Daily Commentary – Wednesday, December 31, 2014 – Preview of Tonights Show, 2014 Year In Review, Happy New Year!

  • Don’t miss tonight’s 2014 year in review show with Blink from Blink on Crime and Red, the main man and owner of Scared Monkeys

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Download

2014: Fox News Channel the Most Watched Cable News Network For the 13th Year in a Row


For the 13th year in a row, the FOX News channel is the most watched cable news network for 2014 outdistancing the competition by a long shot. It is pretty bad when all three competitors CNN, MSNBC and HLN do not combined add up to FOX’s numbers.

FOX News

As 2014 draws to a close, FNC celebrates its 13th consecutive year as the most-watched cable news network, though it too had its disappointments. In total day, FNC is down 4% in total viewers (1.05 million) and same percent in news demo viewers, though it finished laps ahead of its competition in both metrics.

FNC rings out the year ranked No. 4 among ad-supported basic cable networks in overall primetime audience, behind only ESPN, USA Network and TNT; it also ranks No. 4 in total. CNN and MSNBC are way back in the 20s and 30s.

“We’re going to keep opening up our aperture, while investing in original reporting on the broad range of stories that move and inspire Americans,” Griffin said in that memo to staff and LAT.


TV Newser – 2014 Ratings: Fox News Channel Wins 13th Straight Year:

Fox News remained on top in 2014, capping off its 13th consecutive year as the most-watched cable news network among both total viewers and the A25-54 demo. FNC averaged 1.05 million total viewers and 213,000 in the demo. FNC beat CNN and MSNBC combined in both total day and in primetime in viewers

The ratings for 2014 (Nielsen Live + Same Day data):

  • Primetime (Mon-Sun): 1,748,000 total viewers / 300,000 A25-54
  • Total Day Mon-Sun): 1,050,000 total viewers / 213,000 A25-54

MSLSD MSNBS MSNBC had a terrible 2014.

2014 not only saw MSNBC’s ratings drop more than any other cable news network, but it was also the year it finally started to trail CNN in most major metrics.

In the primetime demo, MSNBC was down 17% to 169K, putting it solidly in third place. In primetime total viewers, MSNBC held on to second place but still fell 8% to 589K. The network’s total day numbers are even worse, dropping 18% in the demo to just 108K and 12% in total viewers 347K.

Despite being MSNBC’s highest-rated hour, The Rachel Maddow Show at 9 p.m. still hit all-time lows since its 2008 debut with 843K total viewers (down 2% compared to 2013) and 196K viewers in the demo (down 18%). Those drops were nothing compared to Morning Joe, which had its lowest-rated full year on record with 347K total viewers (down 15%) and just 100K viewers in the demo (down 26%).

Posted December 30, 2014 by
CNN, FOX NEWS, Media, MSNBC | one comment

WOW, Former NFL Quarterback Steve Young Calls Obama a Dictator on National TV (Video)

Talk about a Freudian slip … that is 100% true.

WHEN POLITICS AND FOOTBALL MEET …  While providing analysis on Peyton Manning taking on the Cincinnati Bengals and how Denver would win the game, former San Francisco 49er QB compared Manning to Barack Obama as he referred to Obama as a “dictator”. WOW. Well, if the dictator comment fits, wear it. Kind of amazing when a dictator comparison can so easily be made with regards to an American president while discussing sports. But this is the sad state of our Republic in the 21st century.

“Watch for Peyton Manning to speak to to rookies, the nation. As the president of the United States would speak to the nation tonight and tell them, I am the dictator. I am the one who is going to take care of everything.”

NYC Mayor De Blasio Booed and Called “Traitor” at Police Graduation Ceremony at MSG (VIDEO)


Sorry, but New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s words ring terribly hollow as he speaks while attending the graduation ceremony of 884 officers at Madison Square Garden. As De Blasio praised the graduating class, some in the audience booed the mayor and one even called him a traitor. His words seem to be in direct conflict to those he previously made. De Blasio blamed police, threw them under the racism bus. The mayor combined racism and the police together. He took the side of the protester, not the police. Now he looks to praise the police.

Hizzoner was jeered by a few spectators as he took the podium, and some turned their backs in a protest similar to those he has faced since the murders of two NYPD cops in their squad car.

The boos also came with a few cries of “traitor” and heckling during his brief remarks.

“Let’s be honest about the realities of our society. You will confront all the problems that plague our society — problems that you didn’t create,” de Blasio said.

“You did!” someone then yelled, prompting laughter and applause.


De Blasio hardly sounds like he supported the police when he surrounded himself with the black community and no police officers blaming a history of racism in the wake of the grand juries decision not to indict police officers in the death of Eric Garner. De Blasio mentioned that he had to have that talk with his son about the dangers he may face, that the police are evil. Because of the history that hangs over blacks. Hmm, fire up the bus. UNREAL. I wonder if he had the speech with his son that a black man is most likely to be killed by another black male? Of course not.

Confirmed, Debris & Bodies Found in Java Sea is That of Missing AirAsia Flight 8501


The debris found floating in the Java Sea has been confirmed that of missing AirAsia Flight 8501 that lost contact with air traffic control on Sunday. At least 40 bodies and numerous pieces of debris were located in the Java Sea about 6 miles from the plane’s last known point of contact. The AirAsia plane went missing on Sunday in bad weather after the pilot had requested to deviate from flight plan. The plane carried 162 passengers, 18 of which were children. Sadly, all on board are most likely deceased.


At least 40 bodies have been found in the area where AirAsia Flight 8501 last made contact with air traffic controllers, along with debris from the plane.

The bodies were found in the Java Sea about six miles from the plane’s last known point of contact. The plane disappeared Sunday with 162 people on board traveling from Surbaya, Indonesia to Singapore.

The bodies were were not wearing life jackets, according to Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Director, SB Supriyadi.

Rescue workers were shown on local TV being lowered on ropes from a hovering helicopter to retrieve bodies. Efforts were hindered by 6-foot waves and strong winds, Supriyadi said, adding that several bodies were later picked up by a navy ship.

VIDEO – WSJ: With near certainty, airplane debris found off Indonesia’s Borneo island is from AirAsia Flight 8501,
say Indonesian officials. The WSJ’s Ramy Inocencio speaks with Southeast Asia bureau chief Patrick McDowell.

AirAsia Flight QZ8501 LIVE: Indonesia Navy says over 40 bodies recovered, plane not yet found – Raw VIDEO: Debris Off Indonesia.

Indonesian officials coming off a helicopter in Pangkalan Bun spotted several bodies floating in waters near where the missing AirAsia flight was last seen. Several pieces of debris have also been spotted floating in the sea off Borneo island, an Indonesia National Search and Rescue spokesman said Tuesday.

# The bodies were found about 160 kilometers (100 miles) from land and 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the plane’s last communication with air-traffic control.

# Ten pieces of debris were found during the search for the ill-fated AirAsia Indonesia aircraft southwest of Pangkalan Bun in Central Kalimantan.

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