“Sacrilege” and an “Abomination” … Claremont United Methodist Church in California Replaces Baby Jesus in Nativity Scene with Bloody, Hooded Trayvon Martin (VIDEO)


The Claremont United Methodist Church, about 30 miles east of Los Angeles, California, and John Zachary, the individual behind the “artistic interpretation,”  has managed to infuriate many with their depiction of the Nativity scene this Christmas season by replacing the baby Jesus with Trayvon Martin. Yup … because some how I get the two of them confused all off the time. I just have two words, “Sacrilege” and an “Abomination”!!! All in the name of “artistic interpretation” these fools have managed to desecrate the Birth of Christ by replacing the innocence of the Baby Jesus, the son of God, Our Savior with the hoody-wearing, Trayvon Martin, slumped over, shot in the chest with blood pouring out on to the ground. UNREAL. Wow, because some how Trayvon Martin is supposed to symbolize the innocence of a child, really? Who knew the drug using, pot smoking, middle finger displaying, gun carrying, school skipping, gangsta fightin’ thug was so innocent. Oh that’s right, those pics were not immiscible.

One does not even know where to begin here. In the name of “social justice” they would do such sacrilege. But such things are perfectly okay, because while defaming the birth of Christ, there is a liberal message. You can poke others in the eye, but then cry foul when there is an overwhelming negative response. In the past,  Zachary has depicted Mary and Joseph as a modern-day homeless couple; as Mexicans stopped by the U.S.-Mexico border fence; as Iraq War refugees; and in 2010, just Mary by herself, as a black woman in prison with her baby. What, you mean that they have not portrayed Mary and Joseph as Michelle and Barack Obama? Or is that next year?


Image – From YouTube VIDEO

On the lawn of a Claremont church, just like at many churches at this time of year, cutouts of wise men on camelback head toward a makeshift stable, a meager wooden structure where Mary and Joseph have huddled inside.

But instead of an infant Jesus cradled in his mother’s arms, the Nativity at Claremont United Methodist Church — the creation of congregant and artist John Zachary — features a depiction of Trayvon Martin slumped over in his hoodie, a pool of his blood spreading over a bed of straw.

For several years, Zachary has brought his artistic interpretations of the Nativity — as well as the occasional controversy — to the church, as he used a scene that traditionally conveys themes of joy and innocence to spread messages of social justice. Over the last few years, his installations have touched on homelessness, poverty and acceptance of gay families.

He decided over the summer that this year’s scene would include the Florida teenager whose shooting death captured the nation’s attention. Zachary said he wanted to draw a parallel between rampant gun violence and the dark time in which Jesus was born.

“He was, in my view, an innocent child like the innocent children killed by King Herod,” Zachary, 57, said of Martin. “I think the Nativity has to be relevant to our time. I think Jesus is a symbol of hope and I think he has to be seen in today’s context.”

Want to get even more outraged, watch the VIDEO below of John Zachary attempted to explain his twisted and deranged logic of his interpretation meant to shock people. Sorry, but this is not supposed to be thought provoking, it is just meant to be PROVOKING! Just curious, why is innocent gun violence depicted as Trayvon Martin? If one is going to go this route, wouldn’t true innocent lives lost at the hands of gun violence be the 20 children that were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School?

In the VIDEO below check out the shirt that John Zachary is wearing … Islam convert Mohammed Ali, hmm, I think some one just lost a bit of credibility.

Zachary,57, told media he added the slain teenager’s likeness this year to show the parallel between rampant gun violence and the dark time Jesus was born in.

“He was, in my view, an innocent child like the innocent children killed by King Herod,” Zachary told the Los Angeles Times. “I think the Nativity has to be relevant to our time. I think Jesus is a symbol of hope and I think he has to be seen in today’s context.”

Check Out their Facebook page with comments of individuals who are outraged and disgusted. But what else should we expect from a Hollywood production designer? Next year I guess the Baby Jesus will be replaced with Mohammed. I can’t wait until 2016 when Mary and Joseph will be Bill and Hillary Clinton and the baby Jesus will be the Obamamessiah. According to accounts, Zachary’s 2011 Nativity display included depictions of gay couples and was vandalized and investigated by police as a hate crime. Imagine that … because there is nothing hateful about depicting Mary and Joseph as a gay couple, now is there?


