15 Year Old Brianna Robinson Missing Since 6/18/14 in Lewiston, ME

15 year old Brianna Robinson Lewiston was reported missing on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 in Lewiston, Maine. Brianna Robinson was last seen Wednesday morning leaving for Lewiston High School with her boyfriend, 18 year old Paul Wilkins Jr, but never arrived at school. Police said Saturday morning a friend of Robinson may have seen her on Ash Street on Thursday. However, no one has heard from Brianna Robinson since her disappearance.

Brianna Robinson_missing

Missing: 15 Year Old Brianna Robinson

Brianna Robinson was last seen at Lewiston High School with her boyfriend, Paul Wilkins Jr., 18.

On Saturday morning, police said a friend of Robinson may have seen her on Ash Street on Thursday, but her mother had yet to hear from Robinson.

Police described Robinson as 4 feet, 11 inches tall, with a thin build, brown hair and hazel eyes. She was last seen wearing a white Spider-Man tank top, blue skinny jeans, blue boots and a backpack.

Lewiston Police say while they are the only agency looking for Robinson at this point, her disappearance has been reported to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

If anyone has any information regarding Brianna Robinson, please contact Lewiston police at 207-513-3001.

Posted June 22, 2014 by
Missing Persons | no comments

19 Year Old Lance Cpl. US Marine Brandon Garabrant Prevented from Wearing His Marine Uniform During High School Graduation Last Year Has Been Killed In Afghanistan

These are the heroes that make up our US military … sadly we have lost another and so young.

19 year old US Marine Lance Cpl. Brandon Garabrant was killed by a roadside bomb Friday morning in Afghanistan. Just last hear Brandon Garabrant the powers that be at ConVal Regional High School in Peterborough, New Hampshire prevented Garabrant from wearing his Marine uniform at graduation. Garabrant was also a volunteer firefighter in Temple, New Hampshire. Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice. May you forever Rest in Peace.

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Lance Cpl. US Marine Brandon Garabrant…Rest in Peace

A Marine from New Hampshire has been killed in Afghanistan.

Lance Cpl. Brandon Garabrant, 19, was one of three U.S. service members killed by a roadside bomb Friday morning.

“The entire State of New Hampshire is devastated by the tragic loss of Lance Corporal Brandon Garabrant, who was bravely serving his nation in Afghanistan,” Governor Maggie Hassan said in a statement. “Our service men and women courageously sacrifice every day to protect their fellow citizens and defend the enduring value of freedom that is our very core, and in doing so, Lance Corporal Garabrant made the ultimate sacrifice.”

Garabrant graduated from ConVal Regional High School in Peterborough last year. He had requested to wear his uniform during graduation, but the school did not allow it.

More on the death of Lance Cpl. US Marine Brandon Garabrant who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Before becoming a Marine, Garabrant was a volunteer member of the Temple Fire Department, a police Explorer with the Peterborough Police Department and worked at Touchstone Farm in Temple.
In a statement, Gov. Maggie Hassan said the state was devastated by Garabrant’s death.

“As a volunteer firefighter and dedicated Marine, Lance Corporal Garabrant was committed to serving his fellow citizens, and he was tragically taken from us far too soon,” she said. “It is our responsibility as Granite Staters and Americans to come together to support his family and his community.”

Members of the congressional delegation also said the state would honor Garabrant.

“Our hearts are broken by the loss of Lance Corporal Brandon Garabrant, a true American hero who made the ultimate sacrifice for the country that he loved,” Sen. Kelly Ayotte said.

“Lance Corporal Brandon Garabrant was a hero in every sense of the word. He valiantly served our country and epitomized the bravery and sacrifice of every member of our armed forces for which we will be forever grateful,” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen said.

Rep. Paul Ryan Says to Arrogant IRS Commissioner John Koskinen … “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!”


US Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) ripped into IRS Commissioner John Koskinen during yesterday’s Ways and Means Committee Hearing on the investigation of the IRS targeting conservative non-profit groups and more specifically, the sudden revelation that former IRS head Lois Lerner’s emails disappeared due to a convenient hard drive crash. Ryan said to the arrogant and defiant  IRS Commissioner, “I don’t Believe You”.

It’s about time some one put the IRS in its place and defended the American people against this rogue agency.

“You are the Internal Revenue Service. You can reach into the lives of hardworking tax payers and with a phone call, an email or letter you can turn their lives upside down. You ask tax payers to hang on to 7 years of their person tax information in case they are ever audited and you cant keep 6 months worth of employee emails? And now that we are seeing this investigation you don’t have the emails, hard drives crashed. You learned about this months ago and you just told us and we had to ask you on Monday. This is not being forthcoming, this is being misleading again. This is a pattern of abuse, a pattern that does not give us any confidence that this agency is being impartial. I don’t believe you.”

VIDEO Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

The Politico:

A defiant IRS Commissioner on Friday refused to apologize for the loss of ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s emails, and said the agency produced what they could, at a combative hearing marked by accusations by Republicans of IRS deceit.

The meeting comes a week after the agency revealed that two years worth of emails to and from Lerner, the ex-official at the center of the tea party targeting controversy, were lost when her hard drive crashed in 2011.

“I don’t think an apology is owed,” chief John Koskinen told Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp after the Republican lawmaker asked for one at the first hearing on the email issue.

But of course the IRS claims they did not conceal anything and did not mislead the committee yet, as discussed at Hot Air, the White House notified of missing IRS e-mail 6 weeks before Congress?

Remember when IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform on March 26, 2014 and told Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) during the hearing that former IRS employee Lois Lerner’s emails were archived and not just necessarily in her sent box in Outlook. Koskinen said it would take a long time even as he argued whether he would would would not comply with the House subpoena.

Chaffetz asks IRS Commissioner: “Are you going to comply with subpoena?”

Watergate IRS-gate is a long way from over and the rate this is going with the Obama administration and their cronies attempting to stonewall and have the American people believe the improbable and the impossible, it is going to come to a head right around the 2016 elections.

Liz Cheney Says, There Is No Question That Barack Obama Is a Dangerous President

Barack Obama, a foreign policy failure …

Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz Cheney appeared on ‘The Kelly Files’ to discuss their recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal.  Megyn Kelly asked, “do you think that President Obama is dangerous?” Liz Cheney responded, “Yes, there is no question” Obama is a dangerous president when you look at the past six years.

Megyn Kelly: Do you think that President Obama is dangerous?

Liz Cheney: Yes… I think there is no question. I think he is unique in terms of a president who is sitting in the Oval Office who has made very clear his desire is to weaken the nation. And, whether you say it is his intent, whether you say it’s naivete you can now look at the result of the policy the last six and a half years and you got the black-clad terrorists of ISIS now taking over city after city after city in Iraq.

VIDEO Hat Tip – The gateway Pundit

Wall Street Journal Editorial by Dick and Liz Cheney – ‘The Collapsing Obama Doctrine’:

As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten Baghdad, thousands of slaughtered Iraqis in their wake, it is worth recalling a few of President Obama’s past statements about ISIS and al Qaeda. “If a J.V. team puts on Lakers’ uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant” (January 2014). “[C]ore al Qaeda is on its heels, has been decimated” (August 2013). “So, let there be no doubt: The tide of war is receding” (September 2011)

Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is “ending” the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality. Watching the black-clad ISIS jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America’s enemies are not “decimated.” They are emboldened and on the march.

The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the security of the United States. Mr. Obama’s actions—before and after ISIS’s recent advances in Iraq—have the effect of increasing that threat.

Read the rest HERE.

Daily Commentary – Friday, June 20, 2014 – Pope Francis is Ditching His Bullet Proof Popemobile

  • Saying that at his age, he doesn’t have much to lose, that whatever happens to him is up to God

Daily Commentary – Friday, June 20, 2014 Download

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