infidels,” (That would be us.)
      As to not being able to wait until he leaves office, I don’t think he will leave office. I believe he will manufacture some insurrection–the college uprisings might be the ones–and will declare Martial Law and cancel elections. He is already a dictator with his ‘phone and pen and he only needs to formally establish it.
      Anyone who ever voted for him should be ashamed that they have contributed to the suicide of their own country.

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