Violent Protests Break Out in Berkeley, MO After White Police Officer Shoots and Kills Black Male Near Ferguson (Male Killed ID’d as 18 Year Old Antonio Martin)


White police officer shoots and kills unarmed armed black male. Riots broke out last night around 11 pm in Berkeley, Missouri after a police officer shot and killed a black man at the gas station in the 6800 block of N. Hanley Road in Berkeley.  According to reports, the suspect allegedly pointed a gun at police. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar says the Berkeley shooting victim was black and the officer white. Berkeley is about 2 miles from Ferguson, Missouri. Needless to say, the shooting incident sparked riots from the community.

Berkely MO Shooting

click HERE to watch VIDEO via KSDK-5

A crowd of about 200-300 people gathered outside of a gas station in north St. Louis County overnight after a Berkeley police officer shot and killed an armed 18-year-old.

According to Sgt. Brian Schellman, a spokesman with the St. Louis County Police Department, the shooting took place at 11:15 p.m. at the Mobil station in the 6800 block of N. Hanley Road.

The officer was responding to a reported theft at the gas station when he noticed two young men along the side of the building. As the officer walked toward the front door, one of those men pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the officer, Schellman said.

The officer opened fire, striking the armed man, who died at the scene. The second man ran off.

The incident is reported by the St. Louis County Police Facebook page:

The St. Louis County Police Department is conducting an investigation into a shooting death involving a Berkeley, Missouri police officer.

At approximately 11:15 PM on December 23, 2014, a police officer with the City of Berkeley was conducting a routine business check at the Mobile Gas Station located at 6800 N. Hanley when he observed two male subjects on the side of the building.

The Berkeley Police Officer exited his vehicle and approached the subjects when one of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer. Fearing for his life, the Berkeley Officer fired several shots, striking the subject, fatally wounding him. The second subject fled the scene.

The Berkeley Police Department requested the St. Louis County Police Department’s Crimes Against Persons Unit to handle the investigation. St. Louis County Police Detectives have recovered the deceased subject’s handgun at the scene.

At this time, we cannot confirm the identity of the deceased subject. The investigation is on-going and further details will be provided as the investigation proceeds.

UPDATE I: Officer fatally shoots armed man in town near Ferguson, Missouri

Once again we are presented a picture of an innocent teen, who would never hurt anyone and whose mother said did not even own a gun. Other so-called witnesses on the scene claim he was running away from the police officers. We have heard this song and dance before. It is certain that the gas station had video surveillance so I am sure we will know whether or not the deceased had a gun or not and how it all went down. Get ready for Hands, Part Deux.

An 18-year-old male held a gun “straight out” at a Berkeley, Missouri, police officer before that officer fired “what we think … were three shots,” St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said Thursday. The man — who died after being shot by the officer — is not believed to have fired any shots himself, according to Belmar.

After the officer left his squad car, one of the pair pointed a gun at the officer, who fired multiple times at him, killing him, Schellman said. The second person fled, police said.

The slain man was Antonio Martin, an 18-year-old African-American, his family told CNN.

Police say the officer, whose name wasn’t immediately released, shot in self-defense.

UPDATE II: Berkeley officer kills suspect who pulled gun; police say victim was ‘known’ to police.

Police said they did not know who the second person was, but they called him a “person of interest” and asked for the public’s help to find him.

They said two bystanders on the Mobil parking lot were witnesses.

At a news conference later Wednesday morning, Berkeley Mayor Theodore Hoskins said, “You can’t compare this to Ferguson or the Garner case in New York.” He said the videotape showed the suspect pointing a gun at the officer. He said the city would conduct its own complete investigation, separate from the St. Louis County Police investigation.

“Our overall goal is to project the truth to residents,” Hoskins said.

Among the department’s 31 officers, the mayor said, 17 or 18 are African-American. About 75 percent of the command staff are black, in addition to the mayor, police chief and other city officials, Hoskins added.

“At this point, our review indicates that the police did not initiate this, like Ferguson,” Hoskins said.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, December 24, 2014 – Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s 15yr Old Son Robbed

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Download

Former President George H.W. Bush Rushed to Houston Methodist Hospital

90 year old, former president George H.W. Bush was hospitalized overnight at the Houston Methodist Hospital after experiencing shortness of breath. A statement from the 41st president of the United State’s office said that the elder Bush was taken to the hospital as a  precautionary measure.

Former President George H.W. Bush was hospitalized on Tuesday evening after experiencing what a spokesman called a “shortness of breath.”

Bush, 90, was taken by ambulance to Houston Methodist Hospital Tuesday evening as a precaution. The former president will remain there under observation.

In late 2012, he was admitted to the hospital with a bronchitis-related cough. Bush was released Nov. 19 but returned the day after Thanksgiving with a persistent cough. He was later admitted to intensive care with a stubborn fever. Bush spent that Christmas at the hospital, only leaving intensive care on Dec. 30.

