State Senator Joni Ernst Wins GOP Iowa Primary Going Away … Faces Democrat Bruce Braley for Open Iowa Senate Seat

State Senator Joni Ernst wins Republican primary in Iowa,  set to face Democrat  Bruce Braley for US Senate race in pivotal battle in 2014 for the US Senate.

It did not take long last night after the polls closed in Iowa as the AP called the GOP US Senate primary for state senator Joni Ernst. With just 24% of precincts reporting, the AP made the call for Joni Ernst who had 53% of the vote, Conservative radio host Sam Clovis had 19%, businessman Mark Jacobs (R) had 17% and former U.S. Attorney Matt Whitaker (R) had 9%. However, by the time all the votes were counted Ernst would win the Iowa Republican senate primary by an even wider margin gaining 56.2% of the vote. Ernst easily cleared the 35 percent threshold necessary to avoid a convention nomination fight. Republican Joni Ernst will face Democrat Bruce Braley this November for the Iowa senate seat currently held by the retiring Democrat Sen. Tom Harkin.

Joni Ernst for US Senate

Iowa_2014 Primary

Joni Ernst, who highlighted her ability to shoot guns and castrate hogs to overcome disinterest in a sleepy primary election, tonight racked up enough votes to become the first female GOP U.S. Senate nominee in Iowa history.

The Associated Press called the race shortly before 10 p.m.

The 43-year-old farmer’s daughter turned state senator and military commander eclipsed the 35 percent necessary to claim victory over her four competitors, including retired businessman Mark Jacobs, who tried to overpower the rest of the field by self-funding his campaign with millions from his own wealth.

Vote for Jodi Ernst and let her trim the pork in Washington, DC … its a simple choice for Iowa voters.

Washington is full of big spenders, let’s make them squeal

“This campaign will come down to a very simple choice: our shared Iowa values, versus Bruce Braley’s liberal Washington values,” Ernst said.

According to the statement, Ernst, a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard who served a tour in Iraq, will start a statewide tour on Wednesday alongside Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds. She’s due to report for National Guard duty once that tour ends, the statement says without giving an exact time-frame.

Football Hall of Famer & Former Miami Dolphin QB Dan Marino Sues NFL Over Concussions (Update: Marino Withdraws from Concussion Lawsuit)


Hall of Famer and Miami Dolphin quarterback great Dan Marino is the latest to sue the NFL over concussions. According to court documents, a lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by Mariono and 14 other former NFL players. Marino and the other 14 plaintiffs join more than 4,800 others who have alleged the NFL misled players about the long-term dangers of concussions. The NFL has denied those claims. Although no specific symptoms are alleged for Marino in the lawsuit, it does contain language for the QB great, “On information and belief, the Plaintiff … sustained repetitive, traumatic sub-concussive and/or concussive head impacts during NFL games and/or practices.”


Dan Marino, the Hall of Fame member and former Miami Dolphins quarterback, last week sued the NFL over concussions, according to federal court records.

As the behind-the-scenes effort to gain approval for the proposed $765-million settlement of the concussion litigation continues, Marino and 14 other former players sued in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia.

At least 41 members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, or their estates, are among about 5,000 former players suing.

The 18-page complaint alleges the NFL concealed information about football-related brain injuries and misled players, claims that are similar to those made in more than 300 related lawsuits. The NFL has repeatedly denied such claims.

A federal judge rejected the proposed settlement of $765 million in January by the NFL, concerned about whether the settlement amount is sufficient for all affected players. To be honest, $765 does not even come close to what medical bills and treatment would cost over their lifetime. I am not even sure if $2 billion is adequate.

UPDATE I: As reported at CNN, Dan Marino is withdrawing his name from a lawsuit suing the NFL over concussions, saying he didn’t realize his name would be attached to the lawsuit. HUH? Well that’s mighty brave of him. I guess suing the NFL is bad for getting a job with the NFL. Profiles in courage.

Dan Marino, considered one of the greatest quarterbacks in National Football League history, is withdrawing his name from a concussion lawsuit against the NFL, according to published reports.

The news, first reported by the South Florida Sun Sentinel, comes a day after media reports that the Hall of Fame quarterback and 14 other players had filed a lawsuit that claims the NFL knew for years of a link between concussions and long-term health problems and did nothing about it.

Marino, 52, said he didn’t realize his name would be attached to the lawsuit.

“Within the last year I authorized a claim to be filed on my behalf just in case I needed future medical coverage to protect me and my family in the event I later suffered from the effects of head trauma,” the former Miami Dolphins star wrote in a statement published in the Sun Sentinel and on Sports Illustrated’s website.