UPDATE I: Just how irresponsible and factually incorrect is it to some how portray Trayvon Martin as the symbol of innocence lost at the hands of gun violence when a the VIDEO below shows, Trayvon was no stranger to guns, fighting and drugs.

The text messages include a conversation from November 2011 in which he appears to say his mother has kicked him out of the house after “da police caught me outta skool.”

“So you just turning into a lil hoodlum,” the person with whom he is texting says.

“Naw, I’m a gangsta,” the text message read.

In other messages, text message exchanges appear to be discussing guns.

“U wanna share a .380 w/ (blacked out),” one text message sent from Martin’s phone reads.

Second Suicide Terror Bombing in Less Than 24 Hours in Volgograd Russia Kills 14 People Trolley Bus

Just ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi Russia … What will security be like for the Winter Games?

A second terrorist suicide bomb in Volgograd Russia in less than 24 hours ripped through a trolleybus Monday morning killing 14 and injuring at least 28 people. The bomb detonated in a trolleybus, packed with morning commuters, at about 8:10 a.m. local time and was the second suicide terror attack in less than 24 hours. Just yesterday a suicide bomber at a train station in Volgograd killed at least 14. The latest updated number of deaths fronm the train station is now at 16. As reported at USA Today, no one immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing in Volgograd, but it came several months after Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov called for attacks against civilian targets in Russia, including the Sochi Games.


A fatal bomb explosion ripped apart a trolleybus in Volgograd on Monday morning, killing at least 14 people and injuring 28, in the second terrorist attack in the southern Russian city in less than 24 hours.

Several of the wounded, who officials said included a six-month-old infant, are in serious condition.

Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said that investigators believe a male suicide bomber carried out the attack, which he said was linked to another fatal bombing in the city on Sunday afternoon.

Authorities believe the first explosion, which killed 17 people and injured more than 40 at the Volgograd-1 railway station, was also the work of a suicide bomber.

Markin said that remains of both suspected bombers, which were recovered at the scenes, are undergoing DNA testing.

Monday’s blast marks the third such attack in Volgograd in two months, and comes just weeks before Russia is due to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in February in the city of Sochi.

The bomb detonated in a trolleybus, packed with morning commuters, at about 8:10 a.m. (0410 GMT), the Investigative Committee said.

UPDATE I: Successive suicide bombings in Russia kill over 30.

Together more than 30 people were killed in the explosions, putting the city of one million on edge and highlighting the terrorist threat Russia is facing as it prepares to host February’s Winter Games in Sochi, President Vladimir Putin’s pet project. While terrorists may find it hard to get to the tightly guarded Olympic facilities, the bombings have shown they can hit civilian targets elsewhere in Russia with shocking ease.

Volgograd, located about 650 kilometers (400 miles) northeast of Sochi, serves as a key transport hub for southern Russia, with numerous bus routes linking it to volatile provinces in Russia’s North Caucasus, where insurgents have been seeking an Islamic state.

Levi’s Call, Georgia Amber Alert Issued for 6 Year Old Ominka Fisher from Jacksonville, FL Abducted by Charity Chapman … Amber Alert & Arrest Warrant Issued for Charity Chapman in Florida (Update: 6 Year Old Ominka Fisher Found Safe, Chapman Arrested)


Onnika Fisher_amber alert

The GBI has issued a Levi’s Call, the equivalent of Georgia’s AMBER ALERT for 6 year old Ominka Fisher from Jacksonville, Florida. Ominka Fisher has been missing since Friday, December 28 when she was kidnapped by her mother. An arrest warrant has been issued for Charity Chapman for the abduction/kidnapping of Ominka Fisher. Florida had previously issued an Amber Alert for the missing child on Friday. According to WTEV-47, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement issued an Amber Alert around 8:30 on Friday night, about three hours after Chatman abducted her daughter from the Jewish Family & Community Services Center in Lakewood.

DCF said Charity Chatman lost custody of her daughter about six weeks ago, at around the same time she received an injunction for protection against repeat violence by a woman in Atlantic Beach.


A Levi’s Call was issued Sunday afternoon for Onnika Fisher of Jacksonville. The girl is described as African American with brown eyes, standing nearly 4 feet tall and weighing about 50 pounds. She was last seen wearing a pink jacket with white polka dot lining and blue jeans.

