BUHS Salutatorian Brooks Hamby Was Told Not to Talk About Christianity, He Used His First Amendment Rights and Did It Anyway

KUDOS … this graduating high school senior is wise beyond his years . Brooks has learned at an early age what many people never do, the only way to beat oppression is to stand up to it. Take a good look what American exceptionalism looks like. Having your voice and opinions squelched is not what education is supposed to be. This kid just taught all in the audience, even the parents, stand up and fight for what you know is right.

“In life, you will be told, ‘No.’ In life you will be told to do things that you have no desire to do. In life, you will be asked to do things that violate your conscience and desire to do what is right.”

The Blaze:

“In coming before you today, I presented three drafts of my speech, all of them denied on account of my desire to share with you my personal thoughts and inspiration to you: my Christian faith,” Hamby said. “In life, you will be told, ‘No.’ In life you will be told to do things that you have no desire to do. In life, you will be asked to do things that violate your conscience and desire to do what is right.”

As the crowd started to murmur, Hamby gave his advice: “No man or woman has ever truly succeeded or been fulfilled on the account of living for others and not standing on what they knew in their heart was right or good.”

He then quoted from “the biggest best-selling book of all-time in history” — the Bible.

Gallup Poll: Obama’s Job Appoval Falls to 40% Approval and 55% Disapproval Amid Disasterous Domestic & Foreign Policy Failures and Scandals

Could this be the true beginning of the end for Barack Obama’s job approval ratings?

The most recent Gallup 3-day rolling average of Barack Obama’s job approval numbers have him at a disastrous 40% approval and 55% disapproval, or -15%.  Have the Obama failures in foreign and domestic policy final caught up with him? The US still has an anemic job recovery and now Americans are seeing the Middle East fall apart as ISIS takes more and more cities in Syria and now Iraq.  Add the all too numerous scandals, including the recent Friday revelation that the IRS lost Lois Lerner’s emails, of the Obama administration and we have an Obama administration that is as toxic as ever. Let us not forget the VA scandal.

Look for Obama’s numbers to crater even more as the lost Lerner emails are looking way too much like the lost 18 1/2 minutes of the Nixon tapes.

Gallup poll_Obama_061514

Real Clear Politics average job approval polling has Obama’s approval at 42.3% and disapproval at 54.0% or -11.7%.

Are You Serious … Democrats Celebrated Flag Day in United States By Tweeting Out Non-American Flag


So this is how the Democrat party shows it’s love for America, eh? On Twitter stating Happy Flag Day while showing a picture of a child with who knows what flag or banner. What it is not is Old Glory. Instead of honoring the American Flag, but instead attempt to make a political statement in light of the controversy surrounding the child refugee system at the border.

The Democrats

This is the official Twitter account of the Democratic Party. Follow our tweets to get the latest info on Democratic news, issues, and events.

Democrats_Flag Day

Twitter – @TheDemocrats

The Daily Caller – Democrats Celebrated Flag Day By Tweeting Out Non-American Flag:

In a picture sent out from the official Twitter account of the Democrats on Saturday, a young Hispanic boy appears to be holding some kind of flag or banner that has the colors of Old Glory, but clearly isn’t Old Glory.

The image is likely seen as a political statement in light of the controversy surrounding the recent arrival of thousands of unaccompanied children coming across the Mexican border into the United States from Central America.

However, many on Twitter are not amused:

Flag Day Tweets

United States To Evacuate Baghdad Embassy Staff … Relocating Some to Facilities in Jordan, Ebril, and Basra

As Barack Obama golfs, fund-raises and makes speeches on global warming … Iraq is falling to terrorists and the US is evacuating the Baghdad Embassy.

Iraq is collapsing and the Obama administration knows it. The US is now evacuating staff from the Baghdad Embassy as ISIS terrorists get closer and closer. The State Department did not say how many staffers would be temporarily “relocated” to facilities in Jordan, Ebril, and Basra, sites not currently being threatened by insurgent violence.  The State Department on Sunday said the US would remain “fully equipped to carry out its national security mission” in Iraq despite the evacuation of some embassy workers, as Republicans slammed the Obama administration over the growing Middle East crisis. Temporary relocated? We shall see because if ISIS gets much closer there is going to be an airlift reminiscent of Vietnam.

But as ISIS gets closer to Baghdad, Obama dithers …

June 12 - Terrorists Stealing Control of Iraq

The US embassy in Baghdad is evacuating personnel and increasing military security after militants captured vast swathes of territory and advanced toward the capital, officials said Sunday.

It was unclear how many staff members would be evacuated from the mission. Located within the heavily fortified Green Zone that houses much of the international presence in the city, the US embassy is the largest in the world.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the staff would only be “temporarily relocated” to US consulates in Basra in the south and Arbil in the northern Kurdish territories. Neither area is currently threatened by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant militants.

Thanks Barack, as more bad news comes out of Iraq, Brent crude futures were back above $113 Sunday evening as trading opened. But of course that is what Obama wants, high gas prices so he can push his so-called green agenda.

The London-traded contracts were up as much as $0.94 as the U.S. ordered Iraq embassy workers out of the country as Sunni insurgents continued their march toward Baghdad. There were also unconfirmed reports the ISIL militia had taken control of a refinery 145 miles northwest of Baghdad.

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