Sen. John McCain Questions Swap “Highest High-Risk” Terrorists as White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice Defends United States Negotiating with Terrorists over Exchange of GITMO 5 for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl


White House national security adviser Susan Rice went on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ with Candy Crowley to defend the Obama administration’s decision to exchange five GITMO “high risk” Taliban detainees for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Rice also spun the fact that the Obama administration broke the law in not notifying Congress 30 days prior that there was a negotiation in process. But of course, what difference does it make with this administration, all they do is break the law, thumb their nose at separations of power and The US Constitution. Let alone negotiating with terrorists. How and why would something like this be deemed so sensitive that Congress was not notified? ” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ “What does this tell the terrorists? That if you capture a U.S. soldier, you can trade that soldier for five terrorists Cruz called the prisoner swap “very disturbing.” 

White House national security adviser Susan Rice defended the Obama administration’s decision to exchange Guantanamo detainees for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, amid criticism that the United States negotiated with terrorists in the process.

She also said the “acute urgency” of Bergdahl’s health condition justified President Obama’s not notifying Congress beforehand that Bergdahl was being swapped for five Taliban detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

“What we did was ensure that, as always, the United States doesn’t leave a man or a woman on the battlefield,” Rice said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Susan Rice went on to parrot President Obama in saying, “What we did was ensure that, as always, the United States doesn’t leave a man or a woman on the battlefield.” However, there appears to be just one little problem with that statement … Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was not left on the battlefield, by all accounts he left his


From The Daily Caller: CNN’s Candy Crowley Grills Susan Rice: ‘Point Blank, Did The US Negotiate With Terrorists?’

Once again the Obama administration is playing games with words. Newsflash to Susan Rice by the associative property, if a=b and b=c then a=c, you negotiated with terrorists.

CNN host Candy Crowley pressed White House national security adviser Susan Rice on the Taliban prisoner swap conducted Saturday, asking “point blank, did the US negotiate with terrorists” in violation of its long-held policy?

Crowley spoke with Rice on Sunday about the exchange of five high-ranking Taliban detainees — two of which are accused of the mass murder of religious minorities in Afghanistan — for Army Sgt. Bowe Berghdahl, whom many claim was captured after deserting his post and walking into the Afghan wilderness in 2009.

Berghdahl was captured by the Haqqani network, a close ally of the Taliban and an acknowledged terrorist organization according to the State Department.

“Point blank, did the US negotiate with terrorists for his release?” Crowley asked.

“Candy, what we did was ensure that, as always, the United States doesn’t leave a man or woman on the battlefield,” Rice replied. “It’s very important for folks to understand, if we got into a situation where we said because of who has captured an American soldier on the battlefield, we will leave that person behind.”

John McCain went on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ and questioned the swap of “highest high-risk people” for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. McCain called the GITMO detainees, “These are the hardest of the hard core” and added that he was disturbed the Taliban named the prisoners they wanted in exchange for Bergdahl’s freedom.

Current and former U.S. officials welcomed the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan, but voiced concern about the release of five members of the Taliban who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay as part of a negotiated prisoner swap.

“These are the hardest of the hard core. These are the highest high-risk people, and others that we have released have gone back into the fight,” said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in an interview on “Face the Nation,” adding that he was disturbed the Taliban named the prisoners they wanted in exchange for Bergdahl’s freedom.

Daily Commentary – Monday, June 2, 2014 – Did the President Break the Law In Sgt. Bergdahls Prisoner Exchange?

  • Some top Republicans on the Senate and House armed services committees have accused him of just that

Daily Commentary – Monday, June 2, 2014 Download

Thanks Barack Obama: Taliban & Taliban’s Supreme Leader Mullah Omar Celebrate Release of Gitmo Detainees for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

Thanks Barack Obama … Isn’t this special, Taliban’s Supreme Leader Mullah Omar is celebrating the release of the GITMO 5 in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

The Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, hailed the release of the GITMO 5. Why shouldn’t Omar be elated, the 5 terror suspects freed by Obama administration over the weekend were labeled ‘high risk’ in 2008 Pentagon report. Are you serious, Obama exchanged 5 high risk Taliban terrorists for what appears by all accounts to be a deserter? Is it bad enough that the Obama administration just negotiated with terrorists, but compounded matters with selecting a potential deserter as their test case. UNREAL.

“I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the entire Afghan Muslim nation, all the mujahideen and to the families and relatives of the prisoners for this big victory regarding the release of five Taliban leaders from Guantanamo prison,” he said in a statement quoted by the AFP news agency.

It will be one year and one minute before these five Taliban terrorists are back on the terrorist battle field against the United States. Could Obama have done anything better to inspire the Taliban to continue the fight against America.

Mullah Omar

From the Islamic Eremite of Afghanistan:

Barack Obama and his misguided administration just created five Taliban rock stars.

We heartily congratulate the whole nation, Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate, particularly the kith and kin of the released ones that five heads of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan namely Mulla Muhammad Fazal Akhund, Mulla Noorulla Noori, Mulla Khairulla Khairkhwa, Mulla Abdul Haq Waseeq and Moulavi Muhammad Nabi who had been incarcerated for the last thirteen years in ‘Guantanamo Jail’ are released due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the heroic and courageous Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.