Presidential spokesman Eric Schultz issued a statement on behalf of Barack Obama: “The President has been made aware that President Bush was admitted to the hospital. President Obama and the First Lady send their good wishes to the former President and the entire Bush family during this holiday season.” I guess Obama was too busy to interrupt his vacation and golfing to make a statement himself.

UPDATE I: George H.W. Bush to stay in hospital a third night.

Despite having “another terrific day,” former President George H.W. Bush will spend a third night in a Texas hospital, his office announced on Christmas.

The 41st president “is in great spirits” and wishes everyone a merry Christmas, his office said in a statement Thursday. He received visits from his wife, former first lady Barbara Bush, and from his son and daughter-in-law Neil and Maria Bush, it said.

Bill O’Reilly Calls for “Incompetent” New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio to Resign from Office … He Has Disgraced the Office of the Mayor of NYC

Last night on the O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly called for the resignation of NYC Mayor Bill de Blazio.

“You have a mayor that comes in, a man named Bill de Blasio. He is a far left individual, who is incompetent. He cannot run the city of New York.”

FOX Nation:

Greg Gutfeld guest-hosted “The Factor” tonight, but Bill O’Reilly could not stay silent about the brutal murder of two NYPD officers. O’Reilly called in to the show to share his thoughts on the tragic situation and to call for the resignation of “incompetent” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“You have a mayor that comes in, a man named Bill de Blasio. He is a far left individual, who is incompetent,” O’Reilly said. “He cannot run the city of New York.”

O’Reilly said that the suspect in the murder of the two officers, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, was using the grand jury decisions in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner as an excuse, not as a mission.

“Everybody should know this is a terrible individual. And I hope he’s enjoying hell right now,” O’Reilly stated, adding that there are millions of people like Brinsley running around, because our society does not hold them accountable.

O’Reilly made it clear, however, that no one else has blood on their hands for the murder of the NYPD cops, just Brinsley.

“Aiding and abetting Brinsley and other maniacs? Those protesters who yelled ‘we want dead cops.’ Everybody heard it. Those people should be shunned. If you know them, never speak to them again.”

As for Mayor de Blasio, O’Reilly said that he’s been anti-police his whole career.

“Who’s his best friend? Al Sharpton. Al Sharpton. A racial provocateur and anti-cop individual is de Blasio’s best friend. That says it all,” “The Factor” host stated.

Al Sharpton Says He’s the Victim of Death Threats During press conference Following Murders of Two NYPD Officers


Al Sharpton, after inciting not so peaceful protests and fanning the flames of racism for months following the grand jury decision’s not to indict police officers in Ferguson, Missouri and Brooklyn, NY in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, it reached critical mass as two on duty police officers where shot and killed at point blank range as they sat in their police car, now claims to be the victim. How typical of this parasite. Sharpton helped create the atmosphere that lead to mob rule, disrespect against police officers and ultimately to the murder of NYPD officers, Wenjian Lu and Rafael Ramos. Because of Sharpton’s actions, there have been protesters chanting death to cops. Because of his lies of racism, the police have become marked men. Now that the racism keg has ignited, Sharpton whines that he is getting death threats. Are you kidding me.

Al Sharpton

After the justice process took place in Ferguson, MO and the grand jury decided not to indict, race-baiter Al Sharpton said the following, “You won the first round, Mr. Prosecutor, but don’t take your gloves off. Justice will come to Ferguson.” What was Sharpton’s definition of justice, revenge, the death of a police officer, what?

Like a typical race-baiting, liberal, now Al wants to play the victim after his rhetoric causes things to get way out of control. Own it Al!

Al Sharpton inspired protests in NYC … “What do we want, Dead Cops. When do we want it, NOW!”

Washington Times:

Al Sharpton said Sunday that he’s been the victim of racist and violent death threats following the execution-style killings of two NYPD officers.

Critics have accused the reverend and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio of stoking racial and anti-police tensions in the aftermath of the police-involved death of Eric Garner.

Mr. Sharpton, appearing before reporters alongside Garner’s wife and mother, said he has received threats since NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were gunned down Saturday afternoon as they sat in their patrol car in Brooklyn, the New York Post reported.

The reverend played an expletive-filled voicemail over live television that purported to show someone saying, “Hey [n-word], stop killing innocent people, I’m going to get you!” the Post reported.

“I have several like this,” Mr. Sharpton said, the Staten Island Advance reported. “We are now under intense threat from those that are misguided, by those that are trying to blame everyone from civil rights leaders to the mayor rather than deal with an ugly spirit that all of us need to fight.”

Al Sharpton helped light the fuse that lead to the chaos and death of two NYPD officers and now he wants to file an insurance claim on the building that he aided in the arson. UNREAL.

The civil rights leader condemned police union leaders for accusing the mayor of inciting violence against cops.

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