Authorities believe Onnika is traveling with Charity Chatman, 39, of Jacksonville. Chatman is described as African American with brown eyes, and about 5-8 and approximately 200 pounds. She is thought to be driving a dark green 2000 Buick Century with Ohio plates, FPA4958.

Onnika Fisher_Charity Chapman_AmberAlert

6 Year Old Ominka Fisher (left) –  Charity Chapman (rt)

UPDATE I: Taken by Mother With History of Mental Illness.

Chatman, who has a history of mental illness, does not have legal custody of the child and took her Friday afternoon during a supervised visit, reported WOKV. She is known to frequent hotels, particularly Red Roof Inns, according to a tweet from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office

Call 911 if you see them. Call Crime Stoppers at 866-845-TIPS to remain anonymous. You could get a cash reward of up to $3,000 if your tip leads to an arrest.

UPDATE II: Update: Missing Jacksonville girl Onnika Fisher found safe.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s office has reported that Onnika Fisher, abducted by her mother, Charity Chatman, on Friday afternoon, has been found unharmed during a traffic stop in Perry, Ga. A warrant had been issued for Chatman’s arrest for interference with custody, according to the Sheriff’s Office and an Amber Alert was issued.

Chatman is behind bars in the Houston County Detention Center awaiting extradition, according to the jail website. Perry is just south of Macon.

NY Times Goes in the the Tank for Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton … Revisionist History Report Says Al-Qaeda Not Linked to Benghazi Attack & Was Fueled by Anti-Islam Video

All hands liberal MSM on deck … its time to shill for Obama and namely protect Hillary Clinton for 2016 … Benghazi-gate, What Benghazi-gate?

The NY Times reported this morning that Al Qaeda was not linked to the Benghazi consulate attack that killed four Americans, including US Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Instead, the attack was led by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. However, most astonishingly, the Times was back touting that the attack was “fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.” GOOD GRIEF. Hmm, doesn’t the Times realize that Hillary Clinton is already on record that in September of last year, Clinton suggested the attack was the work of Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda affiliates?

Darrell Issa disputes NY Times Propaganda Piece on Benghazi and tries to educate a bias NBC ‘Meet the Press’ David Gergory

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

A fuller accounting of the attacks suggests lessons for the United States that go well beyond Libya. It shows the risks of expecting American aid in a time of desperation to buy durable loyalty, and the difficulty of discerning friends from allies of convenience in a culture shaped by decades of anti-Western sentiment. Both are challenges now hanging over the American involvement in Syria’s civil conflict.

The attack also suggests that, as the threats from local militants around the region have multiplied, an intensive focus on combating Al Qaeda may distract from safeguarding American interests.

In this case, a central figure in the attack was an eccentric, malcontent militia leader, Ahmed Abu Khattala, according to numerous Libyans present at the time. American officials briefed on the American criminal investigation into the killings call him a prime suspect. Mr. Abu Khattala declared openly and often that he placed the United States not far behind Colonel Qaddafi on his list of infidel enemies. But he had no known affiliations with terrorist groups, and he had escaped scrutiny from the 20-person C.I.A. station in Benghazi that was set up to monitor the local situation.

You thought the MSM was in the tank for Obama? You haven’t seen nuthing yet. They will be all-in, all the time for Hillary Clinton from now until the 2016 presidential election. The Libs in the MSM now have to make up for a weakened, scandal plagued, dishonest and untrustworthy lame duck Barack Obama, the lie and disaster that is Obamacare and an anemic economy. So why not start with as Powerline calls it, some revisionist history on Benghazi. It would appear that we have found Hilary’s weak spot and the MSM must now cover it up … but what difference does it make?

The Times stops short of claiming that the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi was “spontaneous.” It says, instead, that the attack was not “meticulously planned.”

That may or may not be true. But the quality of the planning — good enough, as it turned out — seems irrelevant. Again, what matters is that the State Department should have been prepared for the attack and taken action accordingly. This the New York Times does not dispute.

It also matters that the Obama administration’s account of the attack, per Susan Rice, was inaccurate even if one accepts the Times’ dubious reporting. The Times acknowledges this, though it chooses to characterize Rice’s account as just a “misstatement.”

The adequacy or inadequacy of the Obama administration’s response as the Benghazi attacks unfolded also matters. So does the treatment of those in the State Department who have dared to question Hillary Clinton’s actions relating to Benghazi.