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, June 3, 2014 – Ann B. Davis, Best Know as Alice From The Brady Bunch, Dies at Age 88

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Download

LIARS!!! Hmm, Remember When WH Mouthpiece Jay Carney Said in 2013 … No Bergdahl Decision Will Happen ‘Without Consulting Congress’


As reported at the Washington Free Beacon, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said nearly a year ago back on June 21, 2013 that no decisions about bringing about the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl through detainee transfer would be done “without consulting Congress.” My how times change. When the GITMO 5 were released from Guantanamo in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, Congress was not notified 30 days in advance as per the law that Carney stated the president would follow.

Imagine that, the Obama White House said one thing in 2013 and then something different today. This administration thinks it can do anything it damn well pleases and no one stops it. They keep pushing the envelop and no one slaps their hand. What does it say about a presidency that cannot tell the truth and has no respect for the US Constitution or the laws that the president is supposed to “faithfully” uphold?

Jay Carney remarks at the press briefing on June 21, 2013. Full transcript can be read HERE:

Q: Jay, going to back to Afghanistan, the Taliban has offered to release Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five members of the Taliban who are currently being held at Guantanamo Bay. Is this something that the administration is considering? Is this something that the President would agree to?

JAY CARNEY:  What I can tell you is that the main dialogue that we support is the dialogue between Afghans — between the Taliban and the Afghan government.  However, there are some issues that we would like to discuss with the Taliban directly, and this includes the safe return of Sergeant Bergdahl, who has been gone for far too long. We continue to call for and work toward his safe and immediate release.  We cannot discuss all the details of our efforts, but there should be no doubt that on a daily basis we are continuing to pursue — using our military, intelligence and diplomatic tools — the effort to return him home safely.  And our hearts are with the Bergdahl family. With regard to the transfer of Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay, we have made — the United States has not made the decision to do that, though we do expect the Taliban to raise this issue in our discussion, if and when those discussions happen. As we have long said, however, we would not make any decisions about transfer of any detainees without consulting with Congress and without doing so in accordance with U.S. law.

Q: So you haven’t ruled it out?

CARNEY:  I’m simply saying that — first of all, you have to separate the two issues.  We are focused on the return  — the safe and immediate return of Sergeant Bergdahl, and we continue to use the tools at our disposal to help bring that about. We also expect the Taliban to raise the issue of their detainees in discussions that we have with them if those discussions take place.  And at this time we’ve made no decisions about the transfer of detainees.  And in accordance with law, we would be consulting with Congress should we make any decisions about that.

Protein Wisdom opines, It’s okay to ask: Whose side is Obama on?

But back on topic:  we know Obama is no fan of the Constitution.  We know he doesn’t believe in or abide separation of powers.   We know he doesn’t respect border security or national sovereignty, having refused to enforce federal immigration law and having noted — at a West Point commencement address — that he won’t stop rogue states from acting because the US has refused, in the past, to cede its sovereign powers to the UN, a bureaucratic body made up mostly of representatives of socialist or totalitarian states and a long-time heartthrob of the trasnational progressive movement.  We know that he doesn’t value individual privacy, as the NSA scandal shows and as ObamaCare’s data collection requirements reinforce.  We know he doesn’t much care for the military, having gutted it as best he could, having shut down its memorials during the partial government shut down, and having slept through an attack that left Americans to perish in some African hellhole.  We know that he despises his political “enemies” more so than he does any foreign actor — showing far more contempt for the “teabaggers” than for the Muslim Brotherhood, whose members are more welcome in the White House than is Israel’s head of state.

CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin States President Barack Obama “Clearly Broke the Law” in Releasing Taliban Detainees from GITMO without giving Congress 30 Days Notice … Jonathan Turley Too

Two Liberal Lawyers say Barack Obama clearly broke the law …

CNN’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin stated yesterday on ‘The Situation Room’ with Wolf Blitzer that President Barack Obama “clearly broke the law” by failing to provide notice to Congress at least 30 days before trading five Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley also said on CNN that the White House broke the law by releasing five high-ranking Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without congressional notification.

“They did,” the professor replied matter-of-factly. “I don’t think that the White House is seriously arguing that they’re not violating federal law. And to make matters worse, this is a long series of violations of federal law that the president’s been accused of. … This is going to add to that pile. I don’t think there’s much debate that they’re in violation of the law.”

But as those Hillary Clinton likes to say, “what difference does it make?”


CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification.

“I think he clearly broke the law,” Toobin said. “The law says 30-days’ notice. He didn’t give 30-days’ notice.” Toobin added that Obama’s opinion expressed in a signing statement “is not law.”

“The law is on the books, and he didn’t follow it,” Toobin added.

Why should this come as a surprise to anyone that Barack Obama is willfully and purposely breaking the law? He defends the laws he likes and ignores the ones he doesn’t. This is what an Imperialist president looks like.

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