Al Sharpton Wants Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Axed and Have NBA to Strip Him of the L.A. Clippers for Racist Comments… ‘Prepared to Rally In Front of NBA’


Hypocrite and opportunist Al Sharpton is at it again …

Al Sharpton says that the NBA should strip LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling of his basketball team because of  his racist comments. Sharpton stated that, “No one should be allowed to own a team if they have in fact engaged in this kind of racial language.” Hmm, does that mean that others who make racist comments, no matter what their color, should have their livelihoods, jobs and companies taken away as well? What Sterling did was repulsive and disgusting and I certainly do not defend the ignorant and easily manipulated bigot, but should people’s property be forcibly taken from them? That is a terrible precedent to set and does it go both ways? Although I guess Sterling could go the way of former MLB owner of the Cincinnati Reds Marge Schott following her “Hitler” comments.

Where was Al Sharpton demanding this same action when Donald Sterling was sued by the federal government for violating the Fair Housing Act based on race when his company refused to rent to African-American prospective tenants and misrepresented the availability of apartment units to African-American prospective tenants in the Beverly Hills section of Los Angeles? Hell, just the other day you All were going to be both attending Los Angeles NAACP 100th Anniversary gala where Donald Sterling was going to receive a lifetime achievement award.

Sharpton said, “No one should be allowed to own a team if they have in fact engaged in this kind of racial language.” He then added his often repeated threat of mobilizing a protest:

We are prepared at National Action Network to rally in front of the NBA headquarters if this matter is not immediately dealt with.


 I am pretty certain that the market will have a way of working this out. The NBA commissioner may suspend Sterling from operations, but to take away his team may not be in his power. That being said, what player would ever want to play for this man, white, black, Hispanic, Asia, European, or whatever.  It is pretty hard to own a team with no players.

Mr. Sharpton, you know what they say about people in glass houses and stones, right? Just curious Al, should individuals also lose their livelihood and never be heard from ever again when they take part in a phoney rape hoax accusation against a police officer?

UPDATE I: NBA Commissioner Adam Silver Bans for Life Clippers Owner Donald Sterling from NBA … Pushes to ‘Force Sale’ of Team Over Racist Comments.

UPDATE II: Thank you to Fox and Eric Bolling for the link … ‘Donald Sterling is a racist and liberal media are hypocrites‘.

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  • Comments

    8 Responses to “Al Sharpton Wants Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Axed and Have NBA to Strip Him of the L.A. Clippers for Racist Comments… ‘Prepared to Rally In Front of NBA’”

    1. super dave on April 28th, 2014 12:41 pm

      aw, it’s Al the crackhead FBI informant.

    2. T.j. on April 28th, 2014 6:52 pm

      Did Al Sharpton know he and Donald Sterling were both set to receive awards from the LA NAACP and their names were printed on the same Info card?

      Al always says let others know how you feel. Well here is how I feel:Could you have been unaware of sterling’s past racism?

      Is this possible?

      I would like to hear Sharpton respond to this?

      How could an outspoke leader be this ignorant and willing to ignor a racist for another worthless pat on the back?

    3. rob on April 29th, 2014 8:52 am

      Sterling could write 2 checks,one for Sharpton and one for Jackson, and this matter would be quickly cleared up.

    4. Donald Sterling is a racist and liberal media are hypocrites | News on April 29th, 2014 11:36 am

      [...] Why would Al Sharpton agree to headline the same dinner honoring a racist like Sterling? (Check out the invitation to the dinner here.) [...]

    5. Cel on April 29th, 2014 12:24 pm

      Al you have marched and stood for many unjust situations. Why would you affiliate yourself with Donald Sterling,(a known racist and a slavery mentality of the Black Man?) It is a disgrace and hyprocrisy that you and the NAACP support and honor the very behavior and attitude that helps to over populate our prisons with Blacks and could care less about your stance on unjustice and/or the Mission of the NAACP. Overall, when you are not Sincere about what you Stand for you

    6. e baldanza on April 29th, 2014 1:24 pm

      what ever happened to the first amendment, freedom of speech?

    7. NBA, Liberal, Black, and Media Hypocrites » RickMick | RickMick on April 29th, 2014 3:42 pm

      [...] “Why would Al Sharpton agree to headline the same dinner honoring a racist like Sterling? (Check out the invitation to the dinner here.) [...]

    8. The Rise of Thought Crimes and Racist Poker | askmarion on May 2nd, 2014 3:29 am

      [...] he knew all about Donald Sterling’s prior problems with race, Rev Al was more than willing to headline the NAACP dinner that was scheduled to honor Sterling. What does that say about Rev Al? We already know what it says [...]

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