Polls Show Barack Obama Once Again on the Wrong Side of the American People with Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Swap for GITMO 5


The polls are in and they are not good for Barack Obama and Democrats. The American people are outraged over Obama’s unilateral deal, bypassing the law and not notifying Congress in advance, ans swapping five Taliban, GITMO detainees for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. A recent CBS poll shows that 45% of Americans disapprove of the deal, while just 37% approve. Also, most Americans, 56 percent, say the U.S. paid too high a price to secure Bergdahl’s release. The backlash against the so-called Commander in Chief is even worse with veterans as the number rises to 65%. The poll finds a clear majority, 72 percent, think President Obama should have notified Congress in advance, and that includes 55%  of people identifying themselves as Democrats.

Just over a week after U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was freed by the Taliban, a CBS News Poll shows 45 percent of Americans disapprove of the deal that saw him released in exchange for five Taliban militants, while 37 percent approve of it. About one in five do not have an opinion.

Views differ by political party: most Republicans disapprove of the deal, while just over half of Democrats approve. Among those who have served in the military, 55 percent disapprove of the prisoner swap.

Most Americans — 56 percent — say the U.S. paid too high a price to secure Bergdahl’s release. Among veterans, that figure rises to 65 percent.

A Pew Research Poll also shows that the public has doubts about the Bergdahl Prisoner Exchange.

Overall, 43% say it was the wrong thing for the Obama administration to exchange five Taliban prisoners for captive soldier Bergdahl, while fewer (34%) say it was the right thing to do; 23% do not offer an opinion.

Overall, 56% say the U.S. has a responsibility to do all it can to return an American captive soldier, no matter what the circumstances; 29% say that because Bergdahl left his post, the U.S. was not obligated to do all it could to secure his release.

Reactions to the Bergdahl case  are deeply divided along partisan lines. Fully 71% of Republicans think the prisoner exchange was the wrong thing to do, while just 16% say it was the right thing to do. Democrats, by more than two-to-one (55% to 24%), have a positive opinion of the agreement.

PEW_poll_6-9-2014_prisoner swap

Internal Audit of VA: More than 57,000 New Patients Had Waited at Least 90 Days for Their First Appointment

PATHETIC, Welcome to government run healthcare …

An internal audit of 731 Veteran Administration medical centers revealed that the VA scheduling scandal was as bad if not worse than we first thought. The VA said more than 57,000 new patients have waited at least 90 days for their first appointments. As reported at USA Today, some 100,000 veterans across the country are waiting long periods to see doctors.  Also, 13% of VA schedulers stated they were told to falsify appointment requests. The report also showed that employees at 24 sites said they felt “threatened or coerced” to enter incorrect information. Just curious, does the VA have a compliance department? Did anyone of these employees not feel the responsibility to come forward to a compliance officer and divulge the lack of ethics that was taking place? Where the hell is Attorney General Eric Holder and criminal charges against those responsible? This was not abuse, it was FRAUD!!!

VA Scandal

The Department of Veterans Affairs on Monday shed light on the depth of the VA scheduling scandal and substantiated claims that rank-and-file employees were directed to manipulate records.

The agency said more than 57,000 new patients have waited at least 90 days for their first appointments and that about 13 percent of VA schedulers indicated they were told to falsify appointment-request dates to give the impression that wait times were shorter than they really were.

The information comes from the agency’s internal audit of 731 VA medical centers, which the VA released Monday.

The report said that complicated scheduling practices created confusion among clerks and supervisors, contributing to the problems. It also said the VA’s goal of providing an initial appointment within 14 days of a request was unattainable because of the growing demand for care among veterans.

The inspector general’s report last month said VA data showed an average wait time of 24 days when the actual rate was 115 days on average, illustrating the effect of manipulating the records.

Tennessee: Wait times at Midstate VA hospitals longest in nation.

Veterans hoping to see a doctor for the first time in the VA’s Nashville and Murfreesboro hospitals wait an average of 65 days to see a physician, well beyond the 14-day target window put in place by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs officials, according to data released to USA Today.

Pennsylvania VA clinic fifth worst for mental health care appointments in the nation.

The Philadelphia VA had 1,141 new enrollees wait more than 60 days for an appointment, while Pittsburgh had 443. But Pittsburgh had the longest wait time for new enrollees, at almost 60 days. The figure for Philadelphia was about 43 days, while Erie was 21.

The VA released the nationwide audit today, the first look at its network in the uproar that began with reports of patients dying while awaiting appointments at the Phoenix VA center. The audit found long wait times across the country for patients seeking first appointments.

Several other states fared far worse than the Pennsylvania clinics. The VA in Honolulu, Hawaii, had the longest wait at 145 days, followed by Harlingen, Texas, at 85 days and Fayetteville, North Carolina, at 83 days.

Barack Obama has the audacity to show up in Normandy on the 70th anniversary of D-Day and pretend like he cares as veterans are treated like this? America, he knew there was a problem.

Judge Jeanine Pirro Blasts Barack Obama for the Bowe Bergdahl Fiasco and Demands for Obama’s Impeachment … “Mr. President, You are Destroying This Country”


Over the weekend in her opening monologue Judge Jeanine Pirro blasted President Barack Obama for the release of the GITMO 5, the five high ranking Taliban terrorists, in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. But this may have just been the final straw of many scandals and reprehensible acts against the military that question whether Obama is a real Commander in Chief.

Pirro went on to shred Obama in saying the following: “And make like you respect the military.  You call yourself a Commander in Chief, but what Commander in Chief does not support a surge but sends in 40,000 troops anyways? What Commander in Chief reduced benefits to those in the military, closed the Veteran War Memorial, reduced the army to pre-WWII levels, knowingly allows veterans to die in our hospitals. While replenishing the enemy in a time of war. Mr. President, you are destroying this country.”

Jeanine Pirro concluded with, “You are not a true Commander in Chief. We impeached a President for lying about sex with an intern. Your actions are far more egregious. demand impeachment.”

Mr. President, you did not just release them [GITMO 5] … you unleashed them!!!

Daily Commentary – Monday, June 9 2014 – Suspect in the First Degree Murder of Three Canadian Mounties Needs no Publicity

Daily Commentary – Monday, June 9. 2014 Download

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