These five heads were released in the result of an indirect negotiation between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the United States mediated by Qatari government. They will remain with their families inside Qatar and will lead a normal life.

To get the preceding five heads released, it is worth mentioning that the Islamic Emirate handed over the American soldier to the US who was captive with us approximately for the last five years.

These five heads of the Islamic Emirate were handed over on Saturday at 07:00 pm Afghanistan standard time to the delegation of Qatar who has been waiting there in ‘Guantanamo Bay’ for the previous three days. This delegation, including five heads of the Islamic Emirate, left Guantanamo at 10:00 pm and will arrive in Qatar today Sunday. They will be received and welcomed by the Political Bureau of the Islamic Emirate inside Qatar and members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate. Similarly, the American prisoner ‘Bergdahl’ was handed over in the suburbs of ‘Khost’ province to the other side on Saturday at 07:00 pm Afghanistan standard time.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been taking all possible measures since long to get all the Afghan prisoners released whether they are incarcerated inside the country or outside and to let them enjoy a free and peaceful life.

In the future too, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is determined to get all the Mujahidin prisoners released as soon as possible. In this regard, we expect all the legal and human rights societies particularly the United Nations to share and accelerate their efforts with Afghan people and the Islamic Emirate on the basis of human sympathy so that all the incarcerated people are freed and their basic legal and human rights are safeguarded and they could lead an independent and peaceful life of their own accord.

EXIT QUESTION: How soon will the next kidnapping or abduction take place in the Middle East now that Obama has shown that he is willing to negotiate with terrorists in hostage swaps?

Lawyer Claims V. Stiviano, Former Donald Spirling Girlfriend, Assaulted in New York City … Called The ‘N Word’ By Group Of Assailants

V. Stiviano, the former gal pal of Donald Sterling whose tape recording of his racist rantings led to his lifetime NBA ban, was assaulted outside of a NYC hotel by two men. According to her attorney, the attack occurred around 7 pm Sunday as Stiviano was leaving a restaurant near the Gansevoort Hotel in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District.  V. Stiviano was attacked by two white men, about 5′ 7″ who were described as two white men who began to hit her, called her the N word and other disgusting slurs. Stiviano was taken to a doctor who examined her for possible injuries. She was in NYC to appear on CNN‘s Anderson Cooper 360 on Monday.


V. Stiviano, whose tape recording of Donald Sterling ranting against African-Americans led to his NBA lifetime ban, was assaulted by two men outside a New York hotel Sunday night, her lawyer told CNN.

The assault took place as Stiviano was leaving a restaurant by the Gansevoort Hotel with her sister and friends.

The men followed her, yelling racial slurs, said Stiviano’s attorney Mac Nehoray.

They punched her several times, leaving the right side of her face red and swollen, he said.

Stiviano didn’t immediately file a police report, because “she had to get out of there,” Nehoray said.

“I believe she will file a police report Monday,” he said.

Ann B. Davis, Alice Nelson of ‘The Brady Bunch’ Fame Dies at 88 … Rest in Peace

The most popular and beloved maid ever has passed away …

Ann B. Davis, who played Alice the maid on ‘The Brady Bunch’ has passed away at age 88.  According to Bexar County, TX  medical examiner’s investigator Sara Horne said Davis died Sunday morning at University Hospital. No cause of death was available and that an autopsy was planned Monday. As reported at FOX News, Bill Frey, a retired bishop and a longtime friend of Davis, said she suffered a fall Saturday at her San Antonio home and never recovered. TMZ reports, Davis fell in her bathroom early this morning and hit her head causing grave damage. She suffered a subdural hematoma and never regained consciousness.


Ann B. Davis, who played the lovable housekeeper Alice on “The Brady Bunch,” died Sunday morning. She was 88.

Her agent, Robert Malcolm, said that she fell in the bathroom and became comatose. She died at about 8:30 a.m. Sunday at a hospital in San Antonio, where she had lived with a minister friend and his wife.

Davis hadn’t worked in several years, Malcolm said, and she had been using a walker. He last spoke with her on her birthday, May 3.

“She was a really nice, a really lovely woman,” Malcolm said.

People Magazine:

Early baby boomers knew her as Charmaine “Schultzy” Schultz, the man-hungry receptionist on TV’s 1955-59 The Bob Cummings Show. Late baby boomers knew her as Alice Nelson, the eternally optimistic housekeeper on a 1969-74 slice of fantasy Americana called The Brady Bunch.

But no matter the character she played, actress Ann B. Davis, who died Sunday at 88, was unquestionably one thing to all audiences: lovable.

“All of us wish we had an Alice,” Davis told PEOPLE in 1992. “I wish I had an Alice.”

At the time, the actress, who was born (with an identical twin sister, Harriet) on May 3, 1926, in Schenectady, New York, was sharing a home in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, with an Episcopal bishop and his wife. She was dedicated to prayer and Bible study and said she was far more content than she ever had been in Hollywood.

She explained her spiritual self to the magazine with a memory from childhood.


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