Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-D) Disappointed Lawmakers Not Given 30-Day Notice by Law by Obama Administration on Sgt. Bergdahl – Taliban 5 Swap


Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (CA-D) said yesterday of the  Obama administration that she was “very disappointing that there was not a level of trust sufficient” in failing to notify lawmakers 30 days’ notice about a deal to release five Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. She stated that National Deputy Security Adviser Tony Blinken called her Monday night “apologizing” for failing to notify lawmakers sooner. DIFI  referred to Blinken’s apology as an oversight. HAH! Oversight? How does the Obama administration go from Jay Carney stating explicitly in 2013 that Congress will be told in advance by law to no communication what-so-ever with the ranking Senate chair?


The Democrat Divide

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein took at shot at the Obama administration on Tuesday for failing to give lawmakers 30 days’ notice about a deal to release five Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the only POW from America’s war in Afghanistan.

“It’s very disappointing that there was not a level of trust sufficient to justify alerting us,” Feinstein told reporters in the Capitol.

A defense bill that President Obama signed into law in December 2013 requires that Congress be notified 30 days ahead of releasing prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.

Feinstein said that National Deputy Security Adviser Tony Blinken called her Monday night “apologizing” for failing to notify lawmakers sooner.

“He apologized for it and said it was an oversight,” Feinstein said. When asked whether he used the word “oversight,” Feinstein clarified: “In so many words, I can’t say. That was my impression.”

While the California Democrat says “the president certainly has an executive authority that he can use,” she also wants to know whether Bergdahl was a deserter, and she wants to know the terms of the deal with the Qatari government, which has pledged to keep the Taliban prisoners for a year. There will be a briefing Tuesday for Intel Committee members, and a closed Senate Armed Services Committee hearing next Tuesday about the swap.

Although, this is a Democrats reaction of moral and legal outrage toward the Obama administration and their actions … Are Democrats finally figuring out that Obama does not trust them either or care to include them in his imperial government?   Hot Air points out that despite the arguments offered by the White House that they needed Bergdahl back no matter how he’d been captured, Feinstein suggested that his status mattered in the equation. The American public reaction to this ill-advised prisoner swap will only serve to cause Democrats to further run away from Obama in the upcoming midterm elections.

CNN Poll: 58% Disapprove of Barack Obama’s Handling of the VA Scandal, As Some How 37% Approve


According to a recent CNN poll, Barack Obama get’s extremely poor scores on his handling of the Veterans Administration scandal.  The poll shows that a whopping 58% disapprove of Obama’s handing of the VA scandal, while only 37% approve. It is just the latest scandal during the Obama presidency as they are adding up more than the number of Americans gaining jobs. However, the VA scandal is just one of many important issues where Obama is failing Americans. Obama fails on the economy, 61% disapprove – 38% approve. Obama fails on healthcare 63% disapprove – 36% approve. Obama fails on foreign affairs 57% disapprove – 40% approve. Obama fails on the federal budget deficit 67% disapproval – 31% approval.

Nearly six in ten Americans give President Barack Obama a thumbs-down on how he is handling the Veterans Affairs controversy, according to a new national poll.

But a CNN/ORC International survey released Tuesday indicates that the scandal at VA hospitals doesn’t seem to be affecting the President’s overall approval rating, which remains at 43%, identical to the last CNN poll conducted a month ago. The survey also indicates that Obama scores some of his highest numbers on the environment and terrorism, two other issues in the spotlight this week.

According to the poll, 58% say they disapprove of how the President’s handling the VA scandal, with 37% saying they approve of Obama’s actions.

The Veterans Affairs controversy has mushroomed since CNN first reported last November on allegations of alarming shortcomings within the VA medical care system that potentially have had deadly consequences in dozens of cases.


Real Clear Politics: Poll: Majority Unhappy With Obama’s Handling of VA Woes.

Obama accepted VA Secretary Eric Shinseki’s resignation “with considerable regret” last week after a report by the VA inspector general found a longstanding pattern or wrongdoing by agency personnel.

Just 22 percent of those surveyed believe Shinseki should have remained in office, while 68 percent say he should have resigned.

Wait until America voices their opinion with Barack Obama on the release of alleged deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for 5 Taliban detainees in GITMO.

Obama State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf Suggests Fellow Soldiers Aren’t Reliable Sources on Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl


There comes a point and time when enough is enough.  That point was just reached with the Obama presidency.Yesterday, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf indicated, while answering media questions in the wake of the ill-advised Taliban prison swap for Sgt. Bergdahl, that she did not think that fellow soldiers were not a reliable source on Bergdahl’s walking away from his military unit. WHAT!!! Did she just call those soldiers who have spoken out against Bergdahl and called him a deserter, liars? Has the Obama administration no shame?

State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf engaged in a heated exchange Tuesday with a reporter over the circumstances surrounding Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl’s capture five years ago, saying she does not think his squad mates have the best idea of what happened when he disappeared.

When Fox News reporter Lucas Tomlinson asked, “Does the State Department consider Sergeant Bergdahl to be a deserter?” Harf replied, “The State Department — no, Lucas. Look, what we’ve said is we are going to learn the facts about what happened here.”

As if the economy and Obama’s handling of domestic issues was not bad enough over the past six years that has seen little to no recovery from the recession. Escalating federal debt out of control and a government takeover of the healthcare system that was never intended to provide care, but rather control. A foreign policy that has alienated our allies and emboldened our enemies. Scandals that has seen entities like the IRS purposely and willfully target Conservative organizations. Cover-ups in Benghazi where no one came to the aid of Americans in distress that left four Americans dead, including a US Ambassador.  A VA scandal that this administration knew about and ran on in 2008, yet did nothing. Now the Obama administration swaps 5 Taliban GITMO detainees for some one who many believe was a deserter. Now they are calling fellow military soldiers liars. ENOUGH!

Watch the VIDEO below from The Kelly File, of the shameful actions of the State Department spokesperson and Lt. Col. Ralph Peters reaction just lambasting her and the administration.

Transcript from the Gateway Pundit:  

FOX News reporter: Does the State Department consider Sgt. Bergdahl to be a deserter?

State Department spokesperson Marie Harf: No, Lucas, what we said is we are going to learn the facts on what happened here.

FOX News: According to those around him, his platoon-mates his squadron-mates said he walked off…

Harf: Lucas, some of them, there are conflicting reports out there about this.

FOX News: The guys on national television last night, his squad-mates, platoon-mates were not correct?

Harf: I’m saying we do not know the fact pattern yet. We don’t. Nobody knows exactly what happened that night.

FOX News: Well, I think that his squad-mates would have the best indication…

Harf: I don’t think that that’s the case.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was heard to be whispering to herself, what difference does it make.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, June 4, 2014 – White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Call’s it Quits

  • Jay Carney resigns after 3+ long years, longer than most

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Download

VIDEO: Taliban Release Video of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Handover

Thanks Barack Obama … What else can you possible screw up in the next two years? Do you still plan on spiking the football with this release of a soldier who by all accounts who deserted his fellow soldiers?

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