Whatever else the Times story demonstrates, I believe it shows that this story won’t go away as long as Hillary Clinton aspires to be president.

UPDATE I: House Intelligence chair, Rep. Mike Rogers, (R-Mich): Benghazi attack ‘Al Qaeda-led event.

The 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya was an “Al Qaeda-led event” according to multiple on-the-record interviews with the head of the House Intelligence Committee who receives regular classified briefings and has access to the raw intelligence to make independent assessments.

“I will tell you this, by witness testimony and a year and a half of interviewing everyone that was in the ground by the way, either by an FBI investigator or the committee: It was very clear to the individuals on the ground that this was an Al Qaeda-led event. And they had pretty fairly descriptive events early on that lead those folks on the ground, doing the fighting, to the conclusion that this was a pre-planned, organized terrorist event,” Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., told Fox News in a November interview.

“Not a video, that whole part was debunked time and time again,” Rogers added of the attack which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, “which just leads to questions of why the administration hung with that narrative for so long when all the folks who participated on the ground saw something different.”

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik Accuses Attorney Joe Tacopina of Fraud, Deceit and Misrepresentation … Yes, Same Atty Tacopina Who Defended Joran Van der Sloot

Look who’s name is back in the news … Joe Tacopina.

Former New York Police commissioner Bernard Kerik has filed a complaint before the disciplinary committee of the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division for the First Judicial Department and has accused attorney Joe  Tacopina of “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, and/or misrepresentation” Imagine that? The complaint includes allegations that Joe Tacopina cooperating with federal prosecutors and revealing information crucial to Kerik’s defense to the government without informing or receiving consent from his client. Kerik also alleges that his freedom was jeopardized by Tacoipina’s contacting Kerik in late 2007 after his federal indictment in violation of the conditions of his bail.


Remember this blast from the past from Vanderbilt?

It was June 30, 2006, and Kerik had just pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges. The former top cop admitted accepting a $165,000 gift of apartment renovations seven years before from an allegedly mob-tied company seeking to do business with the city.

Tacopina assured his client that his legal troubles were over and he was free to focus on his security consulting business in the Middle East.

Privately, Kerik’s friends say, Tacopina described the violations this way: “Like pissing on the sidewalk.”
Two years later, Kerik was federal inmate No. 84888-054, sitting in a Maryland cell and wondering if the slick defense attorney helped the feds put him behind bars.

Kerik, a 9/11 hero and one of the most decorated police commissioners in New York City history, is now a free man looking for answers.

Kerik, in a bar complaint filed Friday, accused Tacopina of engaging in “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, and/or misrepresentation” — along with a list of explosive legal abuses:

Joe Tacopina fires back and responds to Kerick’s accusations,“This is such bullsh*t, reheated dog food.”

UPDATE I: Misrepresentation, say it isn’t so. But most will remember Joe Tacopina from his days of defending Joran Van der Sloot, the Dutch teen who most all sane thinking people believe had something to do with Natalee Holloway’s disappearance and death in Aruba in 2005. Watch below, yet another blast from the past with Joe Tacopina, Steve Cohen and Red discussing the Natalee Holloway investigation and those last with her, Joran Vander Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe on Court TV.

Hear Joe Tacopina do a 180 and actually agree with Red’s point of view regarding the Aruban justice system. Hear Aruban spokes person Steve Cohen agree with Red that the case was blown in the beginning. That is a far cry from what we are hearing today where people are blaming Natalee’s family for the cases failure.

Steve Cohen:Thanks Red, by the way … Red’s been probably one of the best journalists on this whole case through all of it. We have always appreciated having him around and reading what he says.

RED:The outrage that the people have is not, we don’t base it off of an American standard. We base it off of what we have learned what is the Aruban Dutch standard … Its actually a much more easier process because you can arrest someone for suspicion of murder.

Joe Tacopina:Well you know Red raises a good point, if you compare to their standards, the Dutch-Aruban standards, it was blown in that regard because they do have different laws and they do allow you to be detained on suspicion.

Steve Cohen:The misses opportunities happened within the first 48 hours … But I will agree with Red, there is no question that the physical evidence that existed at that point which was critical in solving this case either disappeared or was not there.

When Joran Van der Sloot confessed to the murder of Natalee Holloway, Aruba set him free … but when he confessed to the murder of Stephany Flores, Peru found him guilty and sentenced him in prison for 28 years